January 14, 2021
From Fr. Oscar Vasquez
Fr. Oscar new
Dear Brothers,

Marianist Family United in Prayer for Racial Justice

The Marianist Social Justice Collaborative's Steering Committee is holding their annual meeting virtually during the Martin Luther King weekend. They would like to invite the broader Marianist Family to join them for the opening prayer on Saturday, January 16, 12:00-12:15 p.m. (EST)/
11:00-11:15 a.m. (CST). Please click here for a flyer with information and registration information.

The Society of Mary, New International Website

In case you missed it, in the recent issue of Via Latina 22, the website for the International Society of Mary, which is also the home of the World Council of the Marianist Family, has been completely revised! It is full of information about the SM, as well as the World Council and the other branches of the Marianist Family presented in a pleasing manner. To check out the website, click here.

Surviving in the COVID-19 Era

Following is a helpful resource on surviving in this time of COVID.

  • Implicit Bias: Tools for Self Development from Saint Luke's Institute. We are all affected by our culture. Sometimes in ways that we don’t even know. Crystal Taylor-Dietz, Psy.D., explores the impact of identity and experience on implicit bias and offers skills for improving how we relate to others. Understanding the implicit biases we hold and how personal identity and cultural experiences impact our worldview can facilitate personal growth and development as an effective pastoral leader. This workshop is free. Click here for information. You do need to register to download. 

This Coming Week

  • January 19: Assist with confessions at Our Lady of the Pillar, St. Louis
  • January 20: Various board meetings
From Fr. Tim Kenney
Fr. Tim New
Dear Brothers,

New Pre-Aspirants Arrive

Below is a wonderful picture of our two pre-aspirants arriving at Casa Maria Community in San Antonio. They are Joseph Choi (Korea) and Guillermo (Memo) Peña Contreras (Mexico).

Congratulations to our aspirant, Chicago Schuller, who will complete the next four months in Dayton at the Stonemill-Kiefaber community.
Joseph Choi & Guillermo (Memo) Peña Contreras
Chicago Schuller
New Word for Reflection

The new word that I am focusing on this week is “kindness.” There are many trendy bumper stickers, products, commercials and t-shirts that speak to this important word, which is all good. Sometimes it is easy to be kind, and sometimes, it can be a challenge. Sometimes kindness comes so naturally, and sometimes, our kindness is tested. I am particularly struck by two passages from the Old Testament that I am holding onto this week around this word:

  • “This is what the Lord of Heaven’s Armies says: Judge fairly, and show mercy and kindness to one another.“ (Zechariah 7:9)
  • “Never let loyalty and kindness leave you! Tie them around your neck as a reminder. Write them deep within your heart.” (Proverbs 3:3)


  • India Ecology Newsletter. I apologize that last week’s Notes had the December newsletter and not the January newsletter. Click here for the January newsletter.
  • Beautiful prayer for your reflection from the Maryland Province Jesuits. “Jesus, I come before you at the beginning of this day. Take Lord, and receive my heart: the words of faith that I speak, the works of justice that I do, my joys and sufferings. When I come to the Eucharistic table, gather my offering to your own for the life of the world. At the end of the day, place me with Mary, your mother, and for her sake, take me to your heart. Amen.”
Upcoming Calendar for January

  • Visitation to the Marianist Community, Maui, Hawaii
  • MIT meeting, Chaminade College Preparatory, West Hills, CA
  • MSJC meeting
  • Board meeting, Chaminade College Preparatory, West Hills, CA
  • Provincial Council meetings
  • Sunday Masses, St. Louis
  • Wedding preparations and wedding, St. Louis
From Bro. Jesse O'Neill
Bro. Jesse New
Dear Brothers,

Chaminade St. Louis Names New Leadership

It gives me great joy to take this opportunity to thank Fr. Ralph Seifert for his decades of leadership as president of Chaminade College Preparatory School here in Saint Louis. The lives that Ralph has touched over these many years are immeasurable; in particular the thousands of young men he helped to shape into educated, kind and faith-filled members of society. May he be blessed abundantly into the future for his generosity of service to Mary’s mission. Fr. Ralph will be retiring from his current position at Chaminade in June of 2022.

Dr. Todd Guidry will be the next president of the school. To read the full announcement, please click here.

Celebrating a Rich History
Let the Games Begin

How well do you know the facts surrounding our rich Marianist history? Well, in the weeks ahead you will be asked to share your knowledge. Today kicks off our bi-weekly trivia contest and my deepest gratitude to the staff and volunteers of our National Archives office for their most challenging questions. The first three brothers to respond to me by email with the correct answer will receive a prize. Winners will be announced bi-weekly.

Our first question was submitted by Bro. Delmar Jorn. We welcome Bro. Delmar back from India and thank him for his wonderful years of service there. Here is your first question. Good luck!

  • Japan formally surrendered to the USA to end World War II on two aircraft carriers deployed in the South Pacific ocean. Who was the Marianist who was the official translator for one of these two ceremonies?
Please pray for our Brothers who are celebrating their birthdays

January 14: Joseph Choi [(KO) pre-novice]
January 16: Jeffrey Sullivan
January 17: Michael Nartker
January 18: Steven O’Neil
January 20: Sebastien Abalodo (TO)
On the Calendar
January 18: Martin Luther King, Jr. Holiday, Province Offices closed
This publication is for members of the Society of Mary. Please do not forward it. Also, please provide a printed copy for brothers who do not use email.