March 5, 2020
From Fr. Oscar Vasquez
Fr. Oscar new
Dear Brothers,

Provincial Chapter

Please pray for the blessings of the Spirit on the Provincial Chapter, which begins this evening.  

Intercession of Blessed Chaminade

On February 9, the parish community of Our Lady of the Pillar (St. Louis) initiated a process of prayer asking for the intercession of Blessed Father Chaminade for the healing of parishioner, Mrs. Danielle Keninger. Please join the parish community of Our Lady of the Pillar in asking for the intercession of Blessed Chaminade. Please click here for additional details. 

Helpful Information on the Coronavirus

There has been much information in the news recently about the coronavirus or COVID-19. Unfortunately, there has also been much misinformation. Thank you to Bro. Ed Violett for sending this simple and easy to understand video. The video was created by the CBC (Canadian Broadcasting Company.) Please remember to take precautions when you or someone around you is ill. You may view this important video below.
This Coming Week

  • March 5: Provincial Chapter begins
  • March 9: Provincial Chapter ends at noon; CMSM Region V Meeting, St. Louis
  • March 10: CMSM Region V meeting, St. Louis ends 5:00 p.m.
  • March 13: Central Catholic Community visitation, San Antonio
From Fr. Tim Kenney
Fr. Tim New
Dear Brothers,

Prayer for Healing and Atonement

During Lent, as a Province, we continue as communities to be in solidarity with each other as we pray for our Church and our Province with the abuse crisis and our preparing to release names. We pray for those who have been abused physically, emotionally, mentally or sexually. We ask our God, of all tenderness and compassion, to restore them and give them peace. We pray for our individual and communal role in contributing to the institutional sin of not protecting the most vulnerable of our world.

Please click here for a Morning Prayer Service that you may wish to adapt for your morning prayer.

Click here for the prayer that was shared last week's issue of Notes from the Provincial Council.

Anticipation of March 25: Patronal Feast of the Marianist Family

I invited Bro. Stephen Glodek to write a reflection for this day. Read the reflection.

I have invited Bro. Gary Marcinowski to put a prayer service together which I will send out to you later this month.

Province Retreats

Just a reminder to register for the Province retreats that are being offered. If you are making a private retreat, we have indicated what funds are available when you register.

At the present time, we have a couple of openings for the Saragossa Directed Retreat. Bro. Les Kaehler has offered to assist Bro. Tom Redmond as one of the directors.

The Governor Island Quiet Retreat has only one space left!

Upcoming Calendar

  • March 12-15: Formation Weekend, New York
  • March 16-21: Chaminade College Prep Board meetings and Provincial Council, West Hills, California
From Bro. Jesse O'Neill
Bro. Jesse New
Dear Brothers,

Education Workshop

This past weekend the Marianist family gathered for presentations by Dr. Hosffman Ospino, director of Hispanic Ministry from Boston College. He spoke about the realities and challenges facing the Catholic Church in 2020.

Katie Gushoney, a Lay Marianist and member of our Directional Statement Committee, facilitated the group in processing Dr. Ospino’s message. How do these realities in today’s Church impact the Marianist world here in the United States, and how do these challenges impact my particular ministry?

Our liturgies were blessed with the musical giftedness of Fr. Ted Ley, Vicente Bastidas and Julio Maldonado. The weekend was an enriching and thought-provoking time for the Marianist family.
Marianist laity, sisters and brothers gather at Vallambrosa Center representing our three universities, five of our high schools, along with representatives from Tecaboca, Siena Woods, Cupertino, NACMS, Our Lady of the Pillar Parish and the Center for Lay Formation.
Office of JPIC - Brian Reavey
Dear Brothers,

Lenten Reflection Guide

To honor our Province's ongoing commitment to the integrity of creation, the Province JPIC Advisory Committee recently endorsed the use of the Maryknoll Lenten Reflection Guide for 2020. This guide's theme is "A Journey Toward Ecological Conversion" and offers reflections, questions, prayers and actions based on each week's scripture readings. We remind you to use this guide individually or communally to reflect upon your life patterns, to pray more deeply and to renew your spirit to face the realities of our world. 

Linking Lectionary to Justice and Peace

Below you will find homily resources from CMSM members and other people of wisdom in our community for your reflection. If you are not preparing homilies, please consider sharing with your local presider.

Sunday, March 8 by Don Timmerman, Catholic Worker
Please pray for our Brothers who are celebrating their birthdays

March 6: Chester Burnog, Christian Janson
March 9: Theodore Cassidy
On the Calendar
March 5-9: Provinical Chapter, MRCC, Eureka, MO
This publication is for members of the Society of Mary. Please do not forward it. Also, please provide a printed copy for brothers who do not use email.