May 21, 2020
From Fr. Oscar Vasquez
Fr. Oscar new
Dear Brothers,

Congratulations & Prayers

Please join the Provincial Council in viewing the virtual Mass as we celebrate with Bro. Leno Ceballos as he professes first vows in the Society of Mary. For more information and for the link to join the live stream Mass at the time of the ceremony on Saturday, May 23 at 7:00 p.m. (ET), click here.

A Culture of Vocations

All communities in the Province should have received the publication sent by our devoted vocation director, Bro. Mark Motz. Please take time to read the mailing and take it to heart. Let me encourage you not to forget to develop and implement your community vocation plan. Please use this time of quarantine to pray for vocations.

Laudato Si' Week

I am thankful for the energy and enthusiasm that we have seen in the news and on social media. Let’s hope that this Laudato Si' week is a reminder to all of us about the care of our earth and the things that each of us can do to contribute to this on-going care.

I hope that you have appreciated the emails that have been sent daily by the General Administration, Office of Temporalities.

Who is Normally on West Pine
(Remember that we are not in normal times, so most are working remotely.)

I recently received two emails from Brothers in the Province that mentioned that they (or members of their community) normally interact with members of the West Pine office staff. The Brothers are very thankful for the assistance of these staff members. They asked that I include pictures of these folks. This week, I’m including pictures of the administrative assistants. Please click here to see the names and pictures of these lay staff members.

Next week, I’ll continue this project.

School Celebrating Seniors

Fr. Patrick McDaid shared the farewell that the kindergarten students at Saint Louis School created for the seniors. This will warm your heart. Click here to view the message.

A Time to Pray

Let’s join and pray together. Thank you to Bro. Dennis Bautista for sending this link of the St. Mary's University Chapel Choir gathered virtually to sing the Marianist Doxology in English and Spanish, with 35 voices in four-part harmony!

This Coming Week

  • May 23: First Profession of Vows for Bro. Leno Ceballos, virtual
From Fr. Tim Kenney
Fr. Tim New
Dear Brothers,

Congratulation Bro. Francis Heyer

The Maryland Ave Community and the Salve Community came together this past week to recognize Bro. Francis Heyer as a Jubilarian in the Society of Mary. Bro. Francis renewed his vows in a Eucharist for the 80th time followed by a social, a special dinner blessing and dinner. View photos. View the renewal of vows. The Brothers concluded the celebration with a German toast.

Upcoming Province Retreats

Let us keep those Brothers in prayer who will be on retreat next week at Tecaboca.

In June, we have two scheduled retreats with modifications:

  • The Cupertino retreat will continue as planned for the Brothers in the community. We will have Zoom sessions each day from the presenter, Virginia Blass. We will not be able to have Brothers traveling to our care center since we are still in a mode of “sheltering-in-place” as directed from the Santa Clara County Health Department. Therefore, no visitors are allowed. For those who registered for the retreat and would like us to share the Zoom link, please confirm with my administrative assistant, Terry Eversole.

  • The Spirit of Saragossa retreat will continue mid-June but not at Saint Meinrad’s. All registrants will have a Zoom link with opening and closing presentations along with private meetings with their spiritual director on retreat. 

For the other three scheduled retreats, we will monitor the guidelines in place and we will be in touch with the Brothers. Once again, in these unusual times, some Brothers may wish to make their own private retreat. Let’s keep one another in prayer.
From Bro. Jesse O'Neill
Bro. Jesse New
Dear Brothers,

The following is submitted by Bro. Dennis Bautista, associate professor in Communication at St. Mary’s University. His reflection serves as a vivid reminder of our call as Marianist religious and educators.

A Gift to My Students

Like all graduates deprived of in-person ceremonies, the 12 in my capstone course struggled with the reality that every event and celebration they were looking forward to were canceled. As their instructor, I wanted to do something special, just for them, beyond the virtual commencement planned by the university. After all, a capstone course provides students with a culminating experience that draws upon all the knowledge and skills they've learned as communication majors at St. Mary's.

As a Marianist religious, I felt it was important to mark the completion of this course, and their degrees, by symbolically sending them forth from campus with a Marianist Education meant to effect positive change wherever they go.

Living at the now-empty campus provided opportunities to replicate key elements of the actual ceremony: Clarke's Trumpet Voluntary and Grieg's Pomp and Circumstance played as background music; announcing their names as they receive their degrees; and processing out the front doors of St. Louis Hall to the tune of The Bells of St. Mary's, the school's alma mater.

The result was this video which was my gift to them, featuring their own personalized messages of thanks to their families, friends and supporters. I share this with you because in the process of creating it, I recognized my duty as a Marianist religious and educator: to multiply Christians by commissioning our students and sending them forth on a mission to bring Marianist values into our world.

Click here for the video.
Office of of JPIC - Brian Reavey
Dear Brothers,

Marianist Family Virtual Prayer Experience

Join other Marianists on Sunday, May 24 at 3:00 p.m. (EDT) as we reflect, pray and prepare for a better future together. We’ll feature various Marianist ministries, including our retreat centers, MEEC, Mission of Mary and other examples of living integral ecology. Click here for more information and to RSVP.
Advocacy with Congress

Along with many other Catholic organizations, our Province was a proud signatory on a recent letter sent to Congress to "preserve the dignity of each person, prioritize the needs of people who are poor and vulnerable, and care for God’s creation" during this pandemic. Click here to read the advocacy letter. 
Please pray for our Brothers who are celebrating their birthdays

May 25: Stephano Kim [(KO), Pre-novice], Jesús Alvarez Peña (Pre-novice), Joseph Rasky, Dilip Kumar Tirkey
May 27: Dennis Schmitz
On the Calendar
May 23: Marianist Digital Discernment Retreat
May 23: First Profession of Vows for Bro. Leno Ceballos
May 25: Mary, Help of Christians
May 25: Memorial Day, West Pine Offices closed
This publication is for members of the Society of Mary. Please do not forward it. Also, please provide a printed copy for brothers who do not use email.