March 11, 2021
From Fr. Oscar Vasquez
Fr. Oscar new
Dear Brothers,

Perpetual Profession

It is with great joy that the Provincial Council announces that Bro. Justin Quiroz has been approved for the profession of perpetual vows in the Society of Mary. After considering the Province-wide consultation, the Provincial Council accepted Justin’s request.
We have received the ratification by our Superior General, Fr. André-Joseph Fétis and his Council. Details for the celebration of the Mass of Perpetual Profession will be announced shortly.


Unless otherwise indicated, personnel assignments begin with the new personnel year, August 15.

  • Fr. Sean Downing is assigned to the Maryland Avenue Marianist Community with ministry as the chaplain at St. John Vianney High School and Chaminade College Preparatory, St. Louis.
  • Fr. Patrick McDaid is assigned to the Woodlawn Marianist Community with ministry as the chaplain at Central Catholic High School.
  • Fr. Tom Schroer will be transferring to the Siena Woods Community to be part of the support staff, with ministry as the chaplain. The assignment is for three years. He will continue as the pastor of Queen of Apostles and other pastoral responsibilities at University of Dayton and the Dayton area.  

Update on the Garden in Cupertino

Thank you to Bro. Bob Juenemann for his work in raising funds for the upgrade of the garden at the Marianist Community in Cupertino. Bro. Jack Somerville has been a consultant for the project. Please click here to see pictures. The upgrade will also allow the garden to be more ecologically in tune. Once complete, the project will include drip irrigation which is eligible for a rebate from Santa Clara County Valley Water.

Surviving in the COVID-19 Era

Following is a helpful resource on surviving in this time of COVID.

Transformative Grief. Emily Cash, Psy.D. at St. Luke’s Institue is offering a free webinar entitled “Transformative Grief.” In the video description, she reminds us that grief impacts us all at different times and in unexpected ways. In this unusual time of collective and individual grief in our society, the only choice we have, as we experience grief, is how we respond to it. The video is free. Click here to view.

This Coming Week

  • March 11: Preside at St. John Vianney High School Junior Unity Ring Mass
  • March 12: Various Zoom meetings 
From Bro. Bernard Ploeger
Dear Brothers,

Provincial Chapter Meeting, March 5, 2021

The afternoon of Friday, March 5, the Provincial Chapter for 2021 held its first meeting in a virtual format. As required by our Rule of Life, two important matters relating to Temporalities were considered and acted upon: the amount of support per person that will be allotted to communities by area was adopted, and the proposed Province budget for FY 2021-22 was reviewed and endorsed. Other topics reported on included a summary of the “virtual visitations” of the Province communities by Fr. Oscar Vasquez and me and a progress report on the implementation of the Province Directional Statements. Shortly, the Minutes of this meeting and the documents the Chapter members received will be available on the Province portal.

Please recall that there will be a second meeting of the Chapter for 2021 in St. Louis on August 26-30. This will be the traditional meeting of the Chapter. Reports of the Provincial Offices and any propositions received will be made available in early April for discussion by the communities/areas so that the minutes of these gatherings may be forwarded to the Chapter delegates for their consideration.

As a reminder, please note that for a proposition to be considered in August it must be submitted to my office by Friday, March 26.
From Fr. Tim Kenney
Fr. Tim New
Dear Brothers,

Formation Weekend

I invite you to keep our Formation Weekend in prayer this weekend. Contacts, aspirants/pre-novices, Novices, and temporary professed from three provinces (our Province, Province of Meribah and the US Marianist Sisters) will be together to reflect on our Vow of Obedience and to have time for prayer, sharing and socialization. I am thankful to Frs. Jim Fitz and Quentin Hakenewerth for preparing presentations that will spark much conversation.

National Religious Brothers Day Online Gathering 2021

I invite you to participate in the National Religious Brothers Day Online Gathering 2021 on Saturday, May 1, 1:30-2:30 p.m. (ET), which will include prayer, reflections by younger brothers and small group conversation. I encourage you to use social media (#WeAreBrothers) and other resources to celebrate our vocation. 


  • Pope Francis' message for Lent 2021: Behold, we are going up to Jerusalem” (Mt 20:18). Lent: a Time for Renewing Faith, Hope and Love. Read here.
  • Daily Reflections in Lent by Blessed Chaminade. Bros. Tim Phillips and Kelvin Maona prepared these reflections for the novices in Eastern Africa. You might find it helpful in your prayer during this time. It was inspired by a proposal from the Province of France. Click here to read.
  • You might enjoy browsing through the NRVC Newsletter and watching a couple of these inspiring videos of aging religious who give us great hope.
  • Paraclete Press is offering several presentations this month, including one from Fr. Ron Rolheiser that might be an interesting reflection for you.


  • Click here for an interesting newsletter that I get from Rome on JPIC, as a resource that I would like to share with you.

Upcoming Calendar

  • March 11: MSJC Meeting
  • March 12-13: Formation Weekend
  • March 14: Masses here in Saint Louis
  • March 16: Mental Health Training Workshop 
  • March 17: CCP Board; Saint Patrick!
From Bro. Jesse O'Neill
Bro. Jesse New
Dear Brothers,

The summary below is submitted by Deacon Pat Wheadon from the Office of Sponsorship and Erica Duarte, National Coordinator for LIFE. My deepest gratitude to both of them for their careful discernment on a path forward for the LIFE Summer Program 2021. 

LIFE Summer 2021

After collaborating with school leaders and moderators, and considering planning, travel and current virus restrictions still in place, and the uncertainty about when vaccinations will happen, especially in younger people, we have made the decision to offer an interactive, virtual LIFE program for summer 2021.

We will offer three live programs led by regional Coordinating Teams with the help of moderators at each of our Marianist schools. We will also be adding an intentional vocations component led by Bro. Mark Motz and Sr. Nicole Trahan.

Thank you for your continued prayers and support as we work to adapt the meaningful content of LIFE to an online format. Below are the adjusted dates for our summer 2021 programs.

LIFE Pacific
Moderators: June 17 and June 21-24, 2021
Students: June 21-24, 2021

LIFE Central
Moderators: July 12-16, 2021
Students: July 13-16, 2021

LIFE South
Moderators: July 19-23, 2021
Students: July 20-23, 2021

Please pray for the students, teachers, and formators who continue to adapt, change and do great work in the midst of this pandemic.

Trivia - Back on Track

We had the most correct responses to our question two weeks ago.

Congratulations to our first three correct responders Fr. James Heft, Bro. Timothy Phillips and Fr. James Fitz. Our three bishops were Raymond Roussin (Canada), Oscar Alzamora (Peru) and Paul Vollmar (Switzerland).

* * * * *

This week’s question is submitted by Mary Kenney. Two weeks ago, Bro. Ed Brink ruined her attempt to stump everyone. Will she succeed this week?

  • Which Marianist discovered two new bird species?

The first three brothers to respond to me with the correct responses win a prize.
Please pray for our Brothers who are celebrating their birthdays

March 14: Raymond Gohring, John Laudenbach
March 16: Robert Juenemann
On the Calendar
March 17: Happy St. Patrick's Day
This publication is for members of the Society of Mary. Please do not forward it. Also, please provide a printed copy for brothers who do not use email.