May 20, 2021
From Fr. Oscar Vasquez
Fr. Oscar new
Dear Brothers,


  • Fr. Paul Fitzpatrick is assigned to the Alumni Hall Marianist Community with ministry at the University of Dayton.

Community Director Reappointments

After consultation of each community, the following Bothers are reappointed for a second term as Director.  

  • Rev. Robert Bouffier is reappointed as the Director of the Hollywood Marianist Community, Hollywood, Florida.
  • Bro. Ed Brink is reappointed as the Director of the Hale Malia Marianist Community, Honolulu.  
  • Fr. Ted Ley is reappointed as the Director of the West Hills Marianist Community, West Hills, California. 
  • Bro. Alex Tuss is reappointed as the Director of the Sawmill Marianist Community, Dayton, Ohio.  

Thank you to our Brothers for their generosity in saying yes to this continued service to their community and the Province!

Community Director/Acting Director Appointments

After consultation of each community, the following Brothers are appointed Director for their first term. Appointments are effective for the 2021-2022 personnel year.  

  • Bro. Robert Metzger is appointed Director of the Salve Marianist Community, St. Louis.  
  • Bro. Robert Resing is appointed Director of the Maryland Avenue Marianist Community, St. Louis. 
  • Bro. Frank Damm is appointed Acting Director of the Marianist Hall Marianist Community, Honolulu.

Thank you to our Brothers for their generosity in saying yes to this new service!

Thank You to our Brothers for their Service

Thank you to our Brothers who have served as Director and are bringing this term to a close. 

  • Bro. Joe Markel – Maryland Avenue Community, St. Louis
  • Fr. Patrick McDaid – Marianist Hall Community, Honolulu
  • Fr. Tim Kenney – Salve Community, St. Louis

Congratulations to Bro. Peter Kiama

On May 11, Bro. Peter Kiama (Hale Malia, Honolulu) received his Certificate of Naturalization as a United States citizen. Congratulations and many blessings!

Thank You

Thank you to Bro. Jesse O’Neill for hosting the Virtual Easter Gatherings during the early Easter season. Several Brothers participated in these faith-sharing events.  

This Coming Week

  • May 20: St. Anthony’s, Maui
  • May 22: St. Anthony’s, Maui, Marianist Celebration 
  • May 25: Cupertino Marianist Community, California
From Fr. Tim Kenney
Fr. Tim New
Dear Brothers,

Celebration at St. Anthony's Parish, Maui

On Pentecost Sunday, May 23, we will be celebrating St. Anthony's Parish. The Mass begins at 10:00 a.m. (Hawaii Standard Time). Following are the links for anyone who might like to watch the celebration.

From Bro. Jesse O'Neill
Bro. Jesse New
Dear Brothers,

CME Reflection

This week’s reflection is from Nathaniel Mickelson, a science teacher from St. Anthony School in Maui. He reminds us that teaching is only felt through community life. Click here to read Nathaniel’s reflection.

Trivia Results

Bro. Ed Brink continues to crush the competition each week. This week’s top three responders were Bros. Ed Brink, Joe Markel and Tom Farnsworth. Question: Which Marianist had a photo taken of himself and his brother with Roy Rogers? Answer: Fr. Ted Cassidy.

* * * * *

This week’s question is submitted by NAMPUS director Mary Kenney.

  • Which Marianist has a collection of his materials in the Municipal Archives in Bordeaux, France?

The first three Brothers to respond to me with the correct answer will win a prize. Good luck!
Please pray for our Brothers who are celebrating their birthdays

May 20: Dennis Bautista, Norbert Karpfinger, Richard Schrader
May 25: Stephano Kim [(KO), novice], Jesús Alvarez Peña (novice), Joseph Rasky
On the Calendar
May 23: Pentecost
May 24: Blessed Virgin Mary, Mother of the Church
May 25: Blessed Virgin Mary, Help of Christians & anniversary of the Foundation of the Institute of the Daughters of Mary Immaculate, 1816
This publication is for members of the Society of Mary. Please do not forward it. Also, please provide a printed copy for brothers who do not use email.