January 9, 2020
From Fr. Oscar Vasquez
Fr. Oscar new
Dear Brothers,

Provincial Chapter Convocation

I am happy to announce the convocation of the twenty-ninth session of the Provincial Chapter of the Province of the United States. Please read this Convocation Announcement Letter for details.

Our Founder

As we continue to pray for the canonization of our Founder, Blessed Chaminade, we are called to help spread his message and an understanding of his story. The musical, Spectacle, was performed at the University of Dayton in the Spring of 2018 and has been performed several times since. 

There will be a concert in the St. Louis area on January 12 at 2:00 p.m. at the Marianist Retreat & Conference Center. If you are in the St. Louis area, please join us.  Click here for an informational brochure. The primary composer, Nick Cardilino, University of Dayton Campus Minister, will be present in the lead role of Blessed Chaminade. Watch a video of the premiere here.

This is a good time to remind each of us and all communities to pray for the intention of the canonization of Blessed Chaminade.  


While continuing to live at the Casa Maria Community (San Antonio) and assisting with vocation/formation, Bro. Les Kaehler has accepted the call to be the pastoral minister to the Brothers at the Marianist Residence Community (San Antonio). 

Bro. Fermín García García will be returning to the Marianist community in Querétaro, Mexico, to assist with a ministry of service to the community. The assignment will begin on the Feast of Blessed Chaminade, January 22, 2020. Special thanks to Fermín for making this move at the beginning of a new semester.

Prayers please

Please continue to keep Bro. Jesse O’Neill and Fr. Tim Kenney in your prayers as they visit the District of India. This is the annual visitation from the Province.

A second request for prayer, in mid-December the Provincial Council initiated the Consultation for the Superior of the District of India.  Fr. Sudhir Kujur is eligible for reappointment. Please keep this consultation in your prayers.  Bro. Bernie Ploeger and I will visit the District of India in June for the installation of the District Council.

Liturgical Texts for Blessed Adèle

We received from our General Assistant for Religious Life, Fr. Pablo Rambaud, a letter notifying us that the Congregation for Divine Worship has approved the Liturgical texts for Blessed Adèle.  Click here to read the letter. The texts for the Mass and Office of Readings have already been made available to our parishes, schools and Universities.  Click here for the texts.   

This Coming Week

  • January 8-13: Visitation, General Administration & Seminary Communities
  • January 11: Diaconate Ordination, Rome
  • January 16-17: Founders Mass, Gross Catholic High School, Omaha
From Bro. Bernie Ploeger
Dear Brothers,

Mount Saint John Director

I am pleased to announce that effective January 1, 2020, the Provincial Council appointed Bro. Robert Metzger to succeed Bro. Victor Forlani as director of Mount Saint John. The term of this appointment is for four years, concluding August 14, 2023 (due to the mid-year appointment).

I wish to thank Bro. Victor for his service in coordinating the many ministries in their shared use of Mount Saint John. His light touch combined with his concern for the success of each ministry at the Mount have been much appreciated.  
From Fr. Tim Kenney
Fr. Tim New
Dear Brothers,

Greetings from India

Namaskar! We had an exciting week as all of the young Brothers at our formation communities in Deepahalli prepared for our big celebration. On January 8, three Brothers professed their perpetual vows during a Mass celebrated in different languages followed by lots of food, drink and joyful people. It is an exciting time for the District and for our Marianist Family. Both Bro. Jesse O'Neill and I are very honored to be here. I have been spending many hours interviewing the Brothers, giving conferences and meetings and celebrating the Eucharist. 
Congratulations and best wishes to our new perpetually professed Bros. Telesphore Soreng , Bro. Rayappan B. and Bro. Jerin J. Pananthanam . Back row: Bro. Jesse O'Neill and Fr. Tim Kenney .
Powerful Video

I want to share with you an incredible story of faith by a young man, D.J. Stewart, the godson of Terry Eversole, my administrative assistant. D.J. went to see his doctor about some knee pain in September 2018. He walked out diagnosed with smooth tissue cancer. Then, in May 2019, he was diagnosed with a glioblastoma. We have been praying for him but this short YouTube video captures his faith and reminds us of how lucky many of us are to be in relatively good health. 
Remembering & Praying with Blessed Adèle

Today, we join with our Marianist Sisters and our entire Marianist Family in remembering this Aristocrat for the Poor! Courageously wanting to do more with her life and live in community, on May 25, 1816, Adèle and a few women from the Association, with the support of Fr. Chaminade, founded the Daughters of Mary Immaculate – the Marianist Sisters – in Agen, France. Adèle took the religious name of Sr. Marie of the Conception. The Sisters nurtured the growing lay sodality, offered retreats and schooling, and cared for the poor and sick, especially women and children, with the purpose of working in partnership with the Virgin Mary to spread the faith. Adèle died on January 10, 1828, at the age of 38. You will find the appropriate liturgical prayers on the Marianist Portal . They have also been sent out to the communities.
New MSJC Website

Please take some time to visit and browse through the new MSJC website. It is very well done and has some wonderful resources for us as we continue in 2020 to challenge ourselves individually and collectively to reflect on the spirituality of justice.
From Bro. Jesse O'Neill
Bro. Jesse New
Dear Brothers,

Marianist Universities Celebrate Our Bicentennial

University of Dayton
On Sunday, November 3, the UD community joined the 200th anniversary celebration of the worldwide Marianist educational institutions. At each Eucharist at the Chapel of the Immaculate Conception, this special occasion was highlighted:

It all started in 1819, with 12 students on Rue des Menuts in Bordeaux, France. Now, Marianist education reaches five continents and 24 countries. There are 97 Marianist educational institutions across the globe, including UD and its sister universities, Chaminade University of Honolulu and St. Mary's University in San Antonio. All together, almost 8,000 lay and vowed religious educate more than 100,000 students at these Marianist educational institutions.

After the French Revolution, there was a significant need of improvement in education and among the first Marianists were several educators with clear ideas for the reform of education. Today, we see this innovative spirit expressed in the Characteristics of Marianist Universities and embodied in Marianist educators at UD.

St. Mary’s University
On November 3, the Marianist Educational Associates of St. Mary’s University held a prayer service to celebrate 200 Years of Marianist education. Jessica Uhlig, coordinator of the Marianist Educational Associates, said, “Recognizing this 200-year milestone served as a renewal of St. Mary’s University’s commitment to the human and religious values embodied in the Marianist educational tradition. As we invited everyone to continue to say, “Yes,” like Mary did, to the mission of bringing Christ into the world. In the words of Blessed William Joseph Chaminade, ‘Ours is a work, a magnificent work. If it is universal, it is because we are missionaries of Mary, who has said to us, ‘Do whatever he tells you.'”

Click here to watch the video of the prayer service.

Chaminade University of Honolulu
On November 1, the Marianists at Hale Malia hosted vice presidents and deans for a prayers service, dinner and discussion centering on what makes education at CUH different because of our Marianist heritage.  Brother Ed Brink met with each academic division to distribute the new edition of Characteristics of Marianist Education. The presentation included highlighting the 200th anniversary of Marianists ministering as educators.

Identical bicentennial banners were placed at the entrance to Kalaepohaku on both the Chaminade University side and Saint Louis School side. Bro. Ed sent short email messages on each day between Nov 4-8 to the members of the CUH faculty and staff. The messages centered on topics that emphasized the 200th anniversary. The brothers of Hale Malia will host administrators from Saint Louis School in January for a prayer service, meal and conversation on Marianist Education.
From Bro. Joseph Markel
Bro. Joe Markel
Dear Brothers,

Have You Heard?

We’ve been getting a lot of questions about hearing aids lately so we want to remind everyone of our covered benefits. Christian Brothers will cover 1 pair of hearing aids every 3 years at $1,500 per device with a maximum of $3,000. Christian Brothers Services also offers a generous Hearing Aid Discount Program for all enrolled members. The discount program includes free consultations, discounted prices on your devices and a free warranty plan which includes loss and damage. These benefits are only available if you go to AHB certified locations so check before you go. For more information please call 888-529-0194 or visit the AHB website. Click here for an informational flyer.
Office of JPIC - Brian Reavey
Dear Brothers,

Peace Resources & Advocacy Opportunities

Pope Francis reminds us that "Violence is not the cure for our broken world. Countering violence with violence leads at best to forced migrations and enormous suffering, because vast amounts of resources are diverted to military ends and away from the everyday needs of young people, families experiencing hardship, the elderly, the infirm and the great majority of people in our world. At worst, it can lead to the death, physical and spiritual, of many people, if not of all." Read Pope Francis' 2017 World Day of Peace Message: Nonviolence: A Style of Politics for Peace.

Click here for a collective faith statement regarding Iran which CMSM signed.

ACTION: Urge Congress and the U.S. President to turn to a just peace vision and away from violence and war with Iran.

Australia Bush Prayers: A Prayer for Solidarity

Almighty and loving God, the whole earth belongs to You! 
You are the author of life; of every living thing. 
Be with the people in Australia, now in the midst of catastrophic bushfires. 
We beg you, O God, to take over and release your power. 
We know you will supply everything we need, even the rain from the heavens. Great is your faithfulness, O Lord!

Look compassionately upon those who put their complete trust in You 
and make Yourself real to those who do not believe so they too, may have faith.
We pray for all the lives lost, homes destroyed, lands burnt to the grounds
and livelihoods gone. 
We pray for all the firefighters and volunteers for their strength to be renewed. 
We also lift up to you those who struggle with despair and unbelief in
these trying times.
Provide a place of refuge and provision for everyone. 
Encourage us all in knowing that your sanctuary of love is eternal. 
We humbly ask that you hear our prayers, Almighty Father,
in the name of your most precious son, Jesus, Amen.” (from Inquirer.net)
Poverty Awareness Month

January is poverty awareness month. Catholic Charities agencies all across the country remain committed to serving people in poverty and are witnesses to the daily horrors of poverty in America. The Catholic Campaign for Human Development created a calendar highlighting how everyone can learn more and make small acts of mercy in the fight against poverty. Click here for the calendar.

Linking Lectionary to Justice and Peace

Below you will find homily resources from CMSM members and other people of wisdom in our community for your reflection. If you are not preparing homilies, please consider sharing with your local priest.

Sunday, January 12 by Bro. Steve Herro, O.Praem.
Sunday, January 19 by Don Timmerman, Catholic Worker
Please pray for our Brothers who are celebrating their birthdays

January 9: Quentin Hakenewerth, Rudy Vela
January 10: Donald Smith
This publication is for members of the Society of Mary. Please do not forward it. Also, please provide a printed copy for brothers who do not use email.