April 15, 2021
From Fr. Oscar Vasquez
Fr. Oscar new
Dear Brothers,

Virtual Easter Gatherings

It’s not too late to sign up for a Virtual Easter session. Individual brothers can sign up for the session of their choice facilitated by Bro. Jesse O'Neill. Deadline for sign- up will be Sunday, April 18. This is an opportunity for brothers to come together for faith-sharing and fun. On Monday, April 19, all participants will receive a Zoom link for your session. Click here to sign up for an available slot.

Provincial Chapter

Reminder that the Provincial Council reports were posted to the portal on Friday, March 26. We wanted to give plenty of time so that communities and areas (when possible and safe) can gather for pre-Chapter meetings. Please send notes from your meeting to Pat Stephens so that they may be placed on the portal. If you have any questions about portal access, please contact Ms. Ann Mueller. Happy reading!

Superior General's Circular #2

The Superior General released Circular #2 last week. Remember that these are being sent directly to each Brother via email. Directors, please make copies available to Brothers that do not have access to email. Please click here for a copy.

International Leadership Meeting

We received notification earlier this week from the General Council that the General Leadership Assembly scheduled for July 2021 will be transferred to July 2022. In it’s place in July 2021, there will be two short (3 hours each) virtual meetings.

Province Assembly, June 2023

Co-Chairs. As previously announced, we are thankful to Bro. Allen Pacquing and Fr. Bob Bouffier for their willingness to be the co-chairs for the Assembly.

The Co-Chairs have asked the following Brothers to be the members of the Assembly Committee:
  • Fr. Michael Chiuri
  • Fr. Sean Downing
  • Bro. Jack Ventura

The Council is also thankful to Bros. Ron Luksic and Tom Oldenski who will be a part of the support team as we get closer to the Assembly.

Thank you to all our Brothers for saying yes.

Save the Date.  Please remember to place the dates of the Assembly on your calendar.
  • Arrive: Thursday, June 29, 2023 (starts 5:00 p.m.) 
  • Ends: Sunday, July 2, 2023 with a festive dinner
  • Travel Day: Monday, July 3, 2023

This Coming Week

  • April 15-16: Provincial Council meetings
  • April 19: Province Review Board
From Bro. Jesse O'Neill
Bro. Jesse New
Dear Brothers,

Upcoming Workshops on Racial Justice

These upcoming workshops reflect the continuing commitment of the Province to provide spaces for dialogue around the issues of race, equity and inclusion. This is a joint endeavor with our Marianist Sisters. My thanks to Sr. Nicole Trahan, for her vision and our partnership together. The first workshop is being offered for the faculty and staff of our high schools and retreat centers. The facilitator will be Danielle Harrison, who is the co-director of the Slavery, History, Memory and Reconciliation Project in St. Louis. The workshop will be this September at the Bergamo Center for Lifelong Learning in Dayton, Ohio. Please keep this most important gathering in your prayers.

Save the Date

The second workshop will be available to our Marianist Sisters and Brothers and selected members of the Lay Marianist family. Our facilitator will be Rev. Bryan Massingale, professor of theology at Fordham University and the author of Racial Justice and the Catholic Church. The workshop will be in San Antonio at the Oblate Renewal Center the weekend of February 11-13, 2022. A formal registration for the workshop will go out this Fall. Please mark your calendars if you are interested in attending.
Office of Vocation Ministry - Bro. Mark Motz
Dear Brothers,

Responding to the Chapter

At the recent meeting of the Provincial Chapter, a request was made for an increased presence on social media. One challenge was the name "The Marianist Family" on our Facebook page. We did not want to overwhelm the page with posts about brothers and priests if it was supposed to be representative of the entire family.

After consultation with the heads of the various branches of the Marianist Family, we changed the name of our Facebook page to reflect the brothers and priests. We will continue to collaborate with the pre-existing pages for Lay Marianists and the Marianist Sisters. This name change will allow us to develop our collective identity on social media. See below for a photo of the refreshed Facebook page.

That being said, we need content to post. Please keep taking and sending me photos. We hope to rotate the cover photo frequently with high resolution photos. If you have any photos you think would be appropriate, please email me or text me at 314.250.4505. You are also welcome to join the WhatsApp group for us to upload or tag us in your own posts and we will reshare them.

Please remember the Province's social media guidelines from last year's Provincial Chapter in your posts.
Please pray for our Brothers who are celebrating their birthdays

April 16: Sylverius Kerketta
April 17: Thierry Kadja (TO)
April 19: Donald Neff
April 21: Lawrence Corbin
On the Calendar
April 15-16: Provincial Council meetings
This publication is for members of the Society of Mary. Please do not forward it. Also, please provide a printed copy for brothers who do not use email.