January 23, 2020
From Fr. Oscar Vasquez
Fr. Oscar new
Dear Brothers,

A Request for Eastern Africa

A special word of thanks to all those in St. Louis and Dayton who adjusted schedules to assist with the visit of Fr. Gabriel Kirangah and Bro. Innocent Chikwanda. Fr. Gabriel, Regional Superior, is in the need of several chalices for communities. If your community has an extra chalice and would like to give it to Eastern Africa, please contact me. I will send it with the next visitor to Eastern Africa. Please check with me before you send a chalice and I’ll let you know if we have reached the total needed.

A New Endeavor for the Province of Meribah

Congratulations and blessings to the Province of Meribah as they embark on a new initiative in assisting the Diocese of Rockville Center in revitalizing Catholic Education on Long Island.  Click here for the article.

New International Personnel Book 2019-2020

The new International Personnel Book is in the mail. There is also a copy of the International Personnel on the portal. Please destroy copies of last year’s personnel; do not simply recycle them. Please contact Pat Stephens if you need additional copies.  

This Coming Week

  • January 25-26: Cupertino, California
  • January 27-30: Visitation of Marianist Hall, Founders Mass at Saint Louis School, Honolulu
From Fr. Tim Kenney
Fr. Tim New
Dear Brothers,

Preparing for February 2

As I mentioned last week, I have invited  Bros. Jack Ventura and  Steve Glodek to prepare a reflection and prayer for our Foundation Day on February 2. I invite you to consider using/adapting these beautiful reflections in your community prayers.  Click here for the reflection and prayer. 

Upcoming Meetings and Travel

  • January 24: Participation in the annual March for LIFE in Washington, DC
  • January 25-28: Participation in Catholic Social Ministry Gathering in Washington, DC organized by USCCB
  • January 30-February 2: Dayton, Ohio-JPIC Committee meetings (Jan. 31-Feb.1) and QAC Parish Visitation (Feb. 1-2).
From Bro. Jesse O'Neill
Bro. Jesse New
Dear Brothers,

A Journey of Blessings in India

I just returned from India and I wanted to share with you some of the many blessings I encountered. First, the Brothers could not have been more gracious and hospitable to Fr. Tim Kenney and myself. Embracing the Indian culture expanded my view of the world and how we are indeed a mosaic of cultures and Marianist identity. The Brothers face many challenges in the district but the work that they do is extraordinary. They do so much with limited resources.

I worked for many years in Baltimore city at Mother Seton Academy. The school exists in a very impoverished neighborhood so my eyes were accustomed to seeing conditions that were quite sad. Nothing prepared me for what I would see on this trip. I saw families, particularly children, living in deplorable conditions who were filled with hope because of the work we are doing in these neighborhoods and schools. I was filled with such gratitude for our Marianist life and the gift it is to the world. I have read about and seen pictures of the REDS program for years. Experiencing this work in person helped me to understand and appreciate the transformative work our brothers are doing with the poor of India.

I had the chance to visit our schools throughout the district and the experience with students, teachers and administration was a true gift. I so often reflected on the things we take for granted. In many of the schools in India children walk for ninety minutes each way. I was inspired by their strength and fortitude. Please keep the work of our Brothers in your prayers. We are far away by geographic distance but connected always by our Marianist commitment. 
Students and staff from REDS at Deepahalli
NACMS Webinar on Marianist Education

In celebration of 200 years of Marianist Education, NACMS is presenting The Gift of Marianist Education, two webinars for all members of the Marianist Family. The first, on Tuesday March 3, will focus on middle and high school education; the second, on Wednesday March 4, will focus on university education. Each webinar will run from 7:30-9:00 p.m. (EST) and will include a panel of Marianist educators sharing their experiences of the gift that Marianist education has been for them and their students and their hopes for its future. You are welcome to participate in either or both. The webinars are free of charge, but registration is required. To find out more and to register, click here. The deadline for registration is February 25.
From Bro. Joseph Markel
Bro. Joe Markel
Dear Brothers,

Is There a Doctor in the House?

Christian Brothers is now offering TELADOC – where your doctor is always in. Members enrolled for medical coverage in Christian Brothers Services can take advantage of this service which gives access to 3,100 physicians, 24/7, 365 days a year. You can communicate with a doctor anytime, anywhere via the telephone, secure email, video or mobile app. All you need to do is set up an account either online, over the phone or through the mobile app. It’s best to set up your account now, before you need to use the service. Then, when you need to call, your account is ready to go. Please click here for a brochure with full details on this service. 
Please pray for our Brothers who are celebrating their birthdays

January 23: Harry Cornell
January 24: Robert H. Hughes
January 26: Conrad Kaczkowski
This publication is for members of the Society of Mary. Please do not forward it. Also, please provide a printed copy for brothers who do not use email.