April 8, 2021
From Fr. Oscar Vasquez
Fr. Oscar new
Dear Brothers,


  • Fr. Michael Chiuri is assigned to the West Hills Marianist Community with ministry at Chaminade College Preparatory, West Hills, California.  
  • Fr. Neville O’Donohue is assigned to the Holy Rosary Marianist Community with ministry as the pastor of the parish. Fr. Neville will be continuing the partnership with St. Mary's University in a special collaborative ministry with young adults.  
  • Fr. Brandon Paluch is assigned to the Holy Rosary Marianist Community with continued ministry at St. Mary’s University and Holy Rosary parish. 
  • Bro. Showraiah Ravulapalli, District of India. The Provincial Council has ratified the decision of the District for him to begin seminary studies in the next academic year. 

Vaccine Verification

Please remember to let the Provincial Office know when you have received the vaccine. (If your vaccine is two shots, please wait until you have received both.) Please notify Donna Tucker. We want everyone to be safe.

Via Latina 22

The General Council released its newsletter, Via Latina 22 on April 1. The newsletter was sent directly to each Marianist by the General Administration. Directors, please remember to share this publication with Brothers that do not have access to email. Click here for a copy.

Surviving in the COVID-19 Era

Please click here for helpful information on surviving in this time of COVID.

This Coming Week

  • April 9: Preside at Visitation Academy Ring Day Mass
  • April 12: Our Lady of the Pillar Parish Council 
From Fr. Tim Kenney
Fr. Tim New
Dear Brothers,

Happy Birthday
Blessed William Joseph Chaminade!

In a spirit of Easter joy, we join with each other in remembering our Founder on his birthday. If you have not already had a chance to do so, I invite you to read the S.M. Three Offices, Fr. Pablo Rambaud’s reflections on holiness and our call for ongoing formation. This paper provides a resource for personal reflection and community reflection perhaps at a community meeting in Easter.

Missionary Preaching

This summer we have been accepted into the Missionary Cooperation Plan for three Archdioceses:
  • Saint Louis
  • Cincinnati
  • Philadelphia

This will amount to preaching at approximately nine parishes and about 27 Masses on behalf of our missions particularly in India. As I work out the dates and times with the various pastors, I am looking for Marianist priests who have had some experience/visit to our missions who might be able to assist us. I will also be reaching out to some of you in these areas. I invite you to check your schedules and get back to me within the next week since we have to provide names and letters of suitability.

Thank you for your consideration and for this opportunity to raise funds for the work of our Brothers and their ministries to the poor.
From Bro. Jesse O'Neill
Bro. Jesse New
Dear Brothers,

The Powerful Impact of the CME's in Each Classroom

Recently I sent a letter (click here to read) to the teachers at all of our schools across the Province asking them the question, ”Which of the Characteristics of Marianist Education most influences the teaching of your subject and how?" We are in the season of Easter’s message of life and joy. In the weeks ahead, this spirit will be reflected in the responses to my question from our Marianist educators. I believe that you will be moved and inspired by their words, as I was. May the explicit articulation of our CME’s continue to be a guiding focus for how we educate as Marianists. Our first two reflections are from Michelle Trotman, an English teacher at Villa Angela- St. Joseph High School (Cleveland) and from Karen Ann Thumm, a Film teacher at Chaminade College Preparatory (West Hills, California). Click here to read their reflections.
Please pray for our Brothers who are celebrating their birthdays

April 8: José Luis González Molina
April 9: Jack Ventura
April 10: Ralph Siefert
On the Calendar
April 8: Birthday of Blessed William Joseph Chaminade, 1761
This publication is for members of the Society of Mary. Please do not forward it. Also, please provide a printed copy for brothers who do not use email.