January 30, 2020
From Fr. Oscar Vasquez
Fr. Oscar new
Dear Brothers,

A Request for Eastern Africa

Thank you to the communities who have volunteered to send chalices for Eastern Africa. As of today, we have the number of needed chalices. I’ll keep you informed should we need additional chalices. 

Provincial Chapter 2020

In preparation for the Provincial Chapter, the Provincial Council reports have been posted on the portal along with the pre-Chapter questions for the Area Gatherings. As more documents for the Chapter are prepared, they will be posted on the portal. Please check the portal regularly for new materials between now and the Chapter on March 5-9. If you need assistance accessing the portal, please contact Sandy Barnett.

This Coming Week

  • January 31-February 1: Funeral, San Antonio
  • February 2-5: Central Catholic Community Visitation, San Antonio
  • February 6-8: St. Mary’s University Board Meeting, San Antonio
  • February 10-12: Provincial Council Meeting, San Antonio
From Fr. Tim Kenney
Fr. Tim New
Dear Brothers,

Marist/Marianist Third Age Spirituality Program: October 20-December 15, 2020

I am very happy to announce that the collaboration of the Marist and Marianist sabbatical renewal program continues. Over the years, since 2003, we have partnered together to provide a wonderful program for Brothers who are in need of renewal, rest and rejuvenation. The program takes place in Manziana, Italy, just outside of Rome. Included in the program is a pilgrimage to France. Please see below how we have articulated the program together. If any member of the province is interested in receiving more information and/or application forms, please let me know.
The aim of the program is to offer Brothers, in their later years, an opportunity to:
  • Review their life journey in grace and gratitude, and
  • Be nourished for their Marist and Marianist life in the years ahead.
Objectives of the program for each brother include:
  • Through prayer, reading, sharing and input to grow in an attitude of gratefulness and appreciation of his own inner resources and wisdom.
  • To reflect on the realities and challenges, with all their potential and limitation, which a brother may face in the third age of life.
  • To explore how each brother may continue to bear fruit and remain fully alive in a way that witnesses to his peers and gives meaning and hope to the younger generation.
  • To encourage a brother to integrate and celebrate his life story within the Mystery of God.

Great Justice Workshop

Over the last five days, Frs. Ted Cassidy and Dave McGuigan, Bro. Frank O’Donnell and I participated in the 2020 Catholic Social Ministry Gathering in Washington, DC. It was a very high powered, sophisticated and well-run gathering of 600 leaders in our Catholic community across the country who are committed to justice, peace and the integrity of creation. It was a tremendous witness of people committed to the conversation. In addition to the gathering, we were able to participate with tens of thousands of people in the annual March for Life. 
Upcoming Calendar

  • January 31-February 1: JPIC Meeting, Dayton, Ohio
  • February 1-2: Queen of Apostles Parish Visitation, Dayton, Ohio
From Bro. Jesse O'Neill
Bro. Jesse New
Dear Brothers,

Below is an invitation from Toni Mesina for LIFE’s 50th anniversary celebration this summer. Thanks to Toni and her entire team for the planning of this most important moment.

Marianist LIFE turns 50!

Thank you to the many Marianist religious who pioneered and continue to support Marianist LIFE. The LIFE program helps young people learn to live their faith, live community and lead.

With Marianist LIFE’s 50th Anniversary this year, we have a special event, combining all the regional LIFE programs into one national program at St. Mary’s University. Marianist LIFE 2020 will be hosting a Mass and social in San Antonio, Texas, and we invite members of the Society of Mary and the Daughters of Mary Immaculate.

Marianist LIFE 50th Anniversary Celebration
Saturday, July 18, 2019
7:30 pm Mass at Holy Rosary
Social to follow immediately at the Greehey Arena, St. Mary’s University
Please click on this link to RSVP for the Mass and Social

In attendance will be students and moderators participating in the 2020 LIFE summer program, LIFE alumni and MLC-NA participants. All three groups will be running programs that weekend. This will be an amazing reunion for many, and an opportunity for members of the Marianist Family to see others in different stages of formation. We are very excited for this event.

While costs for travel and lodging will be the responsibility of each Brother, Sister, or community, we would like for you to attend the social as our guest.

If you have any questions regarding the 50th Anniversary, please email Toni Mesina or call 215.634.4116. Please also be on the lookout for more information from MLC-NA regarding events relating to the Lay Assembly. Click here for their newsletter.
Office of Vocation Ministry - Bro. Mark Motz
Dear Brothers,

Discernment Retreat

Please pray for the discernment retreat this weekend at Tecaboca. I will have pictures and more information next week in the monthly update.
Please pray for our Brothers who are celebrating their birthdays

January 31: Ronald Overman
February 4: Thomas Njari (EA), Kenneth Straubinger
On the Calendar
January 31-February 2 : Regional Discernment Retreat, Tecaboca, Mountain Home, Texas
February 2: Presentation of the Lord
Anniversary of Feb. 2, 1801, when the first eleven members of the Bordeaux Sodality made their first act of consecration.
This publication is for members of the Society of Mary. Please do not forward it. Also, please provide a printed copy for brothers who do not use email.