Dear Mason School of Music Family,

We are thrilled to welcome approximately 100 new music students to our School of Music for this academic year.  What a joy it was to welcome back our fantastic returning students and to greet our new young artists at our School of Music Convocation earlier this week!  

What an amazing summer we have experienced here at Mason with many terrific music camps, festivals, and workshops.  Our faculty and students have been making music locally, regionally, nationally, and internationally throughout the summer months.  I was thrilled to present lecture-recitals for the International Conference of the College Music Society in July in the beautiful cities of Brussels, Ghent, and Bruges, Belgium.  It was also my honor to serve as a judge for the International Young Artist Piano Competition in July.  

We are excited to share our Fall 2019 School of Music Concert Series with you. Our season begins on Sunday, September 22nd at 3 pm with our Grand Piano Celebration. We hope you will be able to join us for an exciting concert that features not only wonderful solo piano works by some of our outstanding young artists, but also a musical theater collaboration with faculty colleagues. Also please consider joining us for a Broadway-themed dinner following the concert. Ted Chapin, President of Rodgers & Hammerstein Organization, will be the after-dinner speaker.  

We look forward to a wonderful semester of awesome music at Mason and hope you will be joining us!

Warm regards,
Dr. Linda A. Monson
Director, School of Music
Grand Piano Celebration
Grand Piano Celebration
Sunday, September 22nd
3:00 PM
Center for the Arts

Featuring the artistry of Dr. Linda Apple Monson, pianist, in collaboration with Mason faculty colleagues
and outstanding student piano artists.

Proceeds support student scholarships for Mason's School of Music.
Followed by
Save the Date!
Fall 2019 Series
Welcome New Faculty & Staff
Dr. Alan Carr - Director of Brass

Dr. Alan Carr, bass trombonist, is the new Director of Brass at George Mason University, effective August 2019. Previously, he was on the music faculty at Bates College, the University of Maine at Augusta, and Concordia University Wisconsin. Dr. Carr has performed with orchestras throughout North America, Europe, and Asia. He has worked with the Alabama, Baltimore, Dubuque, Hartford and Portland Symphony Orchestras, the Juilliard Orchestra, Ensemble Connect at Carnegie Hall, and the AIMS Festival Orchestra in Graz, Austria.
Dr. Carrie Ann Delaney - Academic
Program Manager

Dr. Delaney earned her Doctor of Arts in Community College Education at George Mason University (2016) focusing on music education, conducting, and working with students with special needs. During her Doctoral studies, she had the honor of studying instrumental conducting with Prof. Anthony Maiello and Prof. Mark Camphouse. Dr. Delaney has served as an Adjunct Professor with the George Mason School of Music since 2008, teaching Popular Music in America, Introduction to Classical Music, and Music Fundamentals.
Christen Soos - Audition Coordinator & Student Recruitment Assistant

Christen Soos recently graduated from George Mason University where she received her Master
of Music degree with a concentration in Flute Performance and a Bachelor of Music degree with
a concentration in Music Education. During her time at Mason, she was a member of the George
Mason University Symphony Orchestra, Opera Pit Orchestra, Wind Symphony, and has also
performed with the Symphonic Band, Flute Choir, and the University Chorale
Faculty Kudos
Prof. John Kilkenny, Director of Percussion at Mason, served as Artistic Director for the annual Sewanee Summer Music Festival this past July. Mason faculty Dr. Kathy Mulcahy, clarinet, Philippe Chao, viola, and Dr. Angela Ammerman also joined the Sewanee faculty this summer. Mason music student Festival participants included Shane Musgrove, Josh Sheppard, Teresa Jenkins, Emily Craine, and Rob Esposito. Recent alumni Josh Ellis, Andrew String, and Sophie Heeden also worked at the Festival as part of the administrative staff.
Mason oboe professor Meg Owens and her chamber ensemble Kleine Kammermusik's album "Fanfare and Filigree" were recognized as "Album of the Week" by the WRTI classical radio station! Read the article here.
Mason jazz guitar professor Dr. Shawn Purcell received rave reviews for his upcoming album Symmetricity. Read one of the reviews here!
In June, Dr. Michael Nickens, Director of Athletic Bands, delivered the keynote address and performed at the Fairfax County Adult Detention Center GED commencement ceremony. Find out more here.
Summer Camp Highlights
The Mason Community Arts Academy Summer Music Camps featured musical instruction for children of all ages, including strings, piano, brass, voice, recording technology, and composition. This summer, the Mason Community Arts Academy camps had a total of over 700 participants from 6 countries around the world!
The National Jazz Workshop took place at George Mason University this past June and included a full week of workshops, classes, and performances, led by our Mason jazz faculty. The week culminated with a concert by the U.S. Navy Band Commodores.
The Judith Lapple Summer Woodwind Camp & Music Festival celebrated 25 years this summer honoring the vision and legacy of the late Judith Lapple, former Professor of Flute at GMU and founder of the camp. Directed by Dr. Jennifer Lapple, students performed in concerts and masterclasses.
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