January 13, 2021
From Fr. Oscar Vasquez
Fr. Oscar new
Dear Brothers,


The Provincial Council has approved two men to begin the Pre-Novice program in Queretaro:

  • Airton DeJesus Chigo Garci
  • Carlos Alexis Román Altamirano

They will begin on January 17. I’m thankful to Nereo Ramirez Hernández & Quentin Hakenewerth, who will accompany our brothers in this step of their discernment.

Consultation on a Synodal Church

Earlier this week, we received a document from the General Council: "For a Synodal Church - Consultation of the communities." The General Council wants to involve our communities in the reflection on this important theme for the Church. In this way, we can enter into synodality. We encourage communities to send the fruit of their reflection directly to the GA using the online form. Your participation will serve to enrich our own response to the consultation as the Society of Mary. Please do so before February 27, 2022.

The World Around Us

The news reports once again tell us how much the new variant of the pandemic is affecting our country/world. Please continue to take precautions in your community, ministry and outings.

Perpetual Profession, India

Bro. Pulkit Minj professed perpetual vows at Nirmal Deep, Ranchi, on January 8. Fr. Sudhir Kujur, the District Superior, presided at the Mass and received the vows. The Indian government’s new set of Covid rules forced the perpetual vows celebration to be simple with a limited number of participants. The Novitiate community and staff were very helpful in organizing the celebration in a meaningful way. A few family members, Marianist Brothers, Sisters, and friends participated in the celebration. See photos.

This Coming Week

January 13: Meetings, West Pine
January 18: Preside Chaminade Mass, St. Mary’s High School, St. Louis
January 18: Evening, Board Meeting, Chaminade, St. Louis
January 20 & 21: Provincial Council Meetings, St. Louis
From Bro. Jesse O'Neill
Dear Brothers,

MRCC Celebrates its Future

Recently, the Marianist Retreat and Conference Center welcomed friends and family to witness the commissioning of its new leadership team. Nathan Martin, newly appointed Executive Director, Paul Masek, Director of Outreach, and Jen Duncan, Director of Hospitality, publicly shared their commitment to the mission and future of the center.

Fr. Oscar presided at Mass and during the liturgy, I had the opportunity to thank the members of the executive committee of the board who continued the mission of the center for more than a year. The province is genuinely grateful for the generosity of Maureen Hoock (board chair), Larry Keller, Jared Bryson and Maria Rodgers O’Rourke.

The Marianist Retreat and Conference Center has provided opportunities for spiritual growth to countless individuals for so many years. We look forward to a vibrant continuation of that mission into the future.
Pictured left to right: Paul Masek, Nathan Martin and Jen Duncan

Office of Vocation Ministry - Bro. Mark Motz
Vocation Refresher

“Individuals who are discerning a vocation to religious life are seeking to belong to a community of faith: They desire to join a group of similarly inspired women or men. Living in a community is a particular attraction, especially in terms of sharing prayer, meals, and a common ministry with other members of the religious institute. CARA research shows that these aspects of a religious institute are highly valued by the younger members of the institute.”
(Pathways to Religious Life, P. 179)

Take time this week to ask how your community life is inviting and attractive to young adults? And how often does your community invite young adults to participate in community prayer, meals and activities?
Please pray for our Brothers who are celebrating their birthdays

January 14: Joseph Choi (KO, pre-aspirant)
January 16: Saju Chittadiyal, Jeffrey Sullivan
January 17: Michael Nartker
January 18: Steven O'Neil
January 20: Sebastien Abalodo (TO)
On the Calendar
January 17: Martin Luther King, Jr. Holiday, Province Offices closed
This publication is for members of the Society of Mary. Please do not forward it. Also, please provide a printed copy for brothers who do not use email.