March 12, 2020
From Fr. Oscar Vasquez
Fr. Oscar new
Dear Brothers,


Magdaleno (Leno) Ceballos, our 2nd-year novice, continues his discernment and has submitted his letter requesting first vows. We have also received a letter of support from the novitiate staff. Please Read a short bio on Leno.

Fr. John Thompson has been the liaison from the Provincial Council to Mexico for the last five years. For two of those years, Fr. John lived in the community in Querétaro. Because of the growth of Holy Rosary parish, Fr. John has asked to step down from his role as Provincial Liaison. John will bring his term to a close on June 1, 2020. Thank you, John, your generous service to the Province and the Brothers in Mexico. 

Update on the Mission in Ju á rez

The previous Provincial Council initiated a wonderful experiment in ministry in Juárez, Mexico. The ministry features a school, a daycare, a soup kitchen and a dispensary for food. The community was initiated in August 2018.  Please click here to read the update.  

Provincial Chapter

Thank you to all the communities of the Province for your prayerful support of the Chapter. The Provincial Council is also thankful to the Chapter members for their organizing of the pre- and post- Chapter meetings and the faithful notes on all of these meetings. During the self-evaluation made by the Chapter members at the end of the Chapter, it was mentioned how many times during the Chapter the members made reference to the notes of the area meetings. 
The Acts of the Chapter and the Minutes will now be sent to the Superior General for his ratification. As soon as we receive his ratification, I will publish the Acts of the Chapter and write those who have submitted propositions.  

This Coming Week

  • March 13: Central Catholic Community visitation, San Antonio
  • March 18-20: Provincial Council meetings, Los Angeles
From Bro. Bernie Ploeger
Dear Brothers,

Community Directors/Area Coordinators

At the February meeting of the Provincial Council, we made an initial review of those community directors and area coordinators whose terms will conclude this August 14. I have sent a letter to the communities involved, informing them of the need for a consultation and a response form to be returned to me by April 10. 

Two of our current area coordinators, Bro. Jack Ventura (East Coast) and Bro. David Betz (California), have accepted reappointment to a three-year term. Thanks to them and all the members of the Province who have accepted the important fraternal service of leadership.  
From Fr. Tim Kenney
Fr. Tim New
Dear Brothers,

Prayer for Healing and Atonement

During Lent, as a Province, we continue as communities to be in solidarity with each other as we pray for our Church and our Province over the abuse crisis and our preparing to release names. We pray for people who have been abused whether physically, emotionally, mentally or sexually that our God of all tenderness and compassion will restore them and give them peace.

This week we offer the Rosary Service for Healing. A community may wish to pray each of these mysteries once a week over the next four weeks (Glorious, Sorrowful, Joyful, Luminous) with a scripture reference and reflection.

Over the last two weeks in Notes from the Provincial Council, the following resources have been offered:
Reflection Paper by Deacon Brandon Paluch

Please click here to read a beautiful reflection paper that Bro. Brandon wrote for one of his classes titled “Handing Over The Spirit From the Cross John 19:28-37." I thought you might enjoy reading this for Lent.

Formation Weekend Canceled

The Formation Weekend is canceled due to the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic and its effect throughout our country, and especially, right now in New York. We thought it would be safe, wise and vigilant to cancel our planned weekend, which was scheduled for March 12-15.

Let us continue to pray for healing for those who have the symptoms, for all of the medical people involved in helping to bring an end to the spread of this horrible virus and for all of our Marianist Brothers and Sisters in formation. 
Consultation for Perpetual Vows

Just a friendly reminder, Bro. Allen Pacquing is requesting perpetual vows in the Society of Mary. If you are a perpetually professed Brother who has lived with Allen in the past three years, I would ask everyone to provide feedback on your disposition of Bro Allen's request. Please complete the consultation form here. Please email your completed consultation back to Terry Eversole no later than March 13, 2020.
Upcoming Calendar

  • March 16-21: Chaminade College Prep Board Meetings, Provincial Council meetings, West Hills, California
  • March 24-27: Marianist Novitiate visitation, Dayton, Ohio
From Bro. Jesse O'Neill
Bro. Jesse New
Dear Brothers,

Mary's Lead: A True Blessing

Last week, I asked you to pray for the success of Mary’s Lead, a new yearlong formation program for our high school leaders. This past week, the opening retreat was held at the Marianist Retreat and Conference Center in Eureka, Missouri. Special thanks to Dr. Savio Franco for developing the program and to Sister Laura Leming, and Bro. Tom Giardino for facilitating this opening three-day retreat. Nine of the twelve participants share their reflections of the week. Please click on this link to hear their words.  

Upcoming Events

  • March 13: Mother Seton Academy Faculty Retreat, Baltimore
  • March 18-20: Provincial Council meetings, Los Angeles
From Bro. Joseph Markel
Bro. Joe Markel
Dear Brothers,

Information on 2020 Census

During this year of 2020, every household will receive an invitation to complete the census over the internet, by phone or by paper questionnaire. Decennial U.S. Census figures are based on actual counts of persons dwelling in U.S. residential structures. They include citizens, non-citizen legal residents, non-citizen long-term visitors and undocumented immigrants. The U.S. Census Bureau bases its decision about whom to count on the concept of usual residence. Usual residence is defined as the place a person lives and sleeps most of the time.

By April 1, 2020, every home will receive an invitation to participate in the 2020 Census. There are three options for responding: online; by phone; by U.S. mail. In mid-March, households will begin receiving official U.S. Census Bureau mail with detailed information on how to respond to the 2020 Census. An overview of the questions asked and the actual questionnaire, as well as additional information, may be found here.

However, leadership and members of religious institutes should be careful to avoid any fraudulent activity and scams perpetrated by those claiming to be acting on behalf of the Bureau of the Census. The U.S. Census Bureau will never ask for:

  1. an individual’s Social Security number
  2. money or donations
  3. anything on behalf of a political party
  4. an individual’s full bank or credit card account numbers
  5. the maiden name of a person’s mother.

"If you are living or staying in a group living arrangement, also known as group quarters, on April 1, 2020, the Census Bureau has a special process for counting you. This process, known as the Group Quarters operation, will ensure that you are counted in the right place for the 2020 Census. Group Quarters include: Religious group living quarters (e.g., convents, monasteries, abbeys)." Click here for more information on the above quote.

Please call my office (314.533.1207) if you have any questions about the census.
Office of JPIC - Brian Reavey
Dear Brothers,

Transition Announcement

After much prayer and discernment, I have decided to move on from my role as JPIC Director in the Office of Religious Life. Serving the Province for a combined 15+ years has been an immense honor, and I am grateful to everyone who's blessed my journey in positive ways. Thank you for the faith-filled opportunities, countless memories and lifelong friendships. I remain a proud Affiliate, Lay Marianist and promoter of our mission and charism.

My last day as JPIC Director will be July 3; however, the current plan is to finish my Province employment by serving as the interim PULSE Coordinator in Maureen O'Rourke's absence during her impending FMLA from mid-July until mid-October. 
Office of Vocation Ministry - Bro. Mark Motz
Dear Brothers,

February Vocation News

My apologies for the late update. February was a short month, and it flew by quickly. I will include information for the first week of March, as well, to include the Chapter. As a reminder, please send me photos and information about any vocation events you participate in so I can include them here.  

February 13-15: I cooked, led prayer and facilitated a discussion about culture for the Marianist PULSE midyear retreat. 
February 15: I presented to St. Mary's University Awakening Staff Retreat.

February 18: Bro. David Betz was on a vocation panel for a program called Focus 11. It is a vocation program that targets 11-year-olds and 11th graders because this is a time when students are more open to the possibility of religious and priestly vocations. The program was held at St. Charles Borromeo Parish in North Hollywood, California. Thanks to Bro. David!
February 20-23: Srs. Gabby Bibeau and Nicole Trahan, Novice Leno Ceballos, Fr. Ken Templin and I exhibited at a booth at the LA Religious Education Congress. Special thanks to all of them for helping spread awareness about the Marianists. 
March Vocation News

March 2-3: I spoke to seventh, eighth, ninth and tenth-grade classes about vocations at Colegio San José. Many thanks to the Bro. Reinaldo Berríos and the community for hosting me, and to Bro. Francisco González and Fr. Armando Añeses for organizing the classroom visits.
March 5-6: I talked to the LIFE group and all the juniors and seniors at Gross Catholic High School in Omaha. I was very impressed with the Marianist Spirit at the school from both the staff and students.  

March 6-8: The Ohio Regional Vocation Office hosted a discernment retreat. I want to thank Sr. Laura Leming, Bro. Mitch Schweickart (Ohio Regional Vocation Director) and Bro. Justin Quiroz for facilitating and the Governor’s Island Community for hosting the retreat. 
March 6-8: The Provincial Chapter was also the same weekend as the discernment retreat. Click here to see an outline of my talk to the Chapter.
Please pray for our Brothers who are celebrating their birthdays

March 14: Raymond Gohring, John Laudenbach
March 16: Robert Juenemann
On the Calendar
March 18-20: Provincial Council Meetings, Los Angeles
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