September 17, 2020
From Fr. Oscar Vasquez
Fr. Oscar new
Dear Brothers,

Election Season

The election season is just around the corner. Please be informed and gather information on the candidates and issues. 

Many times politicians or other people try to draw us to take sides in the election process. Please remember to familiarize yourself with the USCCB information on faithful citizenship. The USCCB has released an updated version of Forming Consciences for Faithful Citizenship: A Call to Political Responsibility.

Remember that any endorsement or condemnation of a political party or candidate is in violation of the IRS ban on political campaign activity for 501(c)(3) exempt churches and charities.

Province Personnel Book

The Province Personnel Books were sent out to all communities in early September. The publication date was August 15. A "special thank you" to Mrs. Ann Mueller for making this a reality. Please remember to keep these handy. As always, the most up-to-date information can be found on the Province portal. If your community did not receive the books, please contact Ann.

Marianist Community in Puebla

The community in Puebla, Mexico, is up and running. They just completed their planning meeting. On Monday, September 7, members of the community met with the secretary for Archbishop Victor Sánchez in Puebla. The Archbishop accepted the documents that were sent in early July and has given faculties to Fr. Raymundo Dominguez and is happy to welcome back the Marianists to the Archdiocese.
Fr. Raymundo Dominguez, secretary for Archbishop Victor Sánchez, Bro. Juan Manuel Azamar and Bro. Juan Pablo Espinoza Chávez 
Pre-Novitiate Program Begins in Mexico

On September 12, José Manuel Gutiérrez Manzo was officially welcomed in to the Querétaro community. The pre-novitiate program in Mexico is a year-long program that focuses on learning English, the Marianist Charism and Marianist religious life. Please click here for pictures.

This Coming Week

  • September 18: St. Mary's University Board Meetings, virtual
  • September 19: Preside at Marriage, Our Lady of the Pillar, St. Louis
  • September 21-22: Provincial Council Meetings, St. Louis
  • September 23: University of Dayton Board Meeting, virtual
From Bro. Jesse O'Neill
Bro. Jesse New
Dear Brothers,

Summer Stories of God in Our Midst

This week’s reflection is submitted by Michele Sweetmon, Campus Minister at Daniel J. Gross Catholic High School in Omaha, Nebraska. Michelle responded to the question, “When have you seen God in your midst with your students during this time of pandemic?”

This time apart has been difficult for everyone. As social creatures, we have an intellectual and emotional need for the stimulation and community that others provide.

Mother Teresa instructed us that “If you want to change the world, go home and love your family.” Students at Gross Catholic are finding that one rainbow in the storm of COVID-19 is time with family. High school students are often so busy or distracted that family-time is pushed to the side. One student said, “The best part of my quarantine was getting to spend some more time with my youngest brother. I am always going so I don’t get to spend much time with him. It doesn’t matter what we are doing. It is great just to be able to spend time with him.”

Other students have noted that simplicity has been the gift of this time apart.

  • “My moment of joy during quarantine is taking walks and really breathing in the fresh air.”
  • “I have never really taken the time to notice the colors of spring. I am grateful that I have taken the time to slow down to pay attention.”

It is impossible to journey through life by ourselves. We rely on others for strength and support. We share our hopes and fears. We work together to accomplish our goals, we affirm the diverse gifts we see in others, and we help others in need.

Through adaptation and change, we are learning how to live and love apart, but always together. As we remind Gross Catholic students each year at our House Sorting Ceremony: The way is long; let us go there together. The way is difficult; let us help one another. The way is Christ; Christ is THE WAY.

Check this Out

Check out this educational safety video created for the students who will return to campus at Saint Louis School once the current lock-down is over in a couple of weeks. The video is a parody of a song recorded by school president, Glenn Medeiros, in 1990 on MCA Records. Many of the faculty, staff and administration took part in the video in an effort to make the students excited about coming back to school. The title of this version of the video is “The Risk Ain’t Worth It”. What a beautiful way to convey an important message in a fun and joyful video.
Click this link to view the video.
Please pray for our Brothers who are celebrating their birthdays

September 17: James Eppy, Joseph Kozar, James Russell
September 18: Thomas Thompson, Alex Tuss
September 19: Donald Wallace
September 22: George Cerniglia
On the Calendar
September 18: Blesseds Carlos Eraña, Fidel Fuidio, Jesús Hita, Martyrs
September 21-22: Provincial Council Meetings, St. Louis
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