September 16, 2021
From Fr. Oscar Vasquez
Fr. Oscar new
Dear Brothers,

Prayer Cards, Important Reminder

A Back-to-School prayer, initially published in The Catholic Post, Diocese of Peoria and reprinted by NACMS, is a beautiful reminder to pray for all those beginning a new school year. Click here to read.

Surviving and Thriving in the COVID Era

Following is a helpful resource on surviving in this time of COVID.

  • Assertiveness Skills. Saint Luke Institute's Emily R. Cash, Psy.D. will be offering tools for increasing assertiveness and healthy self-expression. There is a $25 registration fee, but this allows you unlimited access to the on-demand recording and resources. The date of the presentation is Thursday, September 23, at 1:00 p.m.(ET) To register, click here.

This Coming Week

  • September 20: Meetings with the General Council (morning), virtual
  • September 20-21: Provincial Council Meetings
  • September 22: Several staff meetings
From Bro. Bernard Ploeger
Dear Brothers,


The meeting of the Provincial Council, directors and area coordinators on Friday, October 1, 12:30–4:45 p.m.(CT), will be held in a virtual format. Early next week, directors and area coordinators will receive the agenda and background materials as well as the Zoom link in a separate mailing. Remember, if any directors/area coordinators wish to hold the reservation for a room at Bergamo, please contact Donna Tucker. I look forward to “seeing” you.
From Bro. Jesse O'Neill
Dear Brothers,

The Spirituality of Justice: Racism and Climate Change/A Catholic's Response

For the past 25 years, the Mackey Lecture has been hosted on the Kalaipohaku campus, sponsored by Chaminade University, Saint Louis School and the Marianist Center of Hawaii. The lecture has been revised now to "The Marianist Lecture," and we will honor the presenter with the Mackey Award for Catholic Thought.

The Marianist Lecture this year is "The Spirituality of Justice: Racism and Climate Change/A Catholic's Response." The lecture will be live-streamed on Sunday, September 26 at 4:00 p.m.(HST) The presenter is Franciscan Fr. Dan Horan, Director of the Center for Spirituality and Professor of Theology at St. Mary's College in Notre Dame, IN. He is an up-and-coming young writer and theologian. Fr. Dan is a specialist in the thought and writing of Trappist Fr. Thomas Merton.

To register for the lecture, click here.

This is What We Live For

Please click on this link below to view the September edition of The Fulcrum, a newsletter designed primarily for the LIFE Community. It is a reflection of the vibrant life of our young communities of faith formed in the Marianist tradition.

Upcoming Calendar

  • September 20: Meetings with the General Council (morning), virtual
  • September 20-21: Provincial Council Meetings
  • September 23-26: Racial Justice Workshop, Bergamo Center for Lifelong Learning, Dayton, Ohio. (This workshop is designed for our high school and retreat center collaborators.)
Office of Vocation Ministry - Bro. Mark Motz
Dear Brothers,

Vocation Refresher

Thanks to Bro. Robert Flaherty, Fr. Kip Stander, Fr. George Cerniglia, Bro. Thomas Spring, Bro. Dennis Schmitz, Fr. Martin Solma, Bro. Giancarlo Bonutti, Bro. Stephen Glodek, Bro. Timothy Pieprzyca and Bro. Daniel Klco, who participated in last week's Vocation Refresher. Thank you to the Woodlawn and Hale Malia Communities for the most participation; they will be receiving a prize soon!

Here is this week's Vocation Refresher.
Please pray for our Brothers who are celebrating their birthdays

September 17: James Eppy, Joseph Kozar, James Russell
September 18: Thomas Thompson, Alex Tuss
September 19: Donald Wallace
September 22: George Cerniglia
On the Calendar
September 18: Blesseds Carlos Eraña, Fidel Fuidio and Jesús Hita
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