July 22, 2021
From Fr. Oscar Vasquez
Fr. Oscar new
Dear Brothers,

Notes, Summer Schedule

A reminder that Notes from the Provincial Council is on a summer schedule. The last summer issue will be published on August 5. The regular schedule will begin with the August 12 edition.
First Mexican Jubilarian

On August 15, Bro. Fermín García García will be celebrating his 25th Anniversary as a Marianist. This is a significant celebration in Mexico since he is the first Mexican to achieve this milestone as a professed religious. We join, with our brothers in Mexico, in celebrating this special occasion. Click here to see a copy of the invitation.

Peter Evans has decided to withdraw from the Marianist formation program. He desires to continue his discernment as a Lay Marianist. Please join me in praying for Peter as he begins this new stage in his life journey.

Preparing for the Personnel

We are in the final proofing stages of preparing the new personnel book. Please check your personnel and community listing from the current personnel book. If there are any errors in the listing (including phone numbers and email addresses), please email Ann Mueller by the end of business on Friday, July 30.

Partnering with the Poor

As a Province, we remain committed to Partnering with the Poor (PWP), the program sponsored via the Marianist Mission, to help provide sponsorships for students in our schools in India and Eastern Africa. Many of you have had experiences in India and Eastern Africa. These experiences and “real-life” stories are very helpful for donors in the U.S. to understand and appreciate the issues and blessings of our schools in these areas.

If you have spent time in these areas, we are looking for brothers who would be willing to share a story or two or meet with a group virtually to share your experience. Would you be interested? If yes, please contact Deanna Snyder in the Office of Sponsorship.

Surviving and Thriving in the COVID-19 Era

Please click here for helpful information on surviving and thriving in this time of COVID.

This Coming Week

  • July 28-30: Provincial Council Planning Meetings, MRCC, Eureka, Missouri
  • August 1–6: Colegio San José, meetings and community visit, Puerto Rico
  • August 3-4: CMSM Annual Meeting, virtual 
  • August 10–12: St Vincent-St Mary High School, Akron, Ohio; Installation Mass for new President.
From Fr. Tim Kenney
Fr. Tim New
Dear Brothers,

Bro. John Shim First Profession

We offer our congratulations to Bro. John Shim who professed his first vows in Seoul, Korea recently. Bro. John has expressed gratitude to our novitiate team and to the Province. Please click here to view some photos.

Memorial Service for Fr. Gerry Hammel

Fr. Gerry Hammel served in ministry at Our Lady of Guadalupe Parish in Helotes, Texas many years ago. The parishioners wanted to have a memorial service for him. All Marianists in the San Antonio area are invited. For more info click here. To live-stream the Memorial Service, click here.

We will honor Fr. Gerry’s request to be buried in St. Louis with a memorial service when his cremains are returned to the USA. More info to come.

Upcoming Province Retreats

Let’s continue to remember all of our brothers who are on retreats these days:
  • Our three Brothers [Justin Quiroz, Patrick Cahill (ME) and Andrew Santoriello (ME)] making their perpetual vow retreat under the guidance of their spiritual director, Bro. Tom Redmond.
  • Our Brothers at the Marianist Residence, July 25-31
  • Our Brothers at Siena Woods, August 1-7

JPIC Information

  • Pro-Life: Abortion policy at the state and federal level. The U.S. Supreme Court has agreed to hear a Mississippi abortion case in its next term, which starts in October. Read the article here. Court watchers see this as a positive shift towards legal protection of the unborn, and possibly an overturning of Roe v. Wade. The USCCB Secretariat for Pro-Life Activities held a webinar to mobilize Catholics around the possible removal of the Hyde Amendment, a legislative provision that has historically prevented federal funding for abortions through publicly funded health care (Medicaid). On May 19, Texas Governor Greg Abbott signed a “heartbeat bill” legislation into law that will go into effect on Sept. 1. 

  • Laudato Si. Backgrounder: 7 Laudato Si Goals, 7 Sectors & Laudato Si Action Platform, Sr. Leanne Jablonski, FMI – MEEC/MSJC Integral Ecology Team – July 2021 For more info, click here.

  • Migrant Accompaniment and Witness in Southern Mexico. The Quixote Center is joining up with the Franciscan Network for a week-long delegation experience. To apply to participate and learn more, click here

  • Creation Care Prayer Network. The Creation Care Prayer Network is a network of communities committed to the healing of our common home. The network is connected through prayer and Eucharistic adoration and warmly welcomes religious and lay contemplative communities. For more info, please click here.

  • JPIC Noticias Roma. Click here to read this international newsletter with many resources.
From Bro. Jesse O'Neill
Bro. Jesse New
Dear Brothers,

What A Year It Has Been

The link below will indeed make you smile. Chaminade Julienne Catholic High School’s faculty and staff reflect on this past year and the year ahead. I think you will agree that Fr. Bob Jones is Broadway-bound. Enjoy! Click here.

Trivia Stumper

Our final question for trivia a few weeks ago proved to be a challenge for everyone, including NAMPUS.

  • The question: Name the eleven countries the Marianists have been in on the continent of Africa.

After careful research from Lisa Finnie, it turns out that there were 13 African establishments. Fr. Marty Solma was the first to identify all thirteen. Click here for a list of all the brothers who contributed a guess and the list of establishments.

Congratulations to Bro. Ed Brink for being our overall trivia champion. Bro. Ed will be receiving a special prize in the mail. Look for more trivia fun in 2022!
Office of Vocation Ministry - Bro. Mark Motz
Dear Brothers,

Greetings from Marianist LIFE. I will send a summary of my summer events during the first week of August, but for now, I want to send an update that is long overdue. 

The Lalanne community sent me this update several months ago and I lost it in a sea of emails. My dearest apologies to the Lalanne community. Thank you for hosting this retreat and for all your many vocation events. Please read this short summary of the events and enjoy the pictures. 
  • "Our Lalanne community invited three young men to join us this year for a retreat during the Easter Triduum. Andrew Jones, a lawyer and most recently a contact for the SM, Chis Kim, also a lawyer, and Will Peters, soon to be a novice for the Jesuits, arrived on Holy Thursday afternoon. We celebrated all the great liturgical feasts and met each day for additional community prayer, discussions and on Good Friday evening watched the movie, Of Gods and Men. Our three retreatants took over the kitchen on Holy Saturday and prepared a superb dinner for all of us. We believe that the retreat turned out to be an excellent spiritual and religious experience, and plan to do it again next Holy Week."
Please pray for our Brothers who are celebrating their birthdays

July 23: Michael Reaume
July 24: Peter Kiama
July 25: James Jaeckle
July 27: Brandon Alana-Maugaotega
July 30: Paul Metzger, Robert Politi
August 1: Brandon Paluch
August 3: Joseph Markel, José Ramirez
On the Calendar
July 28-30: Provincial Council Planning Meetings
This publication is for members of the Society of Mary. Please do not forward it. Also, please provide a printed copy for brothers who do not use email.