November 7, 2023 Election

Information on the November 7 election Denver School Board candidates and state ballot questions are available at the following link. Ballots will be mailed out beginning October 16, 2023.

November 7, 2023 Denver Election Information

Homeless in Denver

Just when you thought you have heard it all. Here comes a “Pop Up Bar for the Homeless.”

CBS News - Homeless Pop Up Bar Story

Denver Mayor Johnston proposes $242 million for homeless in 2024 Budget. With an estimated 8,000 homeless persons in Denver, that works out to $30,250 per person. This is just more of the same and still not about resolving the problem. Compare that to the total Denver police budget for 2024 of $282 million. 

Denver Budget - Greeley Tribune Article

Here is a link to the total 2024 Denver Proposed Budget. Beware it is 770 pages long.

Proposed 2024 Denver Budget (PDF File)

Polis being Himself

From Governor Polis in the vain of I don’t like it, so I will just issue an order. You can bet it will not be long before he comes checking for yard tools in your garage or shed.

CBS News - Polis Story

They Fear Trump

We don’t like him, so they will fix it so you can’t vote for him. Apparently, it does not matter to them that Trump has not been convicted of anything. So much for the presumption of “innocence until proven guilty.” Here is a link to their lawsuit filing.

Trump Primary Election Lawsuit (PDF File)

The Colorado Republican Party has filed a motion to intervene in the case.

Motion to Intervene (PDF File)

Complaint in Intervention (PDF File)

Colorado Newest Communist Legislator

Denver, meet your new House District 4 state representative: Tim Hernandez. 

"Your [communist] theory will not save you. The revolution… will happen in the hood. It will not be led by who understand Lenin best, it will not be led by the deepest Marxists. The revolution will be led by the people…. And I say all of this because I'm a teacher." 

Hernandez - Fox News Story


Colorado Presidential Primary Election

Tuesday, March 5, 2024

Caucus and Assembly Dates

Thursday, March 7, 2024 at 7:00 pm - Denver Republican Caucus

A description of caucus can be found at: Denver County Caucus.

Saturday, March 23, 2024 at 9:00 am - Denver County Republican Assembly

A description of of the county assembly can be found at: Denver County Assembly.



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