Denver City Election Results


Mayor                         Mike Johnston

Auditor                      *Timothy M. O’Brien

Clerk & Recorder          Paul D. Lopez (Unopposed)


Council At-Large           Serena Gonzales-Gutierrez

Council At-Large           Sarah Parady


Council District 1         *Amanda Sandoval

Council District 2         *Kevin Flynn

Council District 3          Jamie Torres (Unopposed)

Council District 4         *Diana Romero Campbell

Council District 5         *Amanda Sawyer

Council District 6          Paul Kashmann (Unopposed)

Council District 7         *Flor Alvidrez

Council District 8          Shontel M. Lewis

Council District 9         *Darrell Watson

Council District 10       *Chris Hinds


*Candidates recommended by the Denver Republican Party Executive Committee. 


Eight of the twelve candidates we recommended won. Five of the seven Democratic Socialist of American (DSA) candidates were defeated including the most left socialist Candi CdeBaca.



November School Board Election


There are three seats up for election in November, District 1 in the southeast part of Denver (District 1 Map) and District 5 in the northwest part of Denver (District 5 Map) and one At Large seat, which covers all of Denver. The At Large seat is currently held by Tay Anderson. Anderson is the most disruptive force against what should be the mission of the school board to educate the students and to provide sufficient levels of safety/student code of conduct.


We must be influencers and work to make a difference in this school board election. We all agree that Tay must be removed from the school board. There are two people, so far, who have announced they are running at large .Neither is a far left radical like Tay. Here are the links to interviews they recently had on Jimmy Sengenberger's radio show:


Paul Ballenger 5/27/23


Kwame Spearman 6/3/23



Property Taxes


We must also be influencers and get the word out to vote against the property tax issue (which will be numbered, either HH or II), that will be on the November ballot. "HH" is the issue whereby the Democrat majority legislature proposes to "refund" some of our Tabor refund money to offset our skyrocketed property taxes. This referendum would effectively eliminate future TABOR refunds.


This state is awash in tax and fee money and the Democrats try to claw back every penny they can from Tabor. We must defeat this referendum.


The Democrats could have directly addressed the issue of increased property taxes. They chose to continue their attack on our TABOR refunds. Here are links to watch to understand what this issue is all about.


Colorado Legislators Conspired to Increase Property Taxes


Proposed Solutions to Colorado’s Property Tax Crisis


Solving Colorado Property Tax Crisis


Influencing and getting the word out takes money and volunteers. We need Republicans to get involved.  You can help by setting up an automatic monthly contribution or a one time contribution.

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