August 19, 2021
From Fr. Oscar Vasquez
Fr. Oscar new
Dear Brothers,

Celebrating 100 Years of Life

On September 1, Bro. Francis Heyer will celebrate his 100th birthday. Bro. Francis is the Dean of our Province and the Dean of the entire Society of Mary. The Province joins with his community in celebrating this milestone birthday. I invite all members of the Province to send Bro. Francis birthday greetings. (Please send your cards/emails to Bro. Bob Resing.)

Celebrations, Solemnity of the Assumption

Thank you to the communities that sent in pictures of their community celebrations. Click here for pictures

Jubilee in Mexico

I had the blessing of presiding at the Jubilee Mass for Bro. Fermín García García on Sunday, August 15. It was a wonderful outdoor celebration at the Marianist Community in Querétaro. Click here for pictures.

This Coming Week

  • August 22-23: Various staff meetings
From Fr. Tim Kenney
Fr. Tim New
Dear Brothers,

Novitiate, August 2021

We welcome our newest novice, Juan de la Cruz, as he makes his promises as a novice. Below are two photos, including one with the three novices and novitiate team, Bro. Dennis Bautista and Fr. Tim Eden.
Bro. Dennis Bautista, Director of Novices, Novice Juan de la Cruz and Fr. Tim Eden, Assistant Director of Novices
Bro. Dennis Bautista. Novices Jesús Alvarez Peña, Stephano Kim (KO) and Juan de la Cruz and Fr. Tim Eden
Governor's Island Retreat

Last week, several Brothers made their retreat at Governor's Island. I was honored to be with them. Click here for some photos.


  • JP Alert from the CMSM newsletter. Please click here to read.

  • Pope Francis is encouraging each individual to make a small act of charity, like getting the COVID-19 vaccine, every gesture added together can transform the world. View Pope Francis' video here.

Upcoming Calendar

  • August 20: Participation in a webinar conference
  • August 21-22: Weekend Eucharists in St. Louis area
  • August 24: JPIC Committee Meeting, virtual
  • August 26-30: Provincial Chapter
From Bro. Jesse O'Neill
Dear Brothers,

Save the Date

A workshop is available to our Marianist sisters and brothers and selected members of the lay Marianist family in 2022. Our facilitator will be Rev. Bryan Massingale, professor of theology at Fordham University and the author of Racial Justice and the Catholic Church. The workshop will be the weekend of February 11-13, 2022 in San Antonio at the Oblate Renewal Center. Formal registration for the workshop will be sent out in October.

The province will cover the cost of the workshop at the Oblate Center and will contribute $300 toward your travel costs. Please mark your calendar if you are interested in attending.
Please pray for our Brothers who are celebrating their birthdays

August 19: David McGuigan
August 21: William Meyer
August 22: Paul Bredestege
August 23: Eugene Contadino
On the Calendar
August 26-30: Provincial Chapter
This publication is for members of the Society of Mary. Please do not forward it. Also, please provide a printed copy for brothers who do not use email.