February 11, 2021
From Fr. Oscar Vasquez
Fr. Oscar new
Dear Brothers,


  • Bro. José Degorio (Marianist Hall Community, Honolulu) has temporarily moved to the Cupertino Marianist Community.

  • An update on Bro. Steve Grazulis (Lusaka, Zambia). Bro. Steve has returned to his community in Lusaka after receiving treatment for COVID. He is doing well. Please continue to keep him in your prayers. 

Virtual Community Meetings

Bro. Bernie and I continue to meet virtually with communities in the Province. Previously, we have met with the Marianist Residence and Siena Woods communities.

The Current Situation in Our Country

Georgetown sponsored an online dialogue entitled "President Biden, U.S. Bishops, and Pope Francis." The dialogue included Bishop Robert McElroy, Helen Alvaré, Anne Thompson, John Carr and Kim Daniels. Thank you to Bro. Frank O’Donnell for making me aware of this conversation. Please click here to view.

Marianist Ministries in Action

In case you missed it. The University of Dayton has been active in providing space and support to administer the vaccine in the Dayton area. Please click here for the news story.

Marianist Lay Formation

Please join me in praying for the success of the new Virtual Lay Formation program for beginners. The program is open to anyone interested in learning about the Marianist charism, history and spirit with the guidance of committed Marianist leaders. Please click here for the curriculum. To view the information flyer, click here.

Surviving in the COVID-19 Era

Please click here for helpful information on surviving in this time of COVID.

This Coming Week

  • February 11-12: St. Mary University Board Retreat, virtual
  • February 13: Attending two virtual community meetings
  • February 14: Attending one virtual community meeting
  • February 15: Attending three virtual community meetings
From Fr. Tim Kenney
Fr. Tim New
Dear Brothers,

Season of Lent

In less than a week, we will be taking a journey, not in a car or an airplane, but the journey of our hearts. We begin this wonderful season of Lent, which is a new opportunity and journey, as we hear the words of the prophet Joel (2:12): “Yet even now says the Lord, return to me with all your heart.” Given the pandemic, do you plan to do anything different this year for Lent?

  • The Global Catholic Climate Movement is offering “Laudato Si’ Lent.” Sign up to receive weekly reminders and ideas about how you can live this journey of ecological conversion, including opportunities to connect through retreats, webinars and prayer services. Each week will feature a “mini-fast” challenge that will help all of us reduce our ecological footprint and reflect on our relationship with God and all creation. 

  • Jesuit Relief Services in the United States has coordinated a Lenten challenge to offer moments in your day for prayer, fasting and almsgiving in solidarity with refugees. Starting on Ash Wednesday, February 17, the goal is to reach 400 minutes of solidarity by Easter Sunday, April 4. That’s 10 minutes each day for the 40 days of Lent. The deadline to register is February 16. Click here for details.

  • Let us keep Bro. Justin Quiroz in prayer as he goes through the process of consultation for perpetual vows. This is a graced time for him, for his community and for us as Marianists.

  • I have just sent out the registration for the Province Retreats for the summer of 2021. If you did not receive the notice, please notify my administrative assistant, Terry Eversole or click here.


  • JPIC Committee Meeting. This Saturday, February 13, the Province JPIC committee will meet to cover a variety of topics, including some clarity on the office in this year of transition; the many ways we, as a Province, support existing justice issues and resources; personal sharing on a justice concern; and looking to the future. The committee members, besides myself, are the following: Bros. Steve O’Neil; Roger Bau; Justin Quiroz; Allen Pacquing; Mitch SchweickartFr. Sean Downing and Sr. Leanne Jablonski. 

  • Black History Month. In this month of February, we think about the heritage of African Americans. I came across an interesting article in U.S. Catholic by a Jesuit from Haiti who is a member of the Midwest Province. The title of the article is "Anti-racism is a lifelong commitment. Are you ready?" Click here to read the article.

  • Amanda Gorman. Many of you listened to this talented young poet at the inauguration of President Biden and just before Super Bowl LV. Amanda is living in an area where I grew up in South Central Los Angeles and is a member of St. Brigid’s Parish. Catholic News Service interviewed her pastor. You might enjoy reading about her here.

Feeling Grateful
Fr. Tim gets the second dose of the vaccine.
Fr. Tim receives the second dose of the COVID vaccine.
From Bro. Jesse O'Neill
Bro. Jesse New
Dear Brothers,

Our four retreat centers have faced unprecedented challenges this past year during the pandemic, and they have shown great faith, hope and creativity during this challenging time. In the weeks ahead, you will hear from the leadership of each retreat center on their experience of this past year and the hope that surrounds them moving forward. This week’s reflection is submitted by Jared Bryson, Interim Executive Director of the Marianist Retreat & Conference Center in Eureka, Missouri.

Get Ready for MORE!

The Marianist Retreat Center in Eureka, Missouri, is living into MORE. With the Covid-19 Pandemic continuing to affect our communities and ministries, the Marianist Retreat Center has taken this as an opportunity to respond to the current pandemic and begin to thrive. The center has moved into 2021, looking to serve MORE. Read more.
Trivia Results - Celebrating Our Rich History

Congratulations to Bros. Ray Fitz, Ed Brink and Tim Pieprzyca who were the first brothers to correctly respond to the last trivia question. The correct answer: Trinity College.

* * * * *

This week's question is submitted by Mary Kenney, our Province Archivist.

  • Which Marianist served on the National Historical Publications and Records Commission (NHPRC) as a presidential appointee? 

The first three brothers to respond to me with the correct answer will receive a prize. The winners will be announced bi-weekly.
On the Calendar
February 12: Robert E. Hughes
February 13: Alvin McMenamy
February 14: Alva Gillis
February 16: Memo Peña Contreras (pre-aspirant)
Please pray for our Brothers who are celebrating their birthdays

February 11: Our Lady of Lourdes & World Day of the Sick
February 15: President's Day, Provincial Offices closed
February 17: Ash Wednesday
This publication is for members of the Society of Mary. Please do not forward it. Also, please provide a printed copy for brothers who do not use email.