April 4, 2021
From Fr. Oscar Vasquez
Fr. Oscar new
Dear Brothers,

This is the day the Lord has made; let us rejoice and be glad. Alleluia!

On behalf of the Provincial Council, I wish all the members of the Province a Blessed and Happy Easter. Know that each of you remain in our thoughts and prayers. Please keep us in your prayers.
As we gather for Eucharist today, let us remember to unite ourselves in prayer. Please remember to give thanks for the gift of life and our common Marianist vocation. In a special way, let us continue to remember those that are so generous to our province, ministries and to each of us as individuals.

During the Lenten season, CMSM has been providing reflections on Scripture in its bulletins. Sr. Nicole Trahan, FMI, was asked to write the reflection for Easter Sunday. Thank you, Sr. Nicole! Click here to read her reflection.
Easter peace and joy to all of you!
This publication is for members of the Society of Mary. Please do not forward it. Also, please provide a printed copy for brothers who do not use email.