August 12, 2021
From Fr. Oscar Vasquez
Fr. Oscar new
Dear Brothers,

Solemnity of the Assumption

As has been the custom for the Provincial Council on the Solemnity of the Assumption, we will send a short video to begin this new academic year. Please check your email on Sunday.

The Assumption Celebrations

Even though we are separated by miles and times zones, let us gather in spirit and prayer to celebrate the Solemnity. As your community gathers, please send me pictures of your celebration, and we will post them in the next Notes publication.

For your Calendar

On Saturday, Oct. 2, at 5 pm (EST), our brother, Justin Quiroz, will be professing perpetual vows. The Eucharist and vow ceremony will begin at 5 pm (EST). Arrangements are being made to “Live Stream” the Mass. Details of how to access this will be provided later. This celebration will be a part of the annual meeting of the Provincial Council with the Province community directors and area coordinators. (A registration survey is being sent to them separately.) We are blessed to be able to have members of the General Administration present as well. In addition to holding this time, please pray that the threat currently posed by the Delta variant of COVID will have subsided.

Review for Religious to be Published  

Bro. Bernie Ploeger and I both attended the annual meeting of the CMSM (Conference of Major Superiors of Men) virtually last week. One item that was brought to our attention was that the Review for Religious will resume publication. They will have different types of subscriptions. Click here for more information Review for Religious. It is important to note that they are also looking for article submissions on issues involving religious life.

This Coming Week

  • August 12–13: Installation of New President, St. Vincent-St. Mary High School, Akron, Ohio
  • August 14–16: Preside, Jubilee Mass in Querétaro, Mexico 
  • August 17–18: Provincial Council Meetings, St. Louis
From Bro. Jesse O'Neill
Dear Brothers,

Global Compact on Education

As we begin this new ministerial year, I am happy today to launch the province’s initiative for the implementation of the Global Compact on Education. Recently, Pope Francis released a video encouraging Catholic educators to create change on a global scale, so that education may become a creator of relationship, peace and justice. An even more urgent need in this time scarred by the pandemic. Click here to view Pope Francis’ video.

Our General Assistant for Education, Bro. E. Maximin Magnan, has called the Marianist world to respond to this great challenge and opportunity. As a province, we have been asked to develop and implement a plan in response to the Pope’s call. Please click here to read Bro. Max’s document entitled, An Opportunity to Renew the Privileged Means of our Mission. He uses powerful imagery that reflects the challenge and opportunity before us.

Each week you will see the logo for the Global Compact on Education as seen above. It will serve as a visual reminder to us all on the importance of this journey ahead. Please click here to read an explanation of the logo.

One of our province directional statements is to be the Marian face of the Church. Therefore, like Mary, we begin this journey with a sense of wonder, pondering and discernment that will lead us to action. Two days ago, I gathered key constituents on a zoom call to begin the initial prayerful dialogue necessary for us to move forward. Click here to read a summary of that gathering. I ask each member of the province to unite with the Marianist family across the world as we respond to this most urgent call in our time.

Upcoming Calendar

  • August 17: Gross Catholic High School Board, Omaha, Nebraska
  • August 17-18: Provincial Council meetings, virtual participation
Please pray for our Brothers who are celebrating their birthdays

August 12: Raymond Fitz
August 16: Richard Thompson
August 17: Paul Fitzpatrick, Robert Hanss, Lawrence Schoettelkotte
On the Calendar
August 13: Blessed Jakob Gapp, priest and martyr
August 15: Assumption of Mary
August 17-18: Provincial Council meetings, St. Louis
This publication is for members of the Society of Mary. Please do not forward it. Also, please provide a printed copy for brothers who do not use email.