January 6, 2022
From Fr. Oscar Vasquez
Fr. Oscar new
Dear Brothers,

Bro. Leno Ceballos (Chambers) has traveled to Paris, France, to join the community in Antony for five months. Leno is preparing to be a high school language teacher (Spanish & French), so he is spending these months in France to allow him to practice and master the French language. Please pray for Leno during this experience. Don’t forget to drop him an email of support. Click here for Leno’s email. 

Mass of Thanksgiving
After almost 18 months of ordination, Fr. Michael Chiuri (West Hills Community) was finally able to celebrate a Mass of Thanksgiving with his family and the brothers in Nairobi. Please click here for a short video.

Perpetual Vow Retreat, Eastern Africa
Please continue to keep our brothers in Eastern Africa, Emmanuel Saopa and Stanley Gwiyanga, who are on their Spirit of Saragossa 30-day perpetual vow retreat. We also remember in prayer our very own Tom Redmond, who is accompanying our brothers on their retreat.
Left to right:  Brothers Emmanuel Saopa, Stanley Gwiyanga, Tom Redmond, and Father Michael Otieno, who is the Chaplain for the retreat.  
Diaconate Ordination, Rome
Three of our brothers at Chaminade International Seminary will be ordained as deacons on January 8:

  •  Anselme Mawè Agbessi (Togo)
  •  George Stifen Majhi (India)
  •  Peter Kulandai Yesu (India)

George & Peter are members of the District India and so part of our Province. If you’d like to send an email of congratulations, I encourage you to email George and email Peter.

Join us in viewing the ordination in Rome. The Mass will be at 4:00 p.m., Rome time (9:00 a.m. CST). Here is the link. The announcement is below.
In Thanksgiving for nearly 30 years of Service
As many of you may know, Ann Mueller will be retiring on January 31, 2022, after more than 19 years of Service to the Marianist Province of the U.S. and 11 years to the former St. Louis Province. Ann knows many of us very well, and we are putting together a memory box with cards and notes and letters from anyone who would like to share with Ann.

Please send notes, cards, etc., to:

Ann Mueller
Marianist Province of the US
4425 West Pine Boulevard
St. Louis, MO  63108

This Coming Week
  • January 8: Joining in Spirit & Prayer, Diaconate Ordination in Rome
  • January 9: Assist with Sunday Masses
From Fr. Tim Kenney
Fr. Tim New
Dear Brothers,

Welcome to 2022

Happy New Year! Once again, we celebrate that God sent His Son, Jesus the Son of Mary, into our world so that we might have life and find life through him. Our Province has experienced an abundance of grace and goodness. Let us strive to be the most faithful imitation of Jesus Christ for the salvation of our world.

A Thought on the Sanctity of LIFE

During this month, we continue to pray for the unborn and for an appreciation of life from the womb to the tomb. Let me share a beautiful paragraph for your reflection that really is an invitation for every one of us to pray over and states well our belief:

“Through the Incarnation and birth of Christ, God reveals to us the dignity of all human life. Human life, as a gift of God, is sacred and inviolable. The Son of God has united himself with every human being and desires for us to share eternal life with him … Each of us is made in the image and likeness of God, and we reflect His glory in the world.”

-USCCB Secretariat of Pro-Life Activities, “The Gospel of Life: A Brief Summary”

2022 Marianist Ordo

Here is a quick reference to the 2022 SM Ordo – important feasts proper to the Society of Mary. I invite all of the Directors to make a copy for your sacristy. This will also be placed on the portal under the Office of Religious Life/Liturgical Resources

Evaluation of Advent Prayer Book

I invite each director of our communities or his representative to complete this evaluation form for the Advent Prayer Office Book that the majority of our communities used. Please return the completed form to my administrative assistant, Terry Eversole, by January 21. This will give us feedback for future planning. 

My Calendar

  • Jan. 6-11: Visitation to St. Francis de Sales Parish/community, Cincinnati
  • Jan. 15-16: Masses in STL; Ursuline Academy retreat
  • Jan. 19-22: San Antonio: Council mtgs; other mtgs.
From Bro. Jesse O'Neill
Dear Brothers,

A New Year of LIFE

Submitted by Erica Duarte, Marianist Life Coordinator

As we enter this new calendar year, Marianist LIFE enters a new chapter, planning to return to in-person summer programs after two unique years of virtual and hybrid experiences. After working together only virtually for more than a year, the three regional coordinators were finally able to safely gather in November with Erica Duarte, Marianist LIFE Coordinator, to meet, pray, and plan for Summer LIFE 2022. Christopher Casupang, Campus Minister at Saint Louis School, will lead LIFE Pacific, Emmy Hamilton will serve as Regional Coordinator for LIFE Central, and Antonio Mari, Colegio San Jose alum, will lead LIFE South. These planning meetings took place in St. Louis, MO, on the campus of St. John Vianney High School, where the team was met with genuine Marianist hospitality and impressed with the vibrant presence of the charism on campus. 

Much time was spent creating a vision for the next chapter of the LIFE program and exploring ways to continue to integrate the Marianist Charism, vocations, and social justice. The weekend also included a mini-retreat led by Deacon Patrick Wheadon, who offered prayer and reflections on leadership, sharing our gifts, and understanding our roles as Marianist leaders. We ended our time together at Mass at Our Lady of the Pillar Parish, after which Fr. George Cerniglia offered a blessing for the team and their ministry. 
From left to right: Antonio Mari, Emmy Hamilton, Erica Duarte, and Christopher Casupang on the campus of St. John Vianney High School during their planning weekend.
Office of Vocation Ministry - Bro. Mark Motz
Dear Brothers,

Vocation Refresher

“Twenty-four percent of newer entrants were born in 68 countries other than the United States” - (NRVC, National Religious Vocation Conference).

Take time to pray for all in initial formation throughout the world.

Please pray for our Brothers who are celebrating their birthdays

January 9: Quentin Hakenewerth
January 10: Donald Smith
On the Calendar
January 9: Solemnity of the Baptism of Jesus
January 10: Blessed Adèle de Batz de Trenquelléon, Virgin & Founder
This publication is for members of the Society of Mary. Please do not forward it. Also, please provide a printed copy for brothers who do not use email.