September 3, 2020
From Fr. Oscar Vasquez
Fr. Oscar new
Dear Brothers,

The 20th Anniversary

Please remember that 20 years ago today, our Founder, William Joseph Chaminade was beatified. Were you there for the beatification? Don’t forget to tell a story or two to your community about this special day. Please check the NACMS website for helpful reminders about this anniversary.

Novitiate Announcement

Thank you to the members of the Province who have written to affirm the current novitiate staff and the incoming staff. They have also assured both groups of their prayers.

Personnel Assignment(s)

Assignment(s) are effective with the beginning of the new personnel year.

  • Bro. Esteban Reyes Durán has been assigned to the Querétaro Marianist community with ministry in support of the Querétaro community. The assignment is to assist Bro. Esteban in meeting the deadlines for the next step of the U.S. Immigration VISA process.  

This Coming Week

  • September 5: Preside at Brungard Nuptial Mass, St. Louis
  • September 10-11: St. Mary’s University Board Meetings, virtual 
From Fr. Tim Kenney
Fr. Tim New
Dear Brothers,

Ordination Booklets and Prayer Cards

We have plenty of extra copies. We will be sending one to each community. If you would like more, please let me know.

Upcoming Marianist Feast Days

Let’s keep these great September feasts in mind!

  • September 5: The Blessed Virgin Mary, Queen of Apostles
  • September 8: Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary
  • September 12: Most Holy Name of Mary
  • September 14: Death of Marie Thérèse de Lamourous, 1836
  • September 15: Our Lady of Sorrows
  • September 18: Blessed Carlos Eraña, Blessed Fidel Fuidio and Blessed Jesús Hita

Holy Name of Mary Prayer Services

We continue to be very grateful to Bro. Gary Marcinowski for the very fine work and service that he has done in creating morning and evening prayer services around special days in the liturgical year. Click here for a sample of a service for the Holy Name of Mary: Evening Prayer I, Morning Prayer and Evening Prayer II.
Happy Birthday and Renewal of Vows
Bro. Francis Heyer renewing his vows and celebrating his 99th birthday.
Also pictured, Bro. Joe Markel and Bro. Bernie Ploeger.
Upcoming Calendar

  • September 10: MSJC Meeting
  • September 12-13: Missionary Preaching, Philadelphia
  • September 14: Meetings at the Marianist Center, Philadelphia
From Bro. Jesse O'Neill
Bro. Jesse New
Dear Brothers,

Summer Stories of God in our Midst

This week’s reflection is submitted by Macy Genenbacher, assistant director of Campus Ministry at Chaminade College Preparatory in West Hills, California. Macy responded to the question, “How have you seen God in your midst as you have worked with your students during this pandemic?”

The past two and a half months have required us to truly practice adaptation and change. The feelings of fear and the uncertainty of what school and life would look like in the days, weeks and months to come was constantly looming in the back of our minds. Despite all of the change and uncertainty, one thing remained consistent – hope. Our students, faculty, staff and administration all clung, and continue to cling, to hope.

Specifically, I would like to draw on the beautiful example of our students. Each Monday, I have the privilege of meeting with students virtually through what we call “Ministry Monday.” In these meetings, we gather in community, pray and reflect together. Each week, we have various themes relating to our faith journey and especially what that looks like during this uncertain season. What has truly inspired me is that our students continue to show up week after week to share with their peers and continue to witness to the love and mission of Jesus Christ. I am so inspired by the hope our students bring each week and how this hope radiates into the community. Our students are committed to being there for each other at all times, and especially during this trying time. Their hope has inspired me to cling to the hope in God’s promises in this time. Their example of community and fellowship has set an example to me of what it means to be the Body of Christ. They teach me so much.
Please pray for our Brothers who are celebrating their birthdays

September 7: William Bolts
On the Calendar
September 5: The Blessed Virgin Mary, Queen of Apostles
September 7: Labor Day Holiday, Province Offices Closed
September 8: The Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary
This publication is for members of the Society of Mary. Please do not forward it. Also, please provide a printed copy for brothers who do not use email.