March 4, 2021
From Fr. Oscar Vasquez
Fr. Oscar new
Dear Brothers,

General Council Visit

We are thankful to have received tentative dates (2021) for the rescheduled visit by the General Council. Please pray that our world will be in a safe place for the General Council to travel to the United States:

  • Part I: September 19 to October 30  
  • Part II: November 30 to December 18 

As we get closer, I will begin working on details for the visit. In the near future, I will reach out to the area coordinators to see if there are significant Marianist and/or ministry events during these dates. We will continue to monitor the vaccine distribution and health and safety issues in our country that may influence the schedule of their visit.

New District Leadership in Eastern Africa Named

Earlier this week, the superior general, with the support of the General Council, announced the appointment of Fr. Stephen Wanyoike Mburu as the next regional superior of Eastern Africa. The Marianist Province of the United States sends fraternal greetings and prayers to Fr. Stephen.

Father Stephen was born on April 25, 1973, in Kenya. He made his first vows on August 1, 1998, in Nairobi, Kenya. On January 22, 2005, he pronounced his perpetual vows. After three years at the Chaminade International Seminary in Rome, Italy, he was ordained a Marianist priest on October 24, 2009, in Nairobi, Kenya. Father Stephen will begin his first term of five years on May 23, 2021.

We would also like to thank Fr. Gabriel Kirangah and his Council for their years of service.

God is on Your Side: A Statement by Catholic Bishops

At the February 25 meeting of the Provincial Council, we acted to add our name to God is On Your Side: A Statement by Catholic Bishops on Protecting LGBT Youth, an effort organized by the Tyler Clementi Foundation. It reads in part:

“The Catholic Church values the God-given dignity of all human life and we take this opportunity to say to our LGBT friends, especially young people, that we stand with you and oppose any form of violence, bullying or harassment directed at you. Most of all, know that God created you, God loves you, and God is on your side.”

To read the entire statement and view the list of other signatories, click here.


  • Bro. Giancarlo Bonutti is assigned to the Marianist Residence Community with ministry as the community director. The assignment will begin on July 1, 2021.  

  • Fr. Roland Bunda is assigned to a period of sabbatical. The assignment begins July 1, 2021. The formal assignment for after the sabbatical year will be made at a later time. 

  • Bro. Paco Gomes is assigned to a period of sabbatical. The assignment begins July 1, 2021. The formal assignment for after the sabbatical year will be made at a later time. 

  • Fr. Sylverius Kerketta is assigned to the Marianist Community at Governor’s Island with ministry at the Marianist Chapel. The assignment begins July 1, 2021.  

  • Bro. Dan Klco is assigned to a period of sabbatical. The assignment begins July 1, 2021. The formal assignment for after the sabbatical year will be made at a later time. 

  • Bro. Mike O’Grady is assigned to the Casa Maria Community with ministry as the director of the Aspirancy program. Bro. Mike will also assist Bro. Mark Motz with our vocation program in Texas. The assignment begins August 1, 2021.  

  • Bro. David Quigley is assigned to the Woodlawn Marianist Community with ministry of service at the Marianist Residence. The assignment begins July 1, 2021.  

  • Bro. Fred Silbereis is assigned to the Siena Woods Community with ministry of service. The assignment begins July 1, 2021.  

  • Fr. Chris Wittmann is assigned to a period of sabbatical. The assignment begins July 1, 2021. The formal assignment for after the sabbatical year will be made at a later time. 

Thank You to All

The personnel time of the year is always a time to rejoice and to thank God for the generosity of our Brothers. Thank you! As Bro. Bernie and I both stated during the recent community meetings, “it has always been difficult to be an administrator of a Marianist work.” In the time of COVID, it is more difficult than ever.  In the name of the Province, I want to thank our Brothers who are completing terms of service as administrators/pastors: Fr. Roland Bunda, Bro. Mike O’Grady and Fr. Chris Wittmann.

This Coming Week

  • March 4: Confessions, Chaminade Collge Preparatory, St. Louis
  • March 5: Provincial Chapter Meeting, virtual session, 1:00-5:00 p.m.
From Fr. Tim Kenney
Fr. Tim New
Dear Brothers,

Registration for Annual Retreats

Just a reminder that I would like to hear from all of the members of the province on or before April 1 regarding your annual retreat plans. In particular, if you are registering for one of the province retreats, you can click this link. Thank you so much!
From Bro. Jesse O'Neill
Bro. Jesse New
Dear Brothers,

Bill Hunt Selected to Serve on Sponsorship Commission

The Marianist Provincial Council has approved Bill Hunt to serve on the Marianist Sponsorship Commission beginning July 1, 2021. Bill has been associated with the Marianists for more than 25 years. He retired in 2017 from Archbishop Moeller High School in Cincinnati, where he served eight years as president and then director of planned giving. He has the distinction of being the first president of Moeller under the new president/ principal model adopted in 2010.

Prior to his work at Moeller, Bill worked 17 years at the University of Dayton in various positions (director of development, in alumni relations, and as director of leadership annual giving). He currently serves as a Marianist representative on the board of directors for St. Vincent-St. Mary High School in Akron, Ohio. He earned a bachelor’s degree from the University of Cincinnati and a master’s degree from the University of Dayton.

Bill replaces Tim Fallon, who served eight years as an at-large director on the commission. Our deepest gratitude to Tim for his generous service to the commission and as a facilitator for the province. May he be blessed abundantly.

An overview of Sponsorship and the role of the Sponsorship Commission is available on the Marianist portal under “Sponsorship.”

Chaminade-Julienne: A Reflection from the Principal

Attached is a reflection written by Greg Mueller, principal at Chaminade Julienne Catholic High School, Dayton, Ohio. His words remind us that as Marianists, not even a pandemic can keep us apart. Community continues! Read Greg’s words here.
Community Continues
Please pray for our Brothers who are celebrating their birthdays

March 4: H. James Bartlett, Thomas Giardino
March 6: Chester Burnog, Christian Janson
March 9: Theodore Cassidy
On the Calendar
March 5: The Provincial Chapter Meeting, virtual, 1:00–5:00 p.m.
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