March 26, 2020
From Fr. Oscar Vasquez
Fr. Oscar new
Dear Brothers,

COVID-19 Information

There is so much information and misinformation in the media on the COVID-19 virus that we wanted to present important information by our very own, Bro. (Dr.) Bob Donovan (DeSales Community, Cincinnati). As you may know, Bro. Bob is a practicing physician. He has volunteered to provide a very useful and unbiased opinion as a health professional. Click here to read the COVID-19 information from Bro. Bob. He has also agreed to answer your questions via his email. Please join me in thanking Bob for this service. 

State of Our Communities

On Tuesday and Wednesday of this week, I was able to speak (or played phone tag/texted) with all community directors. The report from the community directors is that all are doing as well as can be expected and doing their best to live by the rules set by their particular municipality. I have assured all of them of our prayers. Let’s continue to join in prayer whether we are across the United States or around the world. Have you called a friend, family member or a Brother today? I continue to be concerned for our Brothers in the three care centers. Each center is on a different level of isolation. 


On Tuesday, March 24, the Province received the ratification of the Superior General granting the admission of Bro. Allen Pacquing to perpetual vows as a lay religious in the Society of Mary. The perpetual vow Mass will be celebrated during the annual directors meeting in October.

The Provincial Council has given unanimous approval for Bro. Justin Quiroz to renew temporary vows in the Society of Mary. We pray for Bro. Justin and his presence among us.

Fr. George Montague will be retiring from teaching after 40 years at St. Mary’s University. His community will be the San Juan Community and he will continue as the Novice Director for the Beloved Disciple community.  

Bro. Joseph Nugent has discerned that he does not want to renew vows in the Society of Mary. Bro. Joseph’s vows will expire with his annual retreat which is scheduled for May 31, 2020. 
Superior General's Circular #1

On Tuesday of this week, you should have received an email from the Superior General with Circular #1.  Click here to download a copy.  

Release of Names

As the Provincial Council has previously announced, we are moving towards the release of the names of Marianists who have been found to have abused a minor since 1950. We have decided to postpone the release of names. It does not seem appropriate to release names during the current world crisis. Please continue to offer your penance and prayers for all those that have been affected by the sin of abuse in our Church and our world.  

Live Stream

Is your community live streaming the community Mass? Is your ministry live streaming the Mass? How often? Is someone from the community handling the tech piece? If you are live streaming, please let me know.

This Coming Week

  • March 26-April 2: St. Louis
From Fr. Tim Kenney
Fr. Tim New
Dear Brothers,

Prayers for Healing and Atonement

During Lent, as a Province, we continue as communities to be in solidarity with each other as we pray for our Church and our Province over the abuse crisis and our preparing to release names. We pray for people who have been abused whether physically, emotionally, mentally or sexually that our God of all tenderness and compassion will restore them and give them peace.

This week I would like to present to you two different litanies that could easily be adapted to a morning prayer or used as intercessions at Mass

Since the beginning of Lent, we have suggested the following services to be adopted for your community prayer:

Managing Coronavirus Anxiety

  • Emily R. Cash, Psy.D., offers practical strategies for managing the psychological impact of the coronavirus pandemic. It is well done and takes about 10 minutes to listen to. This might be something individuals or a community might do together with some reflection. Click here to view the video.
  • Reflect on this poem by Wendell Berry and think about how you might "rest in the grace of the world" today.
  • Take some time to pray this prayer from the USCCB.
  • Click here to pray "A Coronavirus Prayer" by Kerry Weber from America magazine.
Praying through Lent

“It is good to contemplate more deeply the paschal mystery through which God’s mercy has been bestowed upon us. That is why prayer is so important in Lent. Even more than a duty, prayer is an expression of our need to respond to God’s love which always precedes and sustains us.” – Pope Francis, Message for Lent 2020 .

Daily Lenten Reflections

Almsgiving and Works of Mercy

From Bro. Jesse O'Neill
Bro. Jesse New
Dear Brothers,

Online Education

During this coronavirus pandemic, our schools are engaging in innovative online learning due to school closures. Click on the link to participate in Bro. Justin Quiroz's vocabulary class for his sophomores at Chaminade Julienne Catholic High School. Please note how Bro. Justin uses the names of his students when describing the vocabulary words. A true teacher!

We salute all of the teachers in all of our Marianist schools who continue to provide creative, online education to our students.
Please pray for our Brothers who are celebrating their birthdays

March 26: Robert Metzger
March 28: Roland Bunda
March 29: Michael Sullivan
March 30: Frank Damm, Stephen Glodek, Joseph Uvietta
This publication is for members of the Society of Mary. Please do not forward it. Also, please provide a printed copy for brothers who do not use email.