January 21, 2021
From Fr. Oscar Vasquez
Fr. Oscar new
Dear Brothers,

From the MSJC Justice Jottings Email

Recent weeks have been difficult in our country. Fear, anger, a sense of “how can this happen in the USA” are emotions that most of us have experienced. Much has been written and spoken about how to respond. Here is a resource that you may find helpful. A video interview with Fr. Bryan Massingale on “How to Make Spiritual Sense of the Attack on the Capitol."


  • NACMS Offerings: I encourage you to take advantage of this Covid time to update yourself on Marianist studies and or spirituality. If you didn’t receive the most recent NACMS email with detailed information, check the NACMS website for details.

  • NACMS Retreat in Lent: Have you heard of the Spirit of Saragossa retreat? Curious? Consider the week-long retreat during the 4th week of Lent. Click here for more information. 

Celebrating with our Brothers in India

Our brother, Renny Markose Puthankudy (District of India) will be ordained to the priesthood at Deepahalli Marianist Chapel (Bangalore, India) on January 23. Click here to view the invitation. We congratulate Bro. Renny and pray for him and all the brothers in India.

This Coming Week

  • January 21: Preside, Chaminade Heritage Mass at St. John Vianney High School
  • January 24: Assist with Sunday Masses
  • January 25-26: Provincial Council meetings
  • January 27-29: University Dayton Board Retreat & meetings, virtual 
From Fr. Tim Kenney
Fr. Tim New
Dear Brothers,

St. Anthony Parish & Community Withdrawal Announcement

It has been a busy time on the island of Maui. I have been speaking and listening to so many people who shared their love, pride and gratitude for the Marianists. Though so many expressed sadness, they also expressed understanding. I invite you to listen to last Sunday's Mass where one of the announcements was made on our withdrawal. Click here and scroll to the gospel proclamation starting at 33 minutes.
Marianists on Maui. Fr. Roland Bunda, Bro. Dave Quigley, Bro. Frank Gomes, Fr. Sylverius Kerketta (District of India) and Bro. Fred Silbereis.
Respect for Life

The annual March for Life will take place in Washington, DC. It will look very different this year and will not happen until Jan. 29 in light of the Inauguration. Please click here for a 9 day Novena/Prayer/Reflection for each day leading up to the annual gathering.

Beautiful Prayer

This prayer was written by a student from one of our sponosored schools.
From Bro. Jesse O'Neill
Bro. Jesse New
Dear Brothers,

National Archives

Our national archives continues to be a vibrant ministry within the province. Under the leadership of Mary Kenney, both Bro. Brian Zampier and Bro. Earl Leistikow have embarked on the creation of the Marianist Creativity Center that is being housed at Treadaway Hall. The center’s purpose is to discover, preserve and inspire Marianist creativity through the visual arts, writing, poetry and music. Click here to read more about the center's mission.

The Global Compact on Education

Recently, you received a reflection from Bro. Max Magnam in the latest issue of SM 3 Offices. Please be sure to make copies of the document for brothers who do not have email. The document is an opportunity to renew the privileged means of our mission. For your convenience, click here for the document.
Please pray for our Brothers who are celebrating their birthdays

January 22: Thomas Wendorf
January 23: Harry Cornell
January 24: Robert H. Hughes
January 26: Conrad Kaczkowski
On the Calendar
January 22: Anniversary of the death of Blessed William Joseph Chaminade, 1850
This publication is for members of the Society of Mary. Please do not forward it. Also, please provide a printed copy for brothers who do not use email.