May 6, 2021
From Fr. Oscar Vasquez
Fr. Oscar new
Dear Brothers,


Juan De La Cruz (Querétaro, Mexico), after a period of discernment and dedicated aspirancy, has applied and been unanimously approved by the Provincial Council to begin the Marianist Novitiate (Dayton) in August 2021. Juan had been a part of the formation program in the past.

First Professions, India

In addition to the Province celebrations this past week (San Antonio Jubilee and celebration of life for Bro. Ray Gohring), the District of India celebrated the First Profession of Vows of four of our Indian Brothers: Bros. Aievan Tete, Melwin Britto, Praween Kerketta and Rohit Tigga. Click here for pictures.

Korean Novices

John Shim has been approved by the Korean Regional Council to profess First Vows in the Society of Mary. Francisco Cho will not be continuing in the Formation program.

Feedback on the Circular from the Superior General

At our recent community meeting, we had a wonderful discussion on the Superior General’s recent Circular. Let me encourage you that if you haven’t yet read it, please do so. As your community discusses this circular, please email me a brief summary of the conversation. I’d like to send feedback to Fr. André Joseph Fétis.

Death in the Province, District of India

Last week, we published the "In Memoriam" notice that Bro. Paulus Lakra died. This is a significant event in the life of our brothers in India. Bro. Paulus was the first Indian Marianist to die in the Society of Mary. Bro. Paulus was 57 years of age with 27 years of religious profession. Please click here to read the District of India's newsletter tribute to Bro. Paulus. I am reminded of Article #91 ("To the end of our days...") of our Rule of Life.

Update on our Brothers in India

As we have all seen in the news, the COVID-19 virus situation in the nation of India continues to be very serious. Thankfully, our brothers continue to improve. I have assured the Brothers of our prayers. Prayers please! Please click here to view the last health update on our Indian brothers by Bro. Darwin Joseph, Assistant District Superior. (Out of respect for our brothers, please do not forward the names to others or place their names on the internet.)

This Coming Week

  • May 6: Return to St. Louis
  • May 8: Preside at marriage of Our Lady of the Pillar parish family
  • May 10: Monthly Meeting with Development Office staff, virtual
  • May 11: Meeting with New Regional Superior Africa, virtual
  • May 12-13: University of Dayton, Board Committee Meetings, virtual 
From Bro. Jesse O'Neill
Bro. Jesse New
Dear Brothers,

CME Reflection

This week’s reflection is from Bob Herring, a member of the class of 1968 at Purcell High School. He is now the Director of the International Baccalaureate Program + Global Programs at Purcell Marian. My gratitude to all of the brothers who have assisted in forming the faith of these young women and men for decades at Purcell Marian. We stand on your shoulders. Please read Mr. Herring’s reflection here.

Trivia Results

Congratulations to Bro. Ed Brink, Fr. Armando Añeses and Bro. Andrew Kosmowski for being the first three brothers with the correct trivia answer.
The question was: Which Marianist educator received the first-ever Ph.D. in Physics from the University of Texas at Austin in 1928 with a dissertation entitled "Some Polarization Phenomena of Very Short Radio Waves"? Answer: Bro. Eugene Paulin.

* * * * *

This week’s question is submitted by Bros. Brian Zampier and Earl Leistikow from NAMPUS.

  • Which Marianist had a photo taken of himself and his brother with Roy Rogers?

The first three brothers to respond to me with the correct answer win a prize. Good Luck!
Please pray for our Brothers who are celebrating their birthdays

May 6: Frederick Silbereis
May 7: Dingiswayo Soko (EA)
May 12: Nereo Ramírez Hernández
On the Calendar
May 9: Happy Mother's Day!

May 12: Blessed Virgin Mary, Mother and Mediatrix of Graces
This publication is for members of the Society of Mary. Please do not forward it. Also, please provide a printed copy for brothers who do not use email.