August 5, 2021
From Fr. Oscar Vasquez
Fr. Oscar new
Dear Brothers,

Preparing for the New Personnel Book

Please remember to check your personal listing in the current personnel book. If you have changed your email address or cell phone number, please notify Ms. Ann Mueller. Remember the personnel book will go to press in the next few days.

This Coming Week

  • August 5-6: Colegio San José, New Board Members Presentation
  • August 7: Fr. Gerry Hammel's Funeral Mass, St. Louis
  • August 10-12: Installation of New President, St. Vincent-St. Mary High School, Akron, Ohio
From Fr. Tim Kenney
Fr. Tim New
Dear Brothers,

Province Celebrations in Prayer

Please keep in prayer our retreatants and jubilarians.

  • Seventeen brothers are attending the preached retreat at Siena Woods this week (August 1-7).
  • Sixteen brothers will be attending a quiet retreat at Governor’s Island (August 8-14).
  • Our jubilarians will be celebrating their anniversaries in Dayton on August 14.

Thank You: Missionary Preaching

We express gratitude to the following Marianists who helped with Missionary Preaching.

Archdiocese of Cincinnati parishes
  • Fr. Charles (Kip) Stander
  • Fr. Ted Cassidy
  • Fr. Varghese Manoparampil

Archdiocese of St Louis parishes
  • Fr. Paul Fitzpatrick
  • Fr. Gabriel Kirangah
  • Fr. Timothy Kenney

Mexican Aspirants

Congratulations to our new Mexican Aspirants in Querétaro, Mexico
  • Carlos Julio Flores Cabrera
  • Edgar Rogelio Ferrer Orosco

More information on these Aspirants later.

Vocation Info & Other Important Stats from CARA Report
(Spring 2021)

  • One-third of newcomers to U.S. religious life are foreign-born.
  • Adult religious composition of the US: 65% Christian (various breakdowns offered); 28% religiously unaffiliated; of the total US adult population, 12% are white Catholics, 7% are Hispanic Catholics and 2% are Catholics of other ethnicities.
  • Jesuit Connections in U.S. Congress: 10% (55 Jesuit-educated members of the 117th Congress).
  • Religious entrance and profession classes of 2020. An interesting quote from a study: “When asked how they became acquainted with their religious institutes: 32% said it was through an institution where members served, 32% via personal research and 30% at the suggestion of a friend or advisor. Twenty-one percent became acquainted through the reputation or history of the institute...Seventy-three percent of the women and 61% of the men entered institutes that wear habits.”
From Bro. Jesse O'Neill
Bro. Jesse New
Dear Brothers,

Launching a National Campaign to #DoublePell

Our province is proud to be part of a national campaign to double the maximum Pell Grant to $13,000 and help more students earn a degree, get a good-paying job and achieve a brighter future.

#DoublePell is a national campaign led by the #DoublePell Alliance, a coalition of higher education associations, organizations and advocacy groups committed to doubling the maximum Pell Grant by the 50th anniversary of the creation of the program in June 2022. Our Association of Marianist Universities participates in this coalition. The Pell Grant is a proven program and the foundation of federal student aid for decades. It helps nearly 7 million low and moderate-income students attend and complete college annually.

Inspired by the prophetic influence of Mary, proclaim the goodness and justice of God, denounce oppression and work for the common good. Mary’s Magnificat provides us with an imperative for justice.

I invite each individual brother or community to join with our three Marianist Universities to have your voice(s) heard. The heart of #DoublePell is the Take Action page, which includes a customizable letter that you can use to send to your members of Congress and shareable social media graphics to amplify the #DoublePell campaign messages.

For millions of students, Pell Grants make the difference between being able to attend college or not. Pell Grants are well-targeted to students with clear financial need: Nearly 90 percent of all Pell dollars go to students with a family income below $50,000 and are especially critical for students of color. Congress is currently considering proposals to increase the maximum Pell Grant by a total of $1,875. While that represents an improvement, it does not go nearly far enough.

#Double Pell already has the support of the Biden administration and widespread, bipartisan support on Capitol Hill. The #DoublePell website will be an important and accessible way for you to tell lawmakers why it’s important to double the maximum Pell Grant now. Please share the new website with other stakeholders you may know.

Upcoming Calendar

  • August 9: Central Catholic Faculty and Staff Retreat, San Antonio
  • August 11: New President’s Mass and Reception at St. Vincent-St. Mary High School, Akron, Ohio
  • August 12: Meeting with new VASJ President, Principal and MUSP Director, Cleveland
Please pray for our Brothers who are celebrating their birthdays

August 5: J. Donald Cahill
August 6: Frank O’Donnell
August 7: Jerome Matz, Justin Quiroz
August 9: Robert Flaherty
August 11: Edward Brink
This publication is for members of the Society of Mary. Please do not forward it. Also, please provide a printed copy for brothers who do not use email.