July 2, 2020
From Fr. Oscar Vasquez
Fr. Oscar new
Dear Brothers,

Summer Notes Schedule

During the month of July, Notes from the Provincial Council will be on a summer schedule. We will publish every other week from July 2-August 13. The schedule is July 2, 16, 30 and August 13.


Assignment(s) are effective with the publishing of the new personnel book.

  • Fr. Raymundo Domínguez González has been assigned to the new community in Puebla, Mexico. He will be the community chaplain with other pastoral duties in the city of Puebla.  

Ongoing Formation

Many of us have been grounded by canceled workshops, classes and other summer formation plans. Here is a wonderful opportunity to grow in our understanding of the Marianist Charism.

NACMS is inviting you to participate in the upcoming MSP 2.0 (2020-2021) cohort to research, reflect on and create a project on the topic of "Marianist Prayer: Listening, Pondering, and Responding." How is the gift of Marianist prayer relevant today and in the future? Help us imagine. For more information, click here.

Surviving in the COVID-19 Era

Please click here for helpful resources during this time of sheltering-in-place.

  • COVID and Summer in Our Communities. During the summer issues of Notes, I will be offering photos from our communities and their summer living. Please email me your photos. The first photos are from the Lalanne and Cupertino communities. Click here to view the photos.

  • "Community Life in a Time of Pandemic" Podcast. St. John Vianney Center offers this podcast, hosted by Dr. Mariette Danilo interviewing psychotherapist, Sr. Mercedes McCann, RSM, PhD. They will discuss the ways the pandemic has affected religious communities, revealing many practical ways to deal with it and get through it healthily. Click here to listen.

  • Prayer for Perseverance. We all know that these are different times. St. John Vianney Center sent this Prayer for Perseverance in their most recent email. I offer it for your reflection.

This Coming Week

  • July 2-8: St. Louis
  • July 4: Happy Fourth of July, St. Louis
  • July 9-16: Various meetings, St. Louis
From Fr. Tim Kenney
Fr. Tim New
Dear Brothers,

Perpetual Vow Retreat for Bro. Allen Pacquing

As Bro. Allen enters into his 30-day retreat, let us continue to keep him prayer.

Marianist Mission Pilgrimage

Sadly, due to the pandemic, we have postponed the very full trip to next October, 2021.

Missionary Preaching

We are committed to six parishes this summer in the Dayton and Philadelphia areas. I am able to take two in early August, but I am looking to see if one or two of our ordained might be available on the weekend of August 29-30 or September 12-13. Please email me. Thank you for your consideration.

One Sentence Reflection

Thank you so much to those of you who submitted a one sentence reflection on your thoughts/response to our present time of ongoing pandemic. Let me share with you a few of the responses for your own reflection.

  • Bro. Jerry Sullivan: Maybe it's my age, I'm 89, but I find the time the pandemic and the racial unrest imposes, gives me time to go deeper into questions such as my attitudes about race and injustice.

  • Fr. Marty Solma: I have a picture in my office with a quote from MLK. It gives me real inspiration these days: “Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that. “ (Martin Luther King, Jr.)

  • Fr. Ted Cassidy: Reading the book “A Sunlit Absence” by Martin Laird, I have learned the value of not letting distractions in prayer and in ordinary life take off and prevent the grace filled from leading the way.

  • Bro. Jack Somerville: This has been my constant thought ever since we began sheltering in place on March 17, 2020. Here in the Cupertino Community, we are lavishly cared for, the staff is wonderful, the food is great, we have ample opportunities for prayer and plenty of other interests to keep us occupied. Who would want to go out when we have it all right! However, our liquor bill is outrageous!

From a few other Brothers:
  • Structure has been necessary.
  • I have learned I need contact with people on a regular basis.
  • Deepen my faith.
  • It has heightened my attentiveness to prayer.
  • Meetings online have been wonderful.

Finally, a photo of four Brothers who are 90 years old and above from our Marianist Community in Cupertino celebrating Bro. Howard Hughes' 90th birthday.
Bro. Howard Hughes (90), Bro. Frank Spaeth (97), Fr. Stephen Tutas (93), Bro. Jim Leahy (94)
Farewell to the Marianists at Saint Joseph's, Eldersburg

You might enjoy viewing some of the talks and people gathering to celebrate our Marianist presence as we depart Saint Joseph’s. Click here to view.
Reflective Resource

Sr. Barbara Jean Franklin, ASC, has made the text of her webinar presentation
"Seeking Emmanuel in a World Immersed in Chaos" available to Religious Formation Conference members.  Click here for the talk. A beautiful reflection for our time.
JPIC Director: Farewell/Gracias, Brian!

Brian Reavey has worked in various capacities for the province for over 17 years. He will leave his current ministry as JPIC Director on July 5. I want to express my gratitude for the many ways Brian has helped raise our consciousness and awareness around justice issues. We wish Brian lots of prayers as he takes some needed time off for a “mini sabbatical” over the next few months. We look forward to your continual relationship with the Marianist Family. May God bless you, Brian!

Sometime over the next week or so, you will receive an invitation to complete a short survey on our Province JPIC Office as we look to the future. Please begin to reflect on this topic. I look forward to your comments in the survey.
From Bro. Jesse O'Neill
Bro. Jesse New
Dear Brothers,

Summer Stories of God in our Midst

Over these next weeks of summer, I will be sharing with you some reflections from the campus ministers of our high schools. They were asked to share a story that reminded them that God was in their midst during this time of pandemic.

Our first contribution is submitted by Mr. Dennis Matreci , Registrar and member of the St. John Vianney High School campus ministry team in St. Louis. 

My personal "miracle" story from the pandemic is simple. One key member of our campus ministry team is Mrs. Carrie Mitchell, who was diagnosed with breast cancer and has been undergoing chemo treatments since February. Carrie is also the lead person on our Juniors' Social Service Project (SSP) and has created a "well-oiled machine" in terms of the process and procedures for the SSP. When it became obvious that the usual service in the community would not be possible this year, our team came together to brainstorm a "virtual" SSP for the kids. Carrie was there, working with us in Zoom meetings, to help adapt and change to a new form of SSP. She has been an inspiration to all of us with her courage, spirit and dedication to the mission of Vianney. (Incidentally, we rolled out the new program to our students and within about three days every one of the 141 juniors chose a new project. Carrie created a video to open the virtual program and inspire the guys to do their new projects with enthusiasm.) Proof that we are all part of a big Marianist village helping to further the mission with a new generation.
Please pray for our Brothers who are celebrating their birthdays

July 3: Michael Chiuri
July 7: Frederick Rech
July 8: George Montague, Neville O’Donohue, Michael O’Grady
July 9: James Vorndran
July 10: Patrick Philbin
July 11: James Christiana
July 13: Kenneth Templin
July 14: James Schimelpfening
On the Calendar
July 3: Fourth of July Holiday, Province Offices closed

July 11: St. Benedict, Abbot and Patriarch of the Society of Mary
This publication is for members of the Society of Mary. Please do not forward it. Also, please provide a printed copy for brothers who do not use email.