June 4, 2020
From Fr. Oscar Vasquez
Fr. Oscar new
Dear Brothers,

First Vows, Province of Meribah

We join with the Marianist Province of Meribah in celebrating the First Profession of Vows of Bro. Thomas Terrill at the Vigil Mass for Pentecost. Congratulations to Bro. Thomas! Let us join the Province of Meribah in praying for vocations. Click here for pictures.


Assignment(s) are effective with the publishing of the new personnel book.

  • After Ordination, Bro. Michael Chiuri is assigned to the Chaminade Marianist Community, St. Louis, with a year-long pastoral ministry program. Fr. George Cerniglia will be his mentor for this critical year.

  • After Ordination, Bro. Brandon Paluch is assigned to the Holy Rosary Marianist Community, San Antonio, with a year-long pastoral ministry program. Fr. John Thompson will be his mentor for this critical year.

This first year of ordination is considered the fourth year of the seminary and is designed to give the newly ordained many and varied pastoral activities.

A Culture of Vocations in our Communities

I think that we have all heard the expression that vocation ministry is the responsibility of everyone in the Province or, better yet, everyone in the Marianist Family. Just as we are called to invite people to be members of the Lay Marianist Family, we also invite Lay Marianist Family members to encourage others to join the vowed religious. Together, we form the Marianist Family.

In the most recent issue of Horizon vocation magazine, I encountered an interesting article, “Eight Best Practices for Encouraging New Membership.” I encourage you to read the article. A few questions:

  • Has your community implemented a vocation plan? 
  • Do you pray for vocations? 
  • Do you pray for our Vocation Director, Bro. Mark Motz?  
  • Do you pray for our formation personnel? 

Please remember to pray and act for vocations.

Who is Normally on West Pine
(Remember that we are not in normal times, so most are working remotely.)

This week, I'm featuring the members of the Office of Mission Advancement. Please note that they do not all have a physical office at West Pine. Please click here to see the names and photos of these staff members.

This Coming Week

  • June 4-10: Provincial Offices, St. Louis
From Bro. Jesse O'Neill
Bro. Jesse New
Dear Brothers,

Zoom Community Gatherings Connect Administrators

The Office of Sponsorship continues its series of Zoom Community Gatherings for sponsored ministries. The week of May 25, the office hosted separate Zoom gatherings for presidents and heads of school, and school principals. These gatherings helped school administrators connect with each other and share strategies and insights. This latest Zoom gathering focused on multiple learning strategies for the start of the new school year (planning for in-person learning, distance learning and a mixture of both). The group also discussed ways they are helping students and staff connect as community, and how they articulate the value of a Catholic, Marianist education while employing distance learning.

In a time when they are overloaded with meetings and never-ending questions, these school administrators enjoy the opportunity to pause, take a breath and share the wisdom and companionship of their peers in the Marianist network of sponsored ministries.
Principal Zoom Community Gathering – May 28, 2020
From Bro. Joseph Markel
Bro. Joe Markel
Dear Brothers,

Insurance Renewal Cards

Insurance renewal cards were mailed late last week. If you do not receive your cards by the end of this week, please email Gina Marty. The insurance invoices will be sent out at the beginning of July.

Since several brothers will be moving communities in the near future, be sure to keep up on the car registrations and titles. If you re-register a car to a new address please be sure to send a copy of the new registration and title to the Temporalities office to the attention of Gina Marty.

It is important that we have the current information on file and report it to Christian Brothers in a timely manner. You can either mail a copy of the documentation to us or email it to Gina Marty. We are required to advise Christian Brothers of any changes such as moves and sales of vehicles within 30 days of the change. Please be sure to advise us of any changes as soon as possible.
Office of of JPIC - Brian Reavey
Dear Brothers,

CMSM Condemns Racism, Brutality: Calls for Authentic Change

On June 1, CMSM released the following statement: In the wake of a week of turmoil across the United States, the Conference of Major Superiors of Men, which represents the leaders of more than 200 Catholic religious institutes of men across the United States, publicly condemns racism. We condemn brutality that takes away breath and we call for reforms to policies and practices that have oppressed Black Americans. We also pray for an end to the national violence that has been ignited and for a path forward that is based on peace and leads to true change.

This moment in our nation and in the life of our Church demands more than a statement of anguish. It requires us to commit publicly to change, starting with ourselves. We must begin a collective effort—as religious institutes for men, monasteries and societies for apostolic life—to work to dismantle the individual and systemic practices that perpetuate racism in the places where we live out our vocations. We must listen. We must mourn. We must repent. We must change. Continue reading here.

Other Timely Resources
Below is a link to the statement from the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops on the death of George Floyd, and other related statements and news stories from the past two weeks concerning racial justice :

Linking Lectionary to Justice and Peace

Below you will find homily resources from CMSM members and other people of wisdom in our community for your reflection. If you are not preparing homilies, please consider sharing with your local presider.

Most Holy Trinity (June 7, 2020) by Rev. Francis Gargani, C.Ss.R.
Office of Vocation Ministry - Bro. Mark Motz
Dear Brothers,

We are still promoting our live streamed Masses and prayer opportunities. If your ministry or community is live streaming anything, please let me know and I will share it here. Also, please let me know if your community or ministry has stopped live streaming.

I was part of a team of Brothers that answered questions via Zoom for Religious Brothers Day on May 1. You can find those videos on the CMSM YouTube channel.

A highlight for this month was a Digital Discernment Retreat on May 23 that included watching the live stream of Bro. Leno Ceballos’ Profession of First Vows. Again, many thanks to Bro. Justin Quiroz for live streaming the Mass. This retreat was a very different format for me, but I think it worked well and the evaluations agreed. We had five contacts and one serious inquirer attend the retreat.  Click here to view the schedule for the day.

At the end of May, I spoke to the regional vocation directors to hear highlights of this past year and plan for next year. I want to thank Bros. Reinaldo Berríos and Mitch Schweickart, Frs. George Cerniglia, Ken Templin and Dave McGuigan, and Bro. Nereo Ramírez Hern ánd ez for their continued service as regional vocation directors. I also want to thank Bros. Charles Johnson and Joseph Nugent for their service this last year in Texas and Hawaii.

Thank you for keeping me and this important ministry in your prayers.
Please pray for our Brothers who are celebrating their birthdays

June 7: Timothy Kenney
June 9: Brian Zampier
On the Calendar
June 10: Birth of Blessed Adèle de Batz de Trenquelléon, 1789
This publication is for members of the Society of Mary. Please do not forward it. Also, please provide a printed copy for brothers who do not use email.