June 10, 2021
From Fr. Oscar Vasquez
Fr. Oscar new
Dear Brothers,

Happy Birthday Blessed Adèle 

Happy Birthday to Blessed Adèle de Batz de Trenquelléon who was born on June 10, 1789. With the support of Blessed William Joseph Chaminade and in the company of a small group of women, Blessed Adèle established the Filles de Marie Immaculée – the Daughters of Mary Immaculate (Marianist Sisters). Let us remember in prayer today Blessed Adèle and all our Marianist Sisters here in the United States and throughout the world. 

Notes, Summer Schedule
Remember that beginning with this edition, Notes will follow a summer schedule. From June 10 to August 5, Notes will be published every other week. Scheduled publication dates are June 10, June 24, July 8, July 22 and August 5. The regular schedule will resume with the August 12 edition.

Feedback on the Superior General's Circular

Thank you to the communities that have submitted responses from their community conversations regarding the Superior General’s most recent circular. Since I want to send the report in on June 16, please send reports to me no later than June 15.


I want to invite you to join the Juneteenth celebration that MSJC (Marianist Social Justice Collaborative) has organized in conjunction with several other groups. The gathering is intended to help us deal with the current world situation. There is a feeling of frustration and helplessness concerning racial injustice in our country. The evening will allow for sharing prayer, songs and dialogue focused on overcoming racism. Please click here for a flyer with more information and a link for registration.

Marianists in India

  • COVID-19. Currently, we have no brothers testing positive. Please continue to keep our brothers in your prayers.  
  • The COVID reality in India. Thank you to Bro. Ed Violett for sending me an article from the Vatican news. Click here to read the article. Let’s continue to keep the people in India in our prayers. 
  • Four temporary professed from the District of India have decided not to renew their vows. Casimeer Anthony, Roshan Kiro, Amit Surin, and Peter Xalxo. We wish them well.  

Please Practice Appropriate Safety Protocols

We all understand that the rules for this COVID-19 time continue to change, sometimes daily. Please remember to take precautions and be safe. As you prepare for summer travel, please read the following travel reminders and check with communities before you travel.

Travel Reminders

Mr. Chris Roth, who assists many of us with travel details, reminds us of the following:

  • It is important to book your flight as soon as you know you will be traveling! 
  • Flights are full and it can be difficult to book a flight at the last minute.
  • Remember to keep track of your flights as many flights are canceled or schedule changes are made. 
  • In addition, rental cars are scarce and can be expensive.  

Surviving in the COVID-19 Era

Following is a helpful resource on surviving in this time of COVID-19.

  • Reconsolidating Traumatic Memories for Healing. The most recent edition of LukeNotes from the Saint Luke Institute features an article on the traumas of life and how these can affect us years after we experience them. Click here to read the article. 

This Coming Week
  • June 11: Memorial Blessing, Chaminade St. Louis 
  • June 15-16: Provincial Council Meetings
  • June 19-20: Attend Funeral Mass for Jeannette Eden
  • June 21–24: Meeting with the more newly professed members
  • June 22: St. Mary’s University Board Executive Committee Meeting, virtual 
  • June 23: St. Mary’s University Board Meeting, virtual 
  • June 24: Local Area Pre-Chapter Meeting, St. Louis
From Fr. Tim Kenney
Fr. Tim New
Dear Brothers,

Spiritual Reading/Resource Journal

Review for Religious, the renowned journal for religious life, relaunches this June with a fresh approach, peer-reviewed content, and book reviews focused on religious life within the challenges and contexts of the contemporary world. For more information, click here.

Important Province Gathering Times in Prayer

Let’s keep in prayer two Province retreats that will take place this month:
  • Saragossa Directed Retreat (June 13-19)
  • Cupertino Preached Retreat (June 20-26). 

Let’s remember our young brothers who will gather in St. Louis for some important conversations (June 21-23).

Let’s pray for the gathering of contacts, aspirants, novices and young brothers who are gathering at Governor’s Island for "Look, Listen and Lounge" (June 16-20).

Bicentennial Celebration: Archdiocese of Cincinnati

There were many religious congregations that came to the Archdiocese of Cincinnati between 1829 and 1889 to serve in various church ministries, including the Marianists. The bottom line was their desire to serve. The Archdiocese is dedicating October 9, 2021, as an opportunity for everyone to do some kind of service. For more information, click here.
Upcoming Calendar

  • June 10-14: St. Anthony’s Parish, Maui
  • June 15-16: Provincial Council Meetings, St. Louis
  • June 17-24: Cupertino Community (California Jubilee, Province retreat)
  • June 26-27: Funeral for St. John Vianney teacher; Wedding Mass and Sunday Masses, St. Louis
From Bro. Jesse O'Neill
Bro. Jesse New
Dear Brothers,

Thank you, Dr. Dorothy

Dr. Dorothy Ostrowski, president, Daniel J. Gross Catholic High School in Bellevue, Nebraska, is retiring at the end of the 2020-2021 school year. Dorothy has served as an educator at Gross Catholic for 40 years. She began her career as a classroom teacher in the English department, became Assistant Principal in 1996, Principal in 2000, and was named the school’s President in 2012. Recently, the Office of Sponsorship presented Dorothy with a cross to thank her for her years of service as a Marianist educator. We wish her all the best as she begins a new chapter in her life. Thank you, Dorothy!
Final Trivia Question

Congratulations to Bro. Frank O'Donnell, who was the only brother to submit the correct answer to our recent question: Which Marianist has a collection of his materials in the Municipal Archives in Bordeaux, France? Answer: Bro. Herbert Kramer.

* * * * *

Here is your final trivia question. It is worth 11 points so anyone can surpass Bro. Ed Brink’s point total.

  • Name the eleven countries the Marianists have been in on the continent of Africa.

You must have all eleven correct to receive the points. Good Luck!
Office of Vocation Ministry - Bro. Mark Motz
Dear Brothers,

Summer 2021 Vocation Events

Last winter, we made the decision to move the Contact Retreat, which is normally the first weekend in January, to the summer. This was due to the number of COVID-19 cases and hoped for vaccinations by the end of the school year. We were not sure what would happen, so we brainstormed the idea of combining the Contact Retreat with the biannual "Look, Listen and Lounge." Our hope was if quarantining still needed to happen; we could quarantine once instead of several times. That being said, the next two weeks are filled with vocation events.

Please keep Sabina Marroquin, Andrew Villarreal and Danny Hannon in your prayers this weekend as they attend the Contact Retreat. Danny is a new contact, so you may want to write his name in your prayer binder. (These will be updated in August.) After the retreat, we will visit Marianist ministries and join communities for prayer and meals for the next two days. On Wednesday, two more contacts, Andrew Jones and Paul Pruski, will join us as we head to Governer’s Island for the biannual "Look, Listen and Lounge" from June 16-20. This year we have 23 participants in formation and five contacts.

Please keep all of these events in your prayers!
Please pray for our Brothers who are celebrating their birthdays

  • June 12: Armando Añeses, John Habjan, Mitchell Schweickart
  • June 13: Robert Resing
  • June 14: James Brown, James Fitz
  • June 15: David Murphy
  • June 16: Lawrence McBride, Roy McLoughlin
  • June 18: Bertrand Buby
  • June 19: John Klobuka, Thomas Schroer
  • June 22: Fermín García García
  • June 23: Albert Koch
On the Calendar
June 10: Birth of Blessed Adèle de Batz de Trenquelléon, 1789
June 11: Most Sacred Heart of Jesus
June 12: Immaculate Heart of Mary
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