May 27, 2021
From Fr. Oscar Vasquez
Fr. Oscar new
Dear Brothers,

In Gratitude

During my return trip from the Marianist Jubilee celebration on Maui, I stopped at the Marianist Center in Cupertino. I met with the Brothers and I also met with all the lay staff to thank them for their service and dedication to caring for our Brothers. Please join me in thanking God for each of them. 

The presentation and social were organized by Bro. Jack Somerville and Grace Pancipanci Zollman, director of nursing. Please note the spelling of GODD. They have used this special spelling "GODD" as a reminder they have received a double blessing during this COVID-19 period. GODD stands for "Gratefulness on Double Dose." The Center, through the precautions of the staff and community, has stayed COVID-19 free. Let’s ask for God’s continued blessings. The numbers held up by each person tell us how long the person has been at the Center. The shortest is one plus years and the longest is 26 years.  

Surviving in the COVID-19 Era

Following is a helpful resource on surviving in this time of COVID.

Podcast from the Saint John Vianney Center.
  • Saint John Vianney’s newest podcast is from Sr. Mercedes McCann, RSM, Ph.D. Sr. Mercedes reflects on what we recently heard in the Eastertide readings and how they can help us move from loss to new life both spiritually and emotionally. In her podcast, she discusses the final chapter of Luke’s gospel, “Why do you seek the living among the dead?” And in Matthew’s account, “…go to Galilee and there you will see me.” The program description states “What wonderful words for us to contemplate as we move from our losses during this pandemic into new life as we open up!” Click here to listen.

This Coming Week

  • May 28: Preside at Barat Academy end of school year Mass, planning meetings
  • June 1: Chaminade University Board Committee Meetings, virtual
  • June 2: Chaminade University Board Meeting, virtual
From Bro. Jesse O'Neill
Bro. Jesse New
Dear Brothers,

Congratulations to Bro. Andrew Kosmowski

Bro. Andrew Kosmowski, director of library services at NACMS, has been named vice-president/treasurer of the Catholic Library Association (CLA). This is ultimately a six-year commitment, as the first two years are vice president/treasurer, the next two are president, and the final two are past president. He also serves as chair of CLA's finance committee and of the academic libraries, archives, and library education (ALALE) section.

Bro. Andrew has been an active member of CLA. He first attended the Saint Louis Chapter's conference in 2014. Since then, he has attended occasional Greater Cincinnati Chapter conferences as well as the CLA conferences since 2017, when he became vice-chair of the ALALE section. Since 2019, he has served as chair of that same section. As part of his major responsibilities of the ALALE section, he has prepared nominations and presented recipients of the Saint Jerome Award, named after the patron saint of libraries, and awarded in recognition of outstanding contribution and commitment to excellence in scholarship, which embodies the ideals of the Catholic Library Association. He has also presented "Religious Orders and Their Libraries: Pursuing the Mission of the Church" with a library school classmate at CLA's October 2020 conference as a result of his cataloging work with the NACMS library.

Bro. Andrew, on behalf of the province, thank you for your commitment to this important work for the Church.
Please pray for our Brothers who are celebrating their birthdays

May 27: Dennis Schmitz
May 29: Gerald Haby
May 31: Chicago Schuller (aspirant)
June 2: Carmine Annunziata
On the Calendar
May 31: The Visitation of the Blessed Virgin Mary
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