Dear Mason School of Music Family,

On behalf of our entire School of Music faculty and staff, please know that we are deeply concerned about your health and safety during this time of a global pandemic. These last few weeks have been challenging on many levels. However, we are fully committed to providing a wonderful and meaningful education for our music students, even in the midst of quarantines. We are now delivering our entire School of Music curriculum--academic classes, applied lessons, and ensembles-- in a new distance education format. Granted, we have had to make significant modifications, especially with large ensembles! 

Our lives have changed greatly during this time of campus shutdown and remote instruction. WebEx meetings, Blackboard classroom instruction, and Zoom applied lessons have become the norm. I am proud of our wonderful faculty and staff for their creativity and tenacity in delivering on-line music instruction. I am proud of our amazing music students for their eagerness and flexibility for learning in new ways.  

Although we may be isolated physically from each other, we are united in our common purpose and goals. We are here to give our students the best possible musical education that we can manage under these extraordinary circumstances. Our students unite us and inspire us in our passion for making music and teaching music, even in the midst of a global pandemic. My goal for each of us is to embrace this new challenge with thoughtful preparation, wonderful creativity, and a sense of purposeful delivery. Our attitude of positivity and empathy enables our students to overcome the current challenges and to discover the wonder and joy in the music. Our goal is to continually inspire and to create meaningful musical experiences. 

My warmest regards to each of you and my prayers for your health and safety,
Dr. Linda A. Monson
Director, School of Music
Upcoming Virtual Events
Marine Band Strings Duo Concert
Featuring Mason Violin Professor Peter Wilson
Wednesday, April 1st, 1:00 PM

A Conversation with Maria Schneider
Thursday, April 2nd, 3:30 PM

Mason Music Librarian Prof. Steve Gerber has been selected for the 2020 Distinguished Library Faculty Award! For the fifteen years Prof. Gerber has been with Mason’s libraries, he has distinguished himself through his work within the University Libraries, his scholarly and professional contributions to librarianship alongside the discipline of music, his strong record of teaching graduate and undergraduate students as well as his creative output. He will be recognized for this outstanding achievement at Mason’s annual Celebration of Teaching event, to be held in fall 2020. Read more about Prof. Gerber here.
Giving Day 2o2o
In this challenging time, supporting our students is Mason’s top priority. That’s the focus of our fourth annual Giving Day, an online and social media event held  Thursday, April 2.  As  Patriots Helping Patriots , this is an opportunity for the entire Mason community to come together to support the programs they care about most, especially our students in need. Together, we are Mason!

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