August 13, 2020
From Fr. Oscar Vasquez
Fr. Oscar new
Dear Brothers,

Regular Notes Schedule

Beginning with this issue of Notes from the Provincial Council, we will resume our weekly publication schedule.

Video on the Beginning of a New Year

As you may remember, Bro. Bernie Ploeger and I have used the Solemnity of the Assumption each year, during our mandate, to share a special message via a video with you from the Provincial Council. Because of the special situations this summer, we will be sharing that message with you on September 8, the Nativity of Mary.

General Council Visit 2020

The Provincial Council has been in dialogue with our Superior General, Fr. André Fétis, and the General Council concerning the visit scheduled for September, October and December 2020. The General Council has decided to postpone the September and October visit dates. The General Council will decide about the December 2020 dates later. Once new dates have been set, we will advise the members of the Province. Obviously, even these plans will have to remain tentative until our world health situation improves.

Degree Completed

Bro. Juan Manuel Azamar has successfully passed all exams and completed his Licientura in Ciencias Religiosas. This is the equivalent of a bachelor’s degree in Religious Studies. Congratulations!

Novitiate, District of India

New Novice Master
With the recommendation of the Indian District Council and the approval of the Provincial Council, Fr. Jinu Muthukattil (completing his term as District Assistant, Religious Life) has been approved by Fr. André Fétis to be the Novice Master for the District of India. The appointment was official with the beginning of the new personnel year. Bro. Dilip Tirkey will continue as the Assistant Novice Master. The Province gives thanks for the service of Fr. Chinnaiah Polishetty, former Novice Master, to the District of India.

Novitiate Team
The Indian Novitiate team has begun the new year with the following novices:

First-year Novices
  • Amit Dungdung
  • Binod Kerketta
  • Sunil Lakra
  • Sushil Minj

Second-year Novices
  • Aieven Tete
  • Basant Topno
  • Melwin Britto B.
  • Praween Kerketta
  • Rohit Tigga

Novitiate Newsletter
Please click here to read the newsletter created by Fr. Jinu to mark the beginning of the new Novitiate year.

Solemnity/Feast of the Assumption

As we begin another ministerial year, let us join together in prayer. I would ask that all communities in the Province offer the following intentions during the communion Mass/Prayer:
  • For blessings upon all members of the Province as we begin a new ministerial year. We pray to the Lord.
  • In thanksgiving for our Marianist Charism. May we all be faithful to our vocation as Marianist religious. We pray to the Lord.

Surviving in the COVID-19 Era

Please click here for helpful resources on surviving in this time of COVID.

This Coming Week

  • August 13-20: Organize and assist with the practicum, seminarians to be ordained
  • August 15: Solemnity/Feast of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary
  • August 17: Provincial Council Conference Call, 9:00 a.m.-12:00 p.m., University of Dayton Executive Committee, virtual meeting
From Bro. Bernie Ploeger
Dear Brothers,

TBDs in Province Personnel 2020-2021

The personnel for the Community Year 2020-2021 has gone to the printer. Due to the need to finalize assignments, you will see that there are still some “TBDs” in places. I would like to explain those related to the various positions that require a consultation or election.

  • Area Coordinator for Hawaii. Due to health concerns, Bro. John Campbell has requested that he conclude his term a year early, that is August 15, 2020. This request has been accepted.

  • Community Directors. Two Community Directors are currently open, Holy Rosary, San Antonio and the Marianist Center Community, Philadelphia.

  • Provincial Chapter Area Members for Hawaii, California and St. Louis for two-year terms.

Consultations/Ballots will be sent to the communities as appropriate the week of August 24 indicating, as necessary, those eligible and the date by which materials need to be returned.

Thank you very much for your patience and understanding.

Virtual Directors' Meeting Update

As stated in the special Notes from the Provincial Council (dated August 10, 2020), the Provincial Council decided that the Directors’ Meeting would be moved to a virtual format from 1:00–4:00 pm (CST) on Friday, October 2, 2020. Please note that this is Central Time.
From Fr. Tim Kenney
Fr. Tim New
Dear Brothers,

Welcome to new Pre-Aspirant, Chicago Schuller

Chicago Schuller has been a Marianist Contact for several years, working with Bro. Mark Motz. Chicago recently graduated from St. Mary’s University with a Bachelor of Business Administration and a minor in Political Science. Chicago has been asked to move to one of our formation communities in Dayton, Stonemill-Kiefaber, where he will continue his discernment journey. Welcome Chicago!

Let us continue to pray for our Brothers who are on retreat these days at Siena Woods Community and Governor’s Island. Let’s also remember Bro. Justin Quiroz as he renews his temporary vows on August 15 at Governor's Island. 

Ordination Weekend

Let us continue to pray for Bro. Brandon Paluch and Bro. Michael Chiuri as they continue to prepare for their upcoming ordination.

  • Priests who will be attending and concelebrating are asked to bring your own alb and stole.
  • Brothers in attendance are asked to wear a suit and their Marianist Cross.
  • Everyone in attendance are asked to wear face masks and observe St. Louis guidelines.
  • Please join us for Mass on August 22 which will be livestreamed at 11:00 a.m. (CST) Link will not be active until the Mass begins.
  • Many thanks to Deacon Pat Wheadon and Fr. Tom French for their kind assistance with some of these preparations.

Upcoming Calendar

  • August 13-15: Governor’s Island Retreat, Huntsville, Ohio
  • August 17: Provincial Council Meeting, conference call
  • August 19-20: Seminarian Practicum
  • August 21-22: Ordination weekend
  • August 29-30: Missionary Preaching, Philadelphia
From Bro. Jesse O'Neill
Bro. Jesse New
Dear Brothers,

25th Anniversary Edition of
Characteristics of Marianist Education

In 1996, the Society of Mary adopted the Characteristics of Marianist Education (CME) to articulate the common elements of the Marianist educational tradition. For nearly 25 years, these Characteristics have stimulated thought and action to embody and express the Marianist Charism in educational settings.

In recognition of the 25th anniversary of the CMEs, we have published an updated pamphlet on the CMEs whose narrative reflects the mission of Marianist education in our world today. Your director should have received copies for each member of the community this week. I encourage each community to spend some time in the months ahead discussing the CME’s. I believe these updated pamphlets can serve as a reminder of the value of a Catholic, Marianist education and help us appreciate the important role they serve in educating and evangelizing youth.
Please pray for our Brothers who are celebrating their birthdays

August 16: Richard Thompson
August 17: Paul Fitzpatrick, Robert Hanss, Lawrence Schoettelkotte
August 19: David McGuigan
On the Calendar
August 13: Blessed Jakob Gapp, priest and martyr
August 15: The Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary
August 17: Provincial Council Conference Call
This publication is for members of the Society of Mary. Please do not forward it. Also, please provide a printed copy for brothers who do not use email.