June 18, 2020
From Fr. Oscar Vasquez
Fr. Oscar new
Dear Brothers,

Who is Normally on West Pine
(Remember that we are not in normal times, so most are working remotely.)

This week, I’m featuring the Office of Human Resources. Mary Ellen Garcia is an office of one. She puts in many hours in working with community directors and directors at our care centers. It is always our desire to treat all staff members with justice and with fair benefits.

Living in Our World (Two helpful sections.)

Living in COVID Times

  • Wellness Journey Podcasts by Saint John Vianney Center, “Why We May Be Lonelier Than We Think and What We can Do About it.” The podcast host, Dr. Mariette Danilo, talks about loneliness; what it is, how it can affect you, and what you can do about it, including the importance of social connection and having quality relationships. Click here to listen. 

  • Healthy Portions. Do you have portion distortion? Could you be putting more on your plate and eating more than the recommended healthy portions for protein, vegetables and fruit? Connie Ostap, a registered dietitian at Saint John Vianney Center, gives good information on how to size up healthy portions. Click here to view.

Healthy Conversations on the issue of Racism in our Country

  • Several Brothers/communities have written in that they have had the opportunity to view and discuss the movie “Just Mercy.”

  • The Marianist Social Justice Collaborative Racial Justice Team presents "A Racial Dialogue Event." It’s not too late to register. Later today, June 18, from 7:30–8:45 p.m. (ET) the Marianist Social Justice Collaborative (MSJC) and the Office of Hispanic Ministry, Archdiocese of St. Louis are offering a Zoom gathering. Are you asking “what you can do to fight for racial justice in the United States today?” The gathering promises to be inspiring, challenging, and a reflective experience. This gathering will include prayer, songs, reflection questions and discussion facilitated by a small panel and will focus on the following themes: immigration, white privilege and racial justice in America. This is an opportunity to come together to pray and to work towards deciding how to respond, both personally and communally, to the current unrest and injustice in our country. Note that registration is required and space is limited. Please register here. After registration, you will receive Zoom information. Special Note: Registration must be completed today by 3:00 p.m. (ET). If you are unable to attend, the event is being recorded.

This Coming Week

  • June 18-19: Provincial Council Meetings, St. Louis
  • June 20: Our Lady of the Pillar Parish, St. Louis, preside at marriage ceremony and assist with Saturday evening Mass
From Fr. Tim Kenney
Fr. Tim New
Dear Brothers,

Perpetual Vow Retreat for Bro. Allen Pacquing

We have been able to work out a wonderful plan with Bro. Allen Pacquing to have his 30-day retreat at the end of this month in preparation for his perpetual vows. Bro. Allen will be at Montserrat Retreat Center in Lake Dallas, Texas.  Bro. Steve Glodek will be his retreat director by Zoom.
This is a very special time for Bro. Allen. We promise him our prayers in this time of transition and this holy time of preparation for his final commitment. We also pray in thanksgiving to Bro. Steve and ask the Holy Spirit to be a prayerful guide. Each week of the retreat, we will have this important intention before us in Notes from the Provincial Council.
Invitation to Write a Sentence on Our Time to be Shared!

All of us have been reflecting and learning much in our quiet time, in our “stay home” time, in our time of quarantine. I invite you to take a moment over the next few days to write down a sentence that you have been thinking about: a key learning that you have received, a prayer that has stayed with you in this time of world and national crisis as we have been dealing with COVID-19 and witnessing peaceful protests, violence, racial and systemic issues that go against what we believe. If you are willing, please email me your writing by the morning of June 30.

Some Reflective Scripture Quotes for the Coming Week

  • "The thief’s purpose is to steal, kill and destroy. My purpose is to give life in all its fullness." (John 10:10 TLB)
  • "Give your entire attention to what God is doing right now, and don’t get worked up about what may or may not happen tomorrow. God will help you deal with whatever hard things come up when the time comes." (Matthew 6:34 The Message)
  • "Teach us to realize the brevity of life, so that we may grow in wisdom." (Psalm 90:12 NLT)

Cupertino Retreat

Most of the Brothers living in the Marianist Center in Cupertino along with 10 other Brothers using Zoom are finishing up retreat this week. We continue to keep them in prayer.
Dayton Jubilee

We will not be able to have the Dayton Marianist Jubilee celebration that was scheduled for August 15, as we had planned. While a disappointment, this is consistent with the guidelines that the state of Ohio and the Dayton Health Department have set, and we and the University of Dayton wish to observe in the interest of the common good.

Marianist Prayer for Ending Racism

"Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter."
Martin Luther King, Jr.

Holy Mary, to whom we have
consecrated our lives, we join with
you in prayer. We seek the grace and
understanding to be converted from
the sin of racism that has infected
our society for so many years.

Help us not be in denial of the power
systems that operate at the expense
of others. Show us the steps we must
take to counteract racism.

Help us to use our influence in our
communities, families, schools,
parishes and other institutions to
assure appreciation and respect
for all cultures.

We are grateful for our call to live and
spread Marianist spirit of diversity and
justice. May we celebrate everyone’s
gifts and talents.

We pray for your intercession to bring
change in the name of Jesus.

From Bro. Jesse O'Neill
Bro. Jesse New
Dear Brothers,

Two Plagues Changing Our Lives

Our country recently has been forever changed by the outbreak of two plagues. The recent cry for racial justice across the United States has sparked a movement filled with hope for change and equality. The plague of racism has stained our country for far too long. Penetrating our lives for a shorter time, the pandemic has altered life as we know it in significant and challenging ways over these past three months in ways we never could have imagined.

I share with you two reflections that I hope you take the time to read. The first is from Mr. Jamar Mosley, director of the Marianist Urban Students Program at Purcell Marian High School in Cincinnati. He shares a powerful story with his colleagues from his own life when he experienced first-hand the brutality of racism. To read Jamar’s story, click here.

The second reflection comes from Fr. James Heft. Fr. Jim is the president of the Institute for Advanced Catholic Studies at USC. His words poignantly remind us of how our lives have been shaped during this pandemic and the opportunities that lie ahead for us to embrace the essentials of life. To read Jim’s reflection, click here.
Office of of JPIC - Brian Reavey
Dear Brothers,
Responding to the Sin of Racism

Sr. Nicole Trahan, FMI will be one of two speakers featured during a livestream event, "One God, One People," on Friday, June 19 at 6:30 p.m. (EDT). Sr. Nicole is the newly appointed co-chair of our MSJC Racial Justice team, along with Maureen O'Rourke. We hope you can join Sr. Nicole and our Marianist Family as we reflect and act to eradicate the sin of racism.

How the Church is Responding to Protests and Calls for Reform

Utilize the statements and resources to help Catholics discern how to act for racial justice as our communities continue to mourn the death of George Floyd and countless other black brothers and sisters:

Please pray for our Brothers who are celebrating their birthdays

June 18: Bertrand Buby
June 19: John Klobuka, Thomas Schroer
June 22: Fermín García García
June 23: Albert Koch, Michael Murphy
June 24: William Halloway
On the Calendar
June 17-19: Provincial Council Meetings, St. Louis
June 19: Most Sacred Heart of Jesus
June 20: Immaculate Heart of Mary
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