February 25, 2021
From Fr. Oscar Vasquez
Fr. Oscar new
Dear Brothers,

The Age-Old Question: What should I give up for Lent?

The Saint John Vianney Center offers these helpful suggestions. Read here.

First Mass, Fr. Renny Markose

Our Brother, Renny Markose (District of India), celebrated his First Mass in the Syromalabar Rite. Please click this link if you'd like to view the video. This link will be available until March. Thank you to Bro. Dennis Schmitz for sending the link.

Catholic Thought

Bishop Robert Barron recently gave a talk at Google’s Headquarters. The presentation was titled “Religion and the Opening of the Mind.” Click here to view the presentation.

Justice Jottings

The recent edition of "Justice Jottings," the newsletter from the MSJC (Marianist Social Justice Collaborative), included great Lenten resources. It also had a helpful study guide on Fratelli Tutti, which was developed by the USCCB.  The Marianist Family sponsors the MSJC via the MFC-NA. If you did not receive the "Justice Jottings" email, please check your spam folder. If it is not there, please contact Jim Vogt and he will add you to the list.

Surviving in the COVID-19 Era

Following are helpful resources on surviving in this time of COVID.

  • Grace & Bias: Forming Catholic Leaders Around Issues of Race. St. Luke’s Institute, in partnership with the Catholic Apostolate Center, present this free series. This webinar will examine implicit bias, creating a safe space for dialogue about racism, and more. Click here.

  • The Bright Side of Living with Pandemic Fallout. The Saint John Vianney Center offers this podcast. The unwelcome pandemic lingers on as we enter into our Lenten experience. Have we been "white-knuckling" it? What have we learned about ourselves during this time? What will be our legacy? Dr. Mariette Danilo discusses the dark side and the bright side of this time of pandemic. Click here to listen. 

This Coming Week

  • February 25-26: Provincial Council Meetings
From Fr. Tim Kenney
Fr. Tim New
Dear Brothers,

Wonderful Presentation by Bishop McElroy

Over this past weekend, I participated in the annual L.A. Religious Education Congress virtually. Among the talks that most inspired me was one given by Bishop Robert McElroy from San Diego on the topic: “What Is Truth?” If you have time, I encourage you to watch it. If you click on this link, you can advance to 45:16, where it will begin.

Lenten Reflection Question

  • How concerned are you about being a good person?
  • What are you doing in this season of Lent to grow?

I invite you to read this wonderful article by Franciscan Fr. Daniel P. Horan, who is the Duns Scotus Chair of Spirituality at Catholic Theological Union in Chicago, where he teaches systematic theology and spirituality. Fr. Dan gives us a lot to think about in Lent and in pandemic time. Click here to read.


Please take a look at this last Ecology Newsletter for the Marianist District of India that Bro. Larry McBride has put together with a beautiful quote from M.K. Gandhi.


Let us continue to keep in prayer all of our men in the different levels of formation, including this special time for Bro. Justin Quiroz. Enjoy this photo of our two Aspirants/Pre-Novices in San Antonio who are talking to the snowman about Marianist life.
Aspirants./Pre-Novices Guillermo (Memo) Peña Contreras & Joseph Choi (Ko)
From Bro. Jesse O'Neill
Bro. Jesse New
Dear Brothers,

A Time to Trust

I noted two weeks ago the unprecedented challenges for our retreat centers this past year and the creative response to these circumstances. Attached are reflections from three of our retreat centers. My heartfelt gratitude to Brent Devitt, Kay Tally-Foos and Anthony Fucci for their leadership during this challenging time. Their stories remind us of our need to trust in God during these moments in life. Attached are their reflections on this past year.

  • Read Brent’s reflection here.
  • Read Kay’s reflection here.
  • Read Anthony’s reflection here.
Marianists Write Now Invitation

Are you being called to share how you live your commitment with the broader Marianist Family?

NACMS is offering the second session of Marianists Write Now, a program designed to encourage thoughtful writing about the Marianist Charism and to support MLC-NA’s Year of Shared Discernment. MLC-NA encourages you to consider this excellent opportunity designed to take your Year of Shared Discernment reflections to a deeper, personal level.

Scheduled for March 12-13, 2021, NACMS staff guide you to consider and reflect from the heart on the question: “What does it mean for me to live a committed Marianist life?”

Registration closes March 3! Don’t delay. Register today for this program which provides you with the pathway to deeper reflection. To read the reflections by the participants in the November 2020 session of Marianists Write Now on “How am I called to be Marianist?,” please visit the NACMS website.
A Trivia Stumper

Mary Kenney almost stumped the entire province with her question two weeks ago. One determined brother found the correct answer. Congratulations to Bro. Ed Brink who was the only responder with the correct answer. Bro. Ed gets triple points. The correct answer was Rev. Norbert Brockman, who was appointed by President Reagan.

* * * * *

Looking for the first three correct responses to this week’s question submitted by Bro. Brian Zampier and Bro. Earl Leistikow. Good Luck!

  • Name the three Marianists from around the world who have been appointed bishop?

The first three brothers to respond to me with the correct answer will receive a prize. The winners will be announced bi-weekly.
Please pray for our Brothers who are celebrating their birthdays

February 25: Edward Violett
February 26: John Collins, Thomas Jalbert
February 27: Vincent Wayer

March 2: Richard Dix
March 4: H. James Bartlett, Thomas Giardino
March 6: Chester Burnog, Christian Janson
On the Calendar
February 25-26: Provincial Council Meetings
This publication is for members of the Society of Mary. Please do not forward it. Also, please provide a printed copy for brothers who do not use email.