May 7, 2020
From Fr. Oscar Vasquez
Fr. Oscar new
Dear Brothers,


Assignment(s) are effective with the publishing of the new personnel book.

  • Bro. Brandon Alana has been assigned to the Hale Malia Marianist Community in Honolulu with ministry at Saint Louis School.
  • Fr. George Montague is assigned to the Marianist Residence community in San Antonio with continued ministry to the community of the Beloved Disciple. 

Surviving in the COVID-19 Era

Please click here for helpful updates on our communities in the US, our Brothers in India and Eastern Africa, and helpful resources.

Lifting Our Hearts with Song

The University of Dayton Campus Ministry team has been eager to engage the community in faith and worship. I’m thankful to Ms. Crystal Sullivan, executive
director of Campus Ministry, for sharing this video to highlight the UD senior music ministry leaders. Each one of the students has played a valuable role in making music for liturgy at UD. Please click here to enjoy the music. Let us join our hearts in song!

This Coming Week

  • May 7-14: St. Louis
  • May 13-14: University of Dayton Board Meeting (virtual)
From Fr. Tim Kenney
Fr. Tim New
Dear Brothers,

Update on Province Retreats

Several of you have inquired about where we are with Province Retreats in 2020.

As one Brother related to me, he feels as if we are all in “retreat mode” in being physically distanced from others. This is a great time to be in “retreat mode” with the extra time many of us have for personal reflection, journaling, spiritual reading, watching spiritual videos, participating in community prayer and making our hour meditation, etc.

Each Brother must make his own decision on this matter given where we are in these uncertain times. We will follow the state and federal guidelines that are in place for COVID-19. As we approach the dates for a particular retreat, I will be in communication with those who have registered to confirm whether you will continue with the retreat or ask to make your own private retreat. Either way is good. If a particular Province retreat is canceled or needs to be canceled, I will let the registered retreatants know well in advance. The three care centers will continue with the retreats as planned. If the particular speaker is not able to attend, then we will negotiate with the person to see if we can have the presentations done through technology. I will work with the three directors of the care centers.

Day of Prayer and Fasting on May 14

Pope Francis has accepted a proposal to make May 14 a Day of Prayer and Fasting and Works of Charity to implore God to help humanity overcome the cononavirus pandemic. I would encourage each community to give some consideration to how you might enter into the spirit of solidarity with our Church on this day.

In previous Notes, I have shared with you prayers written by the Pope and others with regards to the sick and suffering in this pandemic time. Click here for a beautiful prayer written by Sr. Joan Chittister, OSB. 
From Bro. Jesse O'Neill
Bro. Jesse New
Dear Brothers,

Meet Our New National LIFE Coordinator

We are pleased to announce the hiring of Erica Duarte as the new national coordinator for Marianist LIFE.

Erica taught high school for many years and is currently director of student life at St. Peter Prince of Apostles Catholic School in San Antonio. Erica takes the reins from Toni Mesina, who after nine years of dedicated service to LIFE, has chosen to return to classroom teaching.

Erica officially begins July 1. Toni will assist with the transition, remaining on staff until August 1. LIFE will continue to be part of the Office of Sponsorship, reporting to Patrick Wheadon.
A Texas native, Erica first encountered the Marianist charism at Nolan Catholic High School in Fort Worth, where she taught English and served in campus ministry from 2008-2017. (Nolan was a Marianist-sponsored school until 2014.) She also has served as the head of program at LIFE South. She and her husband, Gabriel, also formerly a Nolan teacher and LIFE moderator, have a two-year-old daughter, Vivian. Erica will be based in San Antonio. Read more about Erica.

Erica will assist in forming moderators and students in the wake of the pandemic-driven cancellation of the LIFE summer program and 50th anniversary celebration.
From Bro. Joseph Markel
Bro. Joe Markel
Dear Brothers,

Economic Impact Payments

Over the past few weeks, the federal government has been mailing checks in the amount of $1,200 to all eligible US citizens. These checks are meant to stimulate the economy during this time of the coronavirus. The checks are being mailed to all Social Security recipients and federal tax filers for 2018 and/or 2019. We have recently begun receiving these checks at the Provincial Office and heard from some Brothers that they are receiving it directly at their community.

Would you please forward the check to my office if you receive it directly? The Province is using these funds to assist in continuing to fund the support of our senior members and the ever-increasing cost of health care.
Office of JPIC - Brian Reavey
Dear Brothers,
Marianist PULSE

Our gratitude goes to the 2019-2020 Marianist PULSE volunteers who have enlivened the charism in creative, adaptive and generous ways during this unprecedented time. Our PULSE volunteers continue to serve directly to vulnerable populations through their placement, work remotely from home and/or offer their personal time and talents to essential non-profits in the Dayton area. Beyond their ongoing PULSE volunteer year commitments, the community of seven has taken the lead to serve meals every Monday and Friday evening to those living in the St. Vincent de Paul Gateway Shelter for Women and Families at their off-site emergency hotel housing.

Be Not Afraid

During this pandemic, English-speaking Catholic artists have come together with this message of hope as they sing from their homes. Click here to enjoy.

Linking Lectionary to Justice and Peace

Below you will find homily resources from CMSM members and other people of wisdom in our community for your reflection. If you are not preparing homilies, please consider sharing with your local presider.

Sixth Sunday of Easter (May 17, 2020) by Dianne Bergant, CSA
Office of Vocation Ministry - Bro. Mark Motz
Dear Brothers,

I don’t know where to the month of April went, but here is what happened in the Vocation Office during the last month.

We are still promoting our live streamed Masses and prayer opportunities. If your ministry or community is live streaming anything, please let me know and I will share it here.

One new resource, that I was happy to help create, is the Marianist Digital Retreat for the Pandemic. If you have not seen it, you can access it here.

I am working on creating a Digital Discernment Retreat which will be launched May 23 and will include the live stream of Novice Leno Ceballos’ first vows. I have already invited all the Contacts but would also like to invite others. Please send students, inquirers or other young people who may be discerning this link to register. I will begin advertising very soon.

I have joined many of our ministries for digital meetings or participated in their live streams on social media. I also have joined several local and even national meetings including a group of young adults discussing how Avery Cardinal DullesModels of the Church is relevant in today’s Church during Covid19. I participated in the National Theology on Tap, CMSM, the Virtual Catholic Men’s Conference, various webinars and several small events in an attempt to comment and engage so our Marianist name and information is out there. If you hear of other events, please email me.

I have had some great conversations with contacts, inquirers and students who are longing for real interaction and discussions about faith. I encourage you to reach out to students and young people you know and may have lost touch with. They might be a vocation possibility, but it might just be a great time to engage during social distancing. We may not be able to invite them to prayer and dinner but maybe a phone or video call.

In the last installment, I asked you to share how your community prays for vocations. Some shared that they use the Marianist Family Prayer Book or the vocation prayer in the Prayers for Marianists booklet. Others shared that they use a vocation prayer from the University of Dayton. Thank you to all the communities that shared information, but more importantly, thank you for praying!

I will provide more information about Religious Brothers Day in a future issue of Notes. In the meantime, please check out the CMSM YouTube channel to view some videos about Religious Brothers Day. I was asked to be part of a question answer panel.
Please pray for our Brothers who are celebrating their birthdays

May 12: Kumaraswamy K., Nereo Ramírez Hernández
May 13: Anthony Jansen
This publication is for members of the Society of Mary. Please do not forward it. Also, please provide a printed copy for brothers who do not use email.