March 25, 2021
From Fr. Oscar Vasquez
Fr. Oscar new
Dear Brothers,

Stop the Violence

In the last two weeks, our country has experienced two additional examples of violence and hatred. By media accounts, one shooting appears to have been motivated by hatred towards a particular cultural group. We are called to be men of peace and reconciliation, and it must begin in our hearts, communities, and ministries.  I call on all communities in the Province to offer at least one Mass in the near future with the intention of peace, healing, and reconciliation. (One possibility, Mass #29, For the Progress of Peoples.).

As we prepare for Holy Week, I offer a reminder from the traditional hymn Make Me a Channel of Your Peace: "Make me a channel of your peace. Where there is hatred, let me bring your love. Where there is injury, your pardon, Lord.”  Peace be with you!

Vocation Ministry Culture

Bro. Mark Motz, our vocation director, regularly reminds us that as Marianist Religious, we must create and sustain a culture that supports vocation ministry. On the Feast of St. Joseph, Pope Francis released a letter entitled “Saint Joseph: the Dream of Vocation.” Click here to read the article

As we reach the midpoint of this semester, it is good to ask ourselves as individuals and as a community if we are genuinely implementing our community vocation plan? Do we pray for vocations? Do we pray each day for our newest brothers who are in formation?

Vocation Ministry

Two weeks ago, I was privileged to be a presenter at the Chaminade-St. Louis student vocation retreat that was conducted by Mrs. Carla Struckhoff and several other faculty members and one Chaminade graduate who is currently attending the St. Louis Archdiocesan seminary. There were 10 students present.
Surviving in the COVID-19 Era

Please click here for helpful information on surviving in this time of COVID.

This Coming Week

  • March 25: Solemnity, Annunciation of the Lord
  • March 28: Assist with Sunday Mass, local St. Louis parish
  • March 30: Confessions, St. John Vianney High school, St. Louis
From Fr. Tim Kenney
Fr. Tim New
Dear Brothers,

Happy Feast Day!

In November 2013, the Marianist World Council of the Marianist Family declared the Solemnity of the Annunciation (March 25) as the patronal feast of the Marianist Family. (The World Council includes the international leadership groups of the Daughters of Mary Immaculate, the Society of Mary, the International Organization of Marianist Lay Communities and the Alliance Mariale.)
The Council said that this is an occasion “for giving thanks for our Marianist vocation in the Church, supported by Mary’s joyful and enthusiastic response.”
Province Retreat Registrations

Just a reminder that we would like to encourage our Brothers to think about whether you will be making a private retreat this summer or attending one of the scheduled Province retreats. The Saragossa retreat in Dayton is filled and now closed. If you still need to register, here is the link.
Marianist Presentations

Fr. George Montague has shared with us a presentation that he recently gave to the Catholic Pentecostal Dialogue titled: “Okay, Mary’s Role in the Incarnation through the Lens of Luke.” Click here to read.

Lenten Resources

A Possible Resource for Community Libraries

The first issue of the new Review for Religious journal on religious life will be published in June and subscriptions are now open. The Review is back after a nine-year hiatus and is being published through CMSM with Catholic University Press. Drawing on its 70-year history, the new Review for Religious maintains continuity with its rich past while exploring new challenges and contexts in religious life today.

The print journal, published three times/year, will include peer-reviewed articles and book reviews. The website includes guidelines and subscription information for the print journal, as well as news, essays on religious life and art. Subscribe to the journal here. Questions? Contact Dr. David Rohrer-Budiash, managing editor.


From Bro. Jesse O'Neill
Bro. Jesse New
Dear Brothers,

Acting on the Works of Mercy

Paulette Neuhalfen is the principal of Daniel J. Gross Catholic High School in Bellevue, Nebraska, and is a participant in Cohort 1 of Mary’s Lead. She shares a reflection on the opportunities that the Holy Spirit provided for her students in living out the Works of Mercy in their lives during a year of pandemic. Click here to read her words.

Foiled Again!

Mary Kenney was once again dismayed that Bro. Ed Brink extinguished her chances of stumping the Province with her trivia question. Bro. Ed was joined by two other brothers with the correct answer. Congratulations to Bro. Bernie Ploeger, Bro. Dennis Schmitz and Bro. Ed Brink. The correct answer was Bro. Matthias Newel.

* * * * *

This week’s question is submitted by Bros. Brian Zampier and Earl Leistikow. The first three brothers to respond to me with the correct answer win a prize.

  • Which Marianist artist painted thirteen original oil paintings titled “The Life and Times of W.J. Chaminade"? 
Please pray for our Brothers who are celebrating their birthdays

March 26: Robert Metzger
March 28: Roland Bunda
March 29: Michael Sullivan
March 30: Frank Damm, Stephen Glodek, Joseph Uvietta
On the Calendar
March 25: The Annunciation of the Lord
March 28: Palm Sunday
This publication is for members of the Society of Mary. Please do not forward it. Also, please provide a printed copy for brothers who do not use email.