April 30, 2020
From Fr. Oscar Vasquez
Fr. Oscar new
Dear Brothers,

A Message from the Superior General

During this time of shelter-in-place, I have been including helpful links (spiritual, educational and physical). This week, I am sending to you the letter that Fr. Andre Fétis has sent out to members of the Society.

The General Council has asked that we send out the letter directly to you, which is a different process than has been used recently. I have sent the Spanish letter to the Spanish speaking brothers. (We have copies in French and Spanish. If you’d like to receive it in one of those languages, please email me.) The letter provides information for spiritual reflection. Please click here to read the letter.

PULSE Program

In response to the current world situation presented by the COVID-19 pandemic, the Marianist Province of the United States will be suspending the Marianist PULSE program for the 2020–2021 program year. The decision by the Provincial Council was not an easy one, but it is out of an abundance of caution for participants and staff members. Integral to the Marianist PULSE program is community life, and it is not possible to predict what health and safety issues this will present during the coming program year. As possible, PULSE staff will assist current applicants and confirmed participants with information on other volunteer opportunities.  Maureen O'Rourke will remain a Province employee, and based on his decision to transition out of his current role as JPIC Director, Brian Reavey will conclude his service with the Province on July 5, 2020. Please join us in praying for all those affected by the COVID-19 pandemic.


Assignment(s) are effective with the publishing of the new personnel book.

  • Bro. Leno Ceballos is assigned to the Chambers Street Marianist Community as a full-time student at the University of Dayton.
  • Bro. Tom Oldenski is assigned to the Alumni Hall Community with continued ministry at the University of Dayton. 
  • Bro. Peter Pontolillo is assigned to the Marianist Residence in San Antonio with the ministry of prayer and support. 

A Marianist Digital Retreat for a Pandemic

During this time of isolation, lockdown and quarantine, it is more important than ever to make God known, loved, and served while also finding community through prayer and reflection. You are invited to participate in A Marianist Digital Retreat for a Pandemic. This four-module retreat can be completed on your own and at your own pace, but we encourage communities to make the retreat together and gather in small groups (virtually) to share in discussion, reflection and prayer.

Pandemic Response

Each day the news on the pandemic changes. Our world continues to adjust and readjust. In listening to the news, there is a movement to “opening-up” our country. The issue is that there isn’t always a consensus among politicians. As religious, we are called to be faithful citizens. Please continue to follow the rules for your local municipality. The Provincial Council is concerned about the danger that “opening-up” presents to each of us. Most of our Brothers are in the category of people that are at risk. We can’t turn on the switch over night. Please find attached an information sheet with thoughts for communities in the coming “opening-up.” Our world will have a new normal. We can’t believe that we will return to old-ways immediately. Please be careful! Click here for an information sheet.

This Coming Week

  • April 30–May 6: St. Louis
  • May 5: Marianist Family Council of North America, Zoom Conference Call
From Fr. Tim Kenney
Fr. Tim New
Dear Brothers,

COVID-19 Resources

Please click here for a beautiful four minute reflection from Fr. David Songy, the president of St. Luke Institute on “Finding Meaning in Challenging Times.”

I also suggest an interesting article that was in The Tablet from Fr. Timothy Radcliffe, OP. Read here.

Easter Resources

Please click here for Easter resources.

Remembering St. Joseph, the Worker

Bro. Gary Marcinowski has prepared a couple prayer services that you and your community may wish to use or adapt. Click here for the prayer services and here for the psalm tones.

Marist Sabbatical Program

The annual sabbatical program in Manziana where we partner with the Marists has been cancelled for Fall 2020 due to COVID-19. We will collaborate with the Marists to plan for 2021.
From Bro. Jesse O'Neill
Bro. Jesse New
Dear Brothers,

Adaptation and Change

This week our director of Sponsorship, Dan Donnelly, provides a report updating us on how our high schools and retreat centers are adapting to the pandemic. Let us pray for them as they will continue to encounter many challenging decisions in the months ahead. Click here to read the report.

A Time to Smile

One of the greatest gifts during this challenging time is the opportunity for us to connect and to smile. The newly founded Marianist Social Distancing Network gives us the chance to do that. Executive producer, Bro. Justin Quiroz, describes this network as a collaborative effort of Marianist Brothers from across the Province. The purpose of this video was to make a light hearted, but informative news show that could reach our members during this time of the COVID-19 outbreak.  Click here to view the program. Enjoy!
Please pray for our Brothers who are celebrating their birthdays

May 1: Varghese Manooparampil
May 2: Patrick Tonry
May 3: Gerald Hammel
May 4: Thomas Pieper
May 6: Frederick Silbereis

On the Calendar
May 1: St. Joseph, the Worker, Religious Brothers Day
May 3: World Day of Prayer for Vocations
This publication is for members of the Society of Mary. Please do not forward it. Also, please provide a printed copy for brothers who do not use email.