February 4, 2021
From Fr. Oscar Vasquez
Fr. Oscar new
Dear Brothers,

Vaccine in 2021

As we continue to receive information on the availability of the vaccine, I ask all Brothers to schedule your vaccine as soon as it is available for your age group in your area. I’m aware that several ministries will require or strongly encourage staff members to receive the vaccine. Additionally, I want to track those of us that have completed receiving the vaccine. Please notify Ms. Donna Tucker at the Province upon completion of the vaccine process. Please let us know the vaccine received (e.g., Pfizer, Moderna, etc.) and the date of completion. Community directors, please assist the Brothers in your community with this process.

COVID Safety Precautions

Health professionals tell us that receiving the vaccine DOES NOT mean that we can let our guard down in terms of using the simple precautions:
  •      Keep a safe distance. The recommended distance is 6 feet. 
  •      Wear a mask (particularly if the safe distance is not possible). 
  •      Wash your hands regularly (at least 20 seconds). 
  •      Use hand sanitizer when possible.  

In addition to these precautions, please continue to reach out to family and friends by phone, email, FaceTime as well as handwritten letters and cards. They need to hear from you as much as we need to hear from them. Let’s encourage one another. Let’s support one another. Let’s pray for one another.

Partnering with the Poor

As you know, the Marianists through the Marianist Mission have actively sponsored the education of children in India and Eastern Africa for many years. For over 15 years, the annual amount to sponsor a child has been $125. In working with the ministries in Eastern Africa and India, we have come to understand that the number is no longer truly covering the costs for one year. New sponsorships will begin at $135, and the Marianist Mission will work with current donors. The new rate will begin on March 1, 2021. Once again, I remind all of us to pray in thanksgiving for these generous donors.

Did you see it? 

Late last week, the General Administration sent out the most recent edition of the publication, S.M. 3 Offices. These are sent out by the Secretary General to all Brothers. If a Brother in your community does not use email, please share the document with him. If you do use email and you DID NOT receive the email, please email Ms. Pat Stephens and she will check with Rome to verify that they have your correct email address.

This Coming Week:
  • February 5: ACCU (Association of Catholic Colleges & Universities) Virtual Meeting & Preside at Chaminade School Mass
  •  February 6: Preside at Marriage Ritual, St. Louis
  •  February 9: Sponsorship Meetings
  •  February 11: St. Mary University Board Retreat, virtual
From Fr. Tim Kenney
Fr. Tim New
Dear Brothers,

Jubilees 2021

We are planning five jubilee celebrations to be held in the Province this year, respecting the Covid Guidelines of each area. As we get closer to the dates, we may have to make adjustments as we did last year. I am working with the area coordinators who will provide a lot of help to make these celebrations a graced time. This year, the Provincial Council has decided to also encourage those Jubilarians in 2020 who did not have the opportunity to celebrate publicly (due to Covid-19) to celebrate in one of these areas in 2021. We are praying that we will be able to move forward with these dates. Here are our projections:

  • San Antonio: Saturday, May 1, 2021
  • Hawaii: Sunday, May 23, 2021 
  • California: Saturday, June 19, 2021
  • Dayton: Saturday, Aug. 14, 2021
  • St. Louis: Saturday, Sept. 25, 2021

Consultation for Perpetual Vows

I am pleased to announce that Bro. Justin Quiroz has written his letter requesting perpetual vows. A consultation process has begun with his community and those with whom he has lived in the last three years. In addition, I would like to invite any perpetually professed members of the Province who may know Bro. Justin to offer any reflections by completing this form.
Upcoming Calendar

  • February 6: Catholic Social Ministry Gathering, virtual
  • February 13: Province JPIC Committee meeting, virtual
  • Weekend Eucharists: St. John Vianney High School & local parishes
From Bro. Jesse O'Neill
Bro. Jesse New
Dear Brothers,

Mission Response to January 6th
I would invite you to read the attached reflection written by Fr. James Fitz, Vice President for Mission and Rector at the University of Dayton. His words to the UD Family in response to the Capitol riots is a message for all of us to hear. Read the reflection.
Peter GIlmore
Witnessing the Marianist Charism

Recently, I asked members of our Marianist family to share a story reflecting the true expression of our Marianist Charism during this challenging time of the pandemic. Our first reflection was submitted by Mr. Rick Davis, president of St. John Vianney High School.

A Belief in the Healing Power of God

Sophomore, Peter Gilmore, injured his leg just before Thanksgiving during wrestling practice. The ER found a small fracture and referred him to an orthopedist. Little did Peter know this was the beginning of a long and painful journey. Read more.
Please pray for our Brothers who are celebrating their birthdays

February 4: Kenneth Straubinger
February 7: Francisco González
On the Calendar
February 11: Feast of Our Lady of Lourdes - World Day of the Sick
This publication is for members of the Society of Mary. Please do not forward it. Also, please provide a printed copy for brothers who do not use email.