June 11, 2020
From Fr. Oscar Vasquez
Fr. Oscar new
Dear Brothers,


Assignment(s) are effective with the publishing of the new personnel book.

Bro. Bob Juenemann is assigned to the Cupertino Marianist Community with continued ministry as a development associate for the Province.

A Culture of Vocations in Our Communities

In the most recent issue of the Horizon vocation magazine, I encountered an interesting article, “ Overview of Young Members.” These reflections on the survey conducted of younger religious across the United States. Remember these reflections are of all congregations but they do provide interesting information on younger religious in the United States. Enjoy!

Who is Normally on West Pine
(Remember that we are not in normal times, so most are working remotely.)

This week I am featuring the members of the Office of Communications. Please click here to see the names and photos of these lay staff members.

Surviving in the COVID-19 Era

  • Maintaining Good Sitting Posture. These days, we are spending more time in our rooms or in our offices. St. John Vianney Center presents this video on maintaining good sitting posture. 

  • Mindfulness and Healthy Relationships. Mindfulness practice enhances our awareness of others and our capacity to listen actively and communicate clearly. Martha Keys Barker, LCSW-C, offers mindful approaches for improving communication and relationships. The workshop is on July 23 at 1:00 p.m. and the small fee includes unlimited access to the on-demand recording and resource materials. Click here for workshop information.

  • An Article for Reflection. Our world is undergoing a very difficult time. There have been protests and riots. Each of us is called to examine the world situation in light of the Gospel. Thank you to the Marianist Social Justice Collaborative (MSJC) for including a link to NCR’s article by Fr. Bryan MassingaleClick here to read this article for your reflection during this time of COVID.   

This Coming Week

  • June 16: University of Dayton Board Meeting, virtual
  • June 17-19: Provincial Council Meetings, St. Louis
From Fr. Tim Kenney
Fr. Tim New
Dear Brothers,

St. Joseph's Catholic Community

Let’s continue to pray for the parish community at St. Joseph’s in Eldersburg, Md. as they prepare to bid farewell to the Marianists. We have been at St. Joseph’s since 1981.
Over our final weekend in the parish on June 27-28, there will be several smaller celebrations conducive to the COVID-19 guidelines. We continue to pray for our Marianist pastor, Fr. Neville O’Donohue, as he wraps things up and celebrates his many years at Saint Joseph’s since 2011. Thank you, Neville!

Province Retreats

Tecaboca Retreat. Take a look at this wonderful photo of the Brothers who recently attended the Tecaboca retreat.
Upcoming Retreats. Let us pray for our Brothers who will on the Cupertino retreat (June 14-20) and on the Saragossa retreat (June 21-27).
Marriage of a Marianist Friend and Affiliate

Please join me in prayer for Mary Kay Fitzpatrick and Denis Kuemerle on the celebration of the Sacrament of Matrimony this month. Mary Kay has been associated with the Marianists since the early 1970’s, with ministry in various Marianist parishes and schools, and worked for Province Offices. Many province members know Mary Kay. I am privileged to witness their marriage on June 26, and promised her our congratulations.
Prayers for Healing as a Nation

There has been great sadness in our lives over the racism that we have witnessed. But there has also been great joy over the many people all over who have come together in peaceful protests. Dr. Martin Luther King in his sermon “Love Your Enemies” offers us a beautiful reflection:

“We love everybody, because God loves them. While we hate the deeds of racism, we love all people. Hate destroys the hater as well as the hated.” He says, “Love has within it a redemptive power! There is a power there that eventually transforms individuals, that is why Jesus says, ‘Love your enemies.’”

Let us pray:

Come, Holy Spirit!
Fill the hearts of your faithful.
Enkindle within us the fire of your love.
Come, Holy Spirit! Breathe into us a fiery passion for justice,
Especially for those who have the breath of life crushed from them.

(From the book, Racial Justice and the Catholic Church , by Fr. Bryan N. Massingale , Professor and James and Nancy Buckman Chair in Applied Christian Ethics at Fordham University. )
From Bro. Jesse O'Neill
Bro. Jesse New
Dear Brothers,

Mary's Lead Cohort 1 continues, a sign of what we consider important

“If it’s important to us, we will make time for it,” Bro. Jesse O’Neill remarked to Mary’s Lead cohort members during their second Practitioner Dialogues video conference held on May 27, 2020, on the theme of “Building Teams as Marianist Leaders.”

We are grateful to our guest experts, Dr. Marceta Reilly, leadership coach and Lay Marianist leader and Mr. John Marshall, director of advancement at Chaminade-Julienne Catholic High School in Dayton, who graciously reflected on Marianist principles for building teams in the context of our high schools. To read their reflections, click here. To view the video recording of this dialogue, archived on the Mary’s Lead portal, click here. (Please note: this link will be usable until July 31, 2020, after which you may contact Dr. Savio Franco
for access to the Mary’s Lead portal.)

Cohort members have stayed committed to their own formation amidst these most trying of circumstances, presenting to all Marianist educators a strong witness of what we consider important – formation in community. Please pray for all involved in Mary’s Lead Cohort 1 as they prepare for their second leadership retreat on the theme of “Spirituality of Marianist Leadership,” to be held virtually on the Mary’s Lead online platform on June 23 – 25, led by Fr. Jim Heft and team.

An Important Conversation on Racism

This week, Brian Reavey, Dan Donnelly and I participated in a dialogue with the Marianist Social Justice Collaborative Racial Justice Team. It was an important conversation with regards to the collaboration that will occur with our schools in response to this ongoing issue of racism. We look forward to supplying resources for our school leaders in response to these recent events.

Are you wondering what you can do for racial justice in our country?

Are you wondering what you can do for racial justice in our country?
The MSJC Racial Justice Team, the St. Louis Social Justice for All Team and the Office of Hispanic Ministry for the Archdiocese of St. Louis invite you to join in sharing prayer, songs, and dialogue focused on racism, immigration and privilege on June 18. This will be an inspiring, challenging, and reflective experience in preparation for Juneteenth, the day African Americans celebrate their freedom from slavery. Click here to view the flyer, and click here to register.
Office of of JPIC - Brian Reavey
Dear Brothers,

Anti-Racism Resources

Mercy Volunteer Corps (MVC) is one of our benchmark volunteer programs with Marianist PULSE. As a nationwide program with a large program staff, they have the capacity for creating timely resources like the one pictured below.

MVC shared, "We are grateful to the Sisters of Mercy’s Institute Leadership Team for their timely response in grieving the lives of George Floyd, Ahmaud Arbery, and Breonna Taylor and for their call to 'end the extrajudicial killings of African Americans.' Over the next five weeks, we will start our journey to watch, listen, learn, act, and pray. The calendar attached provides links to resources focusing on our Mercy Critical Concern of Anti-Racism. We hope you’ll join us on our journey to both educate ourselves and advocate for others." Click here to learn more and join this collaborative effort.
Thank You to the Offices of Education and Sponsorship

I would like to thank Bro. Jesse O'Neill and Dan Donnelly for their time, insights and support during our conversation about racial justice on Monday afternoon. Our MSJC Racial Justice issue team set a goal in early May to discuss ways our Marianist schools and institutions are living out the Church’s mission for racial justice and the dignity of the human person. We also brainstormed new possibilities and opportunities to improve our existing efforts. Dan and Bro. Jesse accepted our invitation to dialogue immediately, and we came away with many helpful ideas and action steps moving forward. Please keep this issue and our efforts in your prayers.
Please pray for our Brothers who are celebrating their birthdays

June 12: Armando Añeses, John Habjan, Mitchell Schweickart
June 13: Robert Resing
June 14: James Brown, James Fitz
June 15: David Murphy
June 16: Lawrence McBride, Roy McLoughlin
This publication is for members of the Society of Mary. Please do not forward it. Also, please provide a printed copy for brothers who do not use email.