June 24, 2021
From Fr. Oscar Vasquez
Fr. Oscar new
Dear Brothers,

Notes Summer Schedule

A reminder that Notes from the Provincial Council is on a summer schedule. The remaining issues for this summer are July 8, July 22 and August 5. The regular schedule will resume with the August 12 edition.


After consultation with the Brothers in the Ohio area, Bro. Andrew Koswmoski has accepted the position of Area Coordinator. The term will extend until August 2024.

Younger Brothers Conference

The Provincial Council gathered the newer members of the Province for a meeting from Monday, June 21-Wednesday, June 23. The group brought together those who professed vows in the U.S. Province and anyone under 55 years of age professing vows in one of the former provinces. There were a total of 13 brothers present. There was great conversation. More details in the next issue of Notes.
Community Visitations

Since the Provincial Council did not visit communities last year because of the COVID restrictions, we will be visiting this year after the General Council visit. Click here for the list.

Religious Brothers Conference
A reminder that the Religious Brothers Conference is holding its 50th Assembly this year online from July 12-14. The theme is "Brotherhood in the 21st Century: Brothers as Prophetic Witness." For more information, click here. Remember that our very own Bros. Stephen Glodek and Allen Pacquing are part of the group’s organizing committee. With the Assembly, Bro. Stephen concludes five years of service as the president of the Religious Brothers Conference. Thank you, Bro.Stephen!

Vaccine Update, Brothers

Thank you for being so faithful in sending in your vaccine dates to us here on West Pine. Let us continue to pray for all those affected by the virus.

Thank you for the Prayers

The Our Lady of the Pillar parish community and the Chaminade Marianist Community thank all those who have prayed through the intercession of Blessed Chaminade for the healing of Mrs. Danielle Keninger. Danielle was a model of faith to the entire community during her four-year battle with cancer. She died on May 31, 2021. May she rest in peace. Please pray for her husband and young children. Please click here for her obituary.

Surviving and Thriving in the COVID-19 Era

Please click here for helpful information on surviving and thriving in this time of COVID.

The Coming Weeks

  • June 24: St. Louis Area Pre-Chapter Meeting
  • June 29: Various meetings with West Pine staff
  • July 1-2: General Leadership Meeting, Virtual 
  • July 4–6: Assist with parish Masses, Our Lady of the Pillar, St. Louis
  • July 8-10: Visit Siena Woods Community, Dayton
From Fr. Tim Kenney
Fr. Tim New
Dear Brothers,

Congratulations to our Cupertino Jubilarians

Approximately 50 guests gathered to celebrate the California Jubilee at the Marianist Center in Cupertino on June 19. It was a beautiful day with an outdoor Mass, reception and lunch.
Fr. Timothy Kenney (50 years of profession), Fr. Theodore Ley (50 years of ordination), Fr. Robert Hackel (70 years of profession) and Fr. Patrick McDaid (25 years of profession).
From Bro. Jesse O'Neill
Bro. Jesse New
Aloha Brothers,

Saint Louis School 175th Anniversary

I highly recommend you taking the time to watch this one-hour locally televised video celebrating the 175th anniversary of Saint Louis School. It will fill you with a deep appreciation of the blessed history and accomplishments of this fine school. Congratulations to Saint Louis School!

CME Reflection

This week’s reflection comes from Saint Louis School History teacher Carlyle Ka’anapu Cameron. These words on embracing the message of adaptation and change are what has brought Saint Louis School to this day, 175 years later. It is a gift that continues to impact the life of this teacher and all of us into the future. Click here to read Carlyle’s reflection.
Please pray for our Brothers who are celebrating their birthdays

June 24: William Halloway
June 26: Jesse O’Neill
June 27: James Maus
June 28: Howard Hughes, Lester Kaehler
June 29: Andrew Kosmowski
June 30: John Dempsey, Mawaba Jean-Chrysostome Tagba (TO)

July 1: Bernard Ploeger
July 3: Michael Chiuri
July 7: Frederick Rech
On the Calendar
June 29: Sts. Peter and Paul, Apostles

July 4: Happy Fourth of July!
This publication is for members of the Society of Mary. Please do not forward it. Also, please provide a printed copy for brothers who do not use email.