August 27, 2020
From Fr. Oscar Vasquez
Fr. Oscar new
Dear Brothers,

Novitiate Personnel

As you may remember, Fr. Chris Wittmann will be completing his 10th year of service as the Director of Novices for our province. Over the years, Fr. Chris has been assisted by Bro. Charles Johnson and, most recently, by Bro. Dan Klco. The Provincial Council, in the name of the Province, is very thankful to these men for the gift of their lives to these positions of service to the Province and the Society of Mary. At the request of Fr. Chris, the Provincial Council began a search to name a new Director of Novices.

Following the approval of Fr. André Fétis, the Provincial Council is naming Bro. Dennis Bautista as the new Director of Novices. Because the Director of Novices is a Brother, the Assistant must be an ordained Marianist. Fr. Tim Eden will be the new Assistant Director of Novices. The term for both of our Brothers will begin in the summer of 2021. The the details for the transition are still being determined.

Please pray for all of our Brothers who have served as Director of Novices not only in our Province but in all of the former provinces. The novitiate team is only important if we have novices to form. Please pray that God will send us generous young men that want to serve as dedicated Brothers.
Bro. Dennis Bautista
Fr. Tim Eden
This Coming Week

  • August 27: Preparations/taping of video for the Province, to be released on the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary
From Fr. Tim Kenney
Fr. Tim New
Dear Brothers,

Congratulations to our newest Marianist Priests

As you know, this past weekend, we celebrated the Ordination of Fr. Michael Chiuri and Fr. Brandon Paluch at Our Lady of the Pillar Parish in St. Louis. Most Reverend Kevin W. Vann, bishop of the Diocese of Orange, California presided at the Mass and gave a very personal homily with references to several Marianists that he has known over the years.

Due to precautions, taken in light of the coronavirus pandemic, physical attendance at the celebration was limited to 75 family members, friends and members of the Marianist community donning masks and socially distanced. However, the Ordination was livestreamed so that more than a thousand Marianist family members and friends from throughout the world were able to virtually witness the celebration.

The Ordination was followed by a small reception at Chaminade College Preparatory, where Fr. Bob Jones served as the Emcee. Thanks to everyone who played a part in making this joyous event so special. Especially, to my assistant, Terry Eversole, who played a significant role in the coordination of all the details. Thanks to Bro. Mark Motz and Bro. Justin Quiroz for making it possible to livestream.

Fr. Michael and Fr. Brandon celebrated their first Masses at Our Lady of the Pillar on Sunday, August 23. You can still view the Ordination and their Masses here. To view photos, click here.

Congratulations Fr. Michael and Fr. Brandon!
From Bro. Jesse O'Neill
Bro. Jesse New
Dear Brothers,

Online Marianist History Course

NACMS is offering an Online Marianist History Course, an introduction to the history of the Marianist Family spanning pre-Revolutionary France through the death of Father Chaminade. This course is adapted from the Marianist History Course that is offered to novices in formation with the Marianist Brothers and Sisters. For more information, including schedule, cost, and registration, click here. Registration closes September 10, 2020.
Please pray for our Brothers who are celebrating their birthdays

August 27: Lawrence Scrivani
August 29: Robert Dzubinski, John Schlund
August 30: Michael Galvin
August 31: John Manahan

September 1: Roger Bau, Francis Heyer
September 2: A. Paul Jablinski, James Leahy
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