Dear Mason School of Music family,

Please join us for an incredible lineup of free events this weekend in Harris Theater, including Mason's Jazz Festival with a closing concert Saturday evening at 7 pm featuring the Navy Band Jazz Commodores and Mason's Jazz Ensemble. Additionally, we have two outstanding Faculty Artist Series Recitals this Sunday at 3 pm and 7 pm!  

We are thrilled that twenty members of the University Chorale had the opportunity to sing in Nairobi, Kenya last week during Spring Break! The trip was coordinated by Dr. Lisa Billingham, Director of Graduate Studies and Professor of Choral Music Education. We are very grateful to Mason's Global Discovery Program for making this trip-of-a-lifetime possible for our choral students!  

We are so very proud of our Mason Vocal Studies Winners of the recent 2019 Virginia State NATS (National Association of Teachers of Singing) Vocal Competition. Mason Vocal Studies garnered three first place winners, three second place winners, and eight honors recognition. Kudos to our outstanding vocal students and their marvelous teachers! 

Please purchase your tickets now for two unique and very special events coming up soon which showcase our Mason Music students:  Raising Voices on April 7th at the Hylton Performing Arts Center and A Musical Feast Gala Celebration on May 4th on Mason's Fairfax campus! 

I want to thank our wonderful Friends of Music at Mason for all they do to support our Mason Music students. Please consider becoming a Friend. Your support can change the life of a deserving music student!  
Dr. Linda A. Monson
Director, School of Music
This Weekend's Performances (Free Events!)
The Mason Jazz Festival will take place March 23, 2019 in Harris Theatre. Sponsored by Mason Jazz Studies, the National Jazz Workshop and the Jazz Education Network, this festival is open to middle, high school, college and community ensembles.

The closing festival performance will be the United States Navy Band Commodores (with special guest opening band, the Mason Jazz Ensemble, directed by Jim Carroll) at 7pm in Harris Theatre. All performances are FREE and open to the public – no tickets or registration required.

Visit Mason Jazz Festival online for complete schedule.
Jim Van Slyke, voice/musical theater
Sunday, March 24th, 3:00pm
Harris Theatre

Free admission
Anna Balakerskaia, piano & Friends
Sunday, March 24th, 7:00pm
Harris Theatre

Free admission
Beyond the Notes Lecture Series
Beyond the Notes: "Argentines in Latins: The Jazz Histories of Lalo Schifrin & Gato Barbieri"
presented by Dr. Matthew Karush
Friday, March 22nd, 12:30pm
deLaski 3001

Free Admission

Abstract: Lalo Schifrin was a young jazz pianist in Argentina when he decided to relocate first to Paris in 1954, and then to the United States in 1958. In these new settings, he was surprised to discover that Europeans and Americans saw him as “Latin.” At first this new label seemed quite limiting, but he quickly learned to make the most of it. Although he lacked any previous connection to “Latin” music, he quickly became a prominent expert in the field, and he used that prominence to become one of the most successful and innovative composers for US television and film. 
Additional Upcoming Events
Jazz Combos & Latin American Ensemble Concert
Wednesday, March 27th, 8:00pm
deLaski 3001

Free Admission
Dorotea Racz, cello
Sunday, March 31st, 3:00pm
Harris Theatre

Free Admission
Percussion Ensemble Concert
Sunday, March 31st, 7:00pm
Harris Theatre

Free Admission

This rigorous and exciting program, featuring 3 women composers, includes works by Caroline Shaw, Iannis Xenakis, Joan Tower, Nicole Lizee, and Alejandro Vinao.
Big Band Showdown
Monday, April 1st, 8:00pm
Center for the Arts Concert Hall
Mason Music Global Connections
George Mason University Chorale
Nairobi, Africa Tour

Twenty members of the George Mason University Chorale spent their spring break traveling East Africa. The trip was coordinated by Dr. Lisa Billingham, Director of Graduate Studies and Choral Music Education in the School of Music. Their itinerary included touring State House Girls’ High School, Kenyatta University, and participating in a full day workshop with five local choirs from Nairobi. Ken Waika, Artistic Director of the Nairobi Chamber Chorus, organized the Safaricom sponsored event. In addition, the students were fortunate to experience a two day safari Maasai Mara at the Sentinel Mara Camp.

The trip was made possible by support from GMU’s Global Discovery Program, student-sponsored fundraisers, and t he Friends of Music at Mason. The School of Music looks forward to further collaboration with these African educational institutions. Jambo!
Pictured above: NATS winners with their teachers (front row)-
Dr. Elissa Alverez, Prof. Patricia Miller, and Dr. Mira Yang.
Save the Dates
Raising Voices
Showcasing Washington National Opera's Domingo-Cafritz Young Artists and Mason Opera
Sunday, April 7th, 4:00pm
Hylton Performing Arts Center
School of Music Gala Celebration
A Benefit for Music Scholarships
Saturday, May 4th, 5:30pm - 9:30pm
deLaski Performing Arts Building/Center for the Arts
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