January 16, 2020
From Fr. Oscar Vasquez
Fr. Oscar new
Dear Brothers,

Province Celebrations

Diaconate Ordination
The Province gives thanks for our Brothers who were ordained to the Diaconate in Rome on January 11.  Bros. Michael Chiuri, Brandon Paluch and Renny Markose (District of India) were ordained by Cardinal Luis Ladaria, SJ, of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith. Click here to read the Diaconate Ordination homily by Cardinal Ladaria.

Please continue to keep them in you prayers. 
Bro. Michael Chiuri, Fr. Oscar Vasquez and Bro. Brandon Paluch
Their first semester exams began this past Monday. They have one semester of classes remaining in Rome.  During the summer, Bros. Brandon & Michael will return to the Province for their pastoral year which is known as the fourth year of the seminary.   See photos.
Perpetual Vows, District of India
Amen, Alleluia! The Province of the United States joined with the District of India in celebrating the perpetual vows of three of our Brothers: Jerin J. Pananthanam, Rayappan B. and Telesphore Soreng. These Brothers professed perpetual vows in Deepahalli, Bangalore, on January 8. Fr. Timothy Kenney presided at the Mass and received the vows. Bro. Jesse O’Neill was the homilist. About two hundred family, Marianist Brothers, Marianist Sisters and friends participated in the celebration. See more photos 
Visit from the Region of Eastern Africa

We have the privilege of welcoming Fr. Gabriel Kirangah (Regional Superior Eastern Africa) and Bro. Innocent Chikwanda (Council Member, Temporalities) who are making a short visit to the Province. They will be in St. Louis from January 13-16 and visiting Dayton from January 16-19. They will be meeting with staff at West Pine (St. Louis) and Marianist Mission (Dayton) to review the different ways the Province continues to provide support for the Region of Eastern Africa. A special word of thanks to all those in St. Louis and Dayton who have adjusted schedules to assist with the visit. 
Bro. Innocent Chikwanda and Fr. Gabriel Kirangah outside the Provincial office on West Pine
This Coming Week

  • January 16-18: Founders Mass, Gross Catholic High School, Omaha
  • January 20-21: Provincial Council Meetings, St Louis
  • January 22–23: School Mass, Archbishop Moeller High School, Cincinnati
From Fr. Tim Kenney
Fr. Tim New
Dear Brothers,

Preparing for February 2

I have invited Bros. Jack Ventura and Steve Glodek to prepare a reflection and prayer for our Foundation Day on February 2. I invite you to consider using/adapting these beautiful reflections in your community prayers. Click here for the reflection and prayer. 

Sabbatical Requests

From time to time, it is good for a Brother to take some rest for spiritual renewal, development and for the development of professional and ministerial skills. Some people have a desire to take a sabbatical at the time of transition into a new ministry or in a time of late adulthood as we age. There are many wonderful programs that help us face important questions in life and invite us to grow as part of our continuing formation.

If you are considering a sabbatical, I invite you to consult your local community. Once you have done this, if you would like to make an application to the appropriate provincial assistant (Religious Life or Education) by February 1, 2020.
Applications should include:
  • A statement around your desire for spiritual renewal and development and/or professional/ministerial preparation;
  • All details available to the Brother concerning the proposed program including goals or aims of the sabbatical;
  • A statement of the way you envision using the knowledge and skills acquired for service in the Province and the Church;
  • A statement as to the dates and timing for the future sabbatical as well as whether you have had a past sabbatical experience.

On Our Way Home!

We have started the journey home, stopping off overnight in New Delhi, India. The trip is one of a lifetime! We have listened to the hopes and dreams of our Brothers in India. We have heard some of the challenges and consulted well over the majority of Marianists in India about the leadership consultation currently underway. We participated in the Perpetual Vow ceremony and we were welcomed by many groups and ministries. We met with the members of the District Council, various Church hierarchy and groups and walked among the poor. We are most grateful to the District Council for their hospitality to us. Keep us in prayer as we now make the long journey home!!! See photos.
From Bro. Jesse O'Neill
Bro. Jesse New
Dear Brothers,

200 Years of Marianist Education
Our Celebration Continues

Our sponsored schools and retreat centers continue to join the province in celebrating 200 years of Marianist education.

On November 4, 2019, St. Vincent-St. Mary High School in Akron, OH (our newest Marianist sponsored school), used this opportunity to celebrate and educate. The day began with a morning prayer telling the story of Marianist education beginning in Bordeaux, with 15 students and continuing today with Marianist education spreading over 24 countries with 112,155 young people in 97 educational institutions (including three universities), animated by 7,833 educators, both religious and lay.  

St. Vincent-St. Mary also used the day to educate students about our Marianist history. Using a curriculum in all levels of the theology department, students presented projects focusing on:
  • The founding of the Marianist Order and a timeline of Marianist Education
  • The Characteristics of Marianist Education
  • Student exploration of the Marianists resulting in a list of frequently asked questions and research leading to student-created presentations.

Happy Bicentenary to Marianist Education! 
Samples of student work
Please pray for our Brothers who are celebrating their birthdays

January 16: Jeffrey Sullivan
January 17: Michael Nartker
January 18: Steven O'Neil
January 20: Sebastien Abalodo (TO)
January 22: Thomas Wendorf
On the Calendar
January 20-21: Provincial Council Meetings, St. Louis
January 22: Anniversary of the death of Blessed Chaminade, 1850
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