June 25, 2020
From Fr. Oscar Vasquez
Fr. Oscar new
Dear Brothers,

Release of Names

The process of the release of names has been extensive with notifications to and consultation with the Chapter members along the way. Yesterday, the Province released the names. In the name of the Provincial Council, I thank you for your support and notes, emails and letters these past days. Let us pray for an end to abuse in our Church and our world. As a Province, we also give thanks for the work that former Provincial Councils have done to set the appropriate safeguarding procedures and in setting the tone for dealing with survivors. A special note of thanks to our former Provincials: Bro. Steve Glodek and Fr. Marty Solma; and Assistant Provincials, Fr. Jim Fitz and Bro. Joe Kamis.  

Let us pray for all affected by the sin of abuse. This is also a reminder to all of us that we must be even more faithful to our vows, to our communities and to one another. I would ask that as a province that we join together in our community Mass on Friday, June 26, and ask for God’s continued healing, forgiveness and blessings.


Assignment(s) are effective with the publishing of the new personnel book.

  • After consultation with the brothers in the Texas area, Bro. Allen Pacquing has accepted the position as Area Coordinator for the Texas area. The term will extend until August, 2023. Because Bro. Charles Johnson has already moved to Dayton, this appointment will begin on July 1, 2020.  

Marianist Necrology 1819-2019

Copies of the new necrology were distributed to all the communities earlier this year. There are a “limited” number of copies of the necrology available. If you would like one, please contact Pat Stephens.

This Coming Week

  • June 28: Our Lady of the Pillar Parish, assist with Sunday evening Mass
From Fr. Tim Kenney
Fr. Tim New
Dear Brothers,

Invitation to Write a Sentence on Our Time to be Shared!

All of us have been reflecting and learning much in our quiet time, in our “stay home” time, in our time of quarantine. I invite you to take a moment over the next few days to write down a sentence that you have been thinking about: a key learning that you have received, a prayer that has stayed with you in this time of world and national crisis as we have been dealing with COVID-19 and witnessing peaceful protests, violence, racial and systemic issues that go against what we believe. If you are willing, please email me your writing by the morning of June 30.

Saragossa Retreat

Let us pray for those on the Saragossa retreat (June 21-27).
From Bro. Jesse O'Neill
Bro. Jesse New
Dear Brothers,

Story of Hope and Joy

Submitted by Bro. Ed Brink , Vice President for Mission and Rector at Chaminade University of Honolulu.

Andrew Trapsi, a graduate of Archbishop Riordan High School in San Francisco and a recent graduate of Chaminade University class of 2020, was asked to speak to the donors about the difference receiving a scholarship made in his life. Andrew also took the opportunity to highlight the difference his Marianist education has made.

In his brief remarks, Andrew explained that, while he was the immediate beneficiary of his education, he was motivated to work hard and to succeed because of his family. “My family has taught me to work hard, enjoy life and to constantly put others before myself.” He then went on to explain that the campus ministry program at Chaminade University has assisted him in putting the lessons that he has learned, in the classroom and in life, into action through service. He related an experience of service with fellow students in which they were restoring a fishpond once used to feed people in Hawaii. Their task was to carry stones and rocks to extend a wall of the pond. And while the action of carrying one rock could be interpreted as being unimportant, Andrew said that the collective effort formed a wall so that an entire community would have food for years to come. Andrew then thanked the donors in the name of all of the students that have benefitted from their generosity. “You are helping us to carry our rock to make an impact on the future.”

I work with many good people dedicated to the mission of Chaminade University and, subsequently, to our Marianist educational mission. Sometimes I need to be reminded that the work that I do every day - whether it be heavy lifting or carrying rocks - is making a difference in the greater scheme of things. I knew Andrew well enough to know that he had graduated from a Marianist high school and that his views were shaped not only by his time and the people here at Chaminade but also the community of Archbishop Riordan. I was grateful that Andrew made it so clear for me to be able to see that the collective work makes a difference that will last for years to come.
Andrew Trapsi addresses donors at Chaminade University
Office of of JPIC - Brian Reavey
Dear Brothers,
S.M. Spotlight: Thank You, Bro. Ken

On behalf of our JPIC Office and Province JPIC Advisory Committee, we'd like to thank Bro. Ken Straubinger for continuing to vote our shareholder proxies from St. Louis and advocate for more just corporate policies concerning human rights, ethical supply chains, environmental sustainability and diverse board governance. Bro. Ken's helpful assistance allows us to remain faithful founding members of the Interfaith Center on Corporate Responsibility. ICCR is in its 49th year of utilizing shareholder advocacy to dialogue with companies about environmental, social and governance concerns. ICCR's coalition of 300+ global institutional investors currently represents more than $500 billion in managed assets. Some of ICCR's current focus areas include addressing systemic racism, human trafficking, global health, water access, supply chains and climate change.
Action Alert

The USCCB recently released this announcement and advocacy opportunity. "The U.S Supreme Court (SCOTUS) recently ruled on the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program. While SCOTUS allowed DACA to continue, the Administration can still attempt to end DACA at a later date. As a result, DACA immigrant youth are safe for now, but could be at risk for deportation in the future. We must not allow this to happen. Most DACA recipients have spent the majority of their lives in the U.S. Many DACA recipients have families and all of them contribute to American society as taxpayers, consumers and community members. Additionally, there are 62,000 DACA-eligible healthcare workers involved in the COVID-19 response.

Urge your U.S. Senators to co-sponsor and support S. 874, the DREAM Act, which would protect Dreamers and provide a path to U.S. citizenship. Also urge your Senators to introduce and co-sponsor a companion bill to H.R. 6, the American Dream and Promise Act. Click here to send a message of support to your Senators."

CMSM also issued a recent statement in support of the Supreme Court's DACA ruling last week.
Please pray for our Brothers who are celebrating their birthdays

June 25: Wilbert Hamm
June 26: Jesse O’Neill
June 27: James Maus
June 28: Howard Hughes, Lester Kaehler
June 29: Andrew Kosmowski
June 30: John Dempsey, Mawaba Jean-Chrysostome Tagba (TO)
July 1: Bernard Ploeger
On the Calendar
June 29: Saints Peter and Paul, Apostles
This publication is for members of the Society of Mary. Please do not forward it. Also, please provide a printed copy for brothers who do not use email.