September 24, 2020
From Fr. Oscar Vasquez
Fr. Oscar new
Dear Brothers,

Surviving in the COVID-19 Era

Following are helpful resources on surviving in this time of COVID.

  • Saint Luke’s Institute is sponsoring a webinar “Elderhood: Confronting the Aging Myth.” The webinar is scheduled for October 15 at 1:00 p.m. (EST). Rev. Hugh Lagan, SMA, Psy.D., explores the secrets of healthy aging for clergy and religious men and women. There is a cost of $25 that allows access to a recording of the webinar and handouts. Click here for details and registration. 

  • "6 Ways to Embrace Your Sense of Humor for a More Fulfilling Life" is an interesting article from Saint Luke’s Institute. You've heard the saying 'laughter is the best medicine'. Yet, with the pandemic still lingering and the newsfeed filled with negativity, we may feel like we can't be happy or allow ourselves to laugh. Keeping a sense of humor and allowing ourselves to laugh and have moments of happiness is actually healthy, even in times like these. Read the article.  

  • A Prayer for Hope by Saint Luke’s Institute. We all know that this time of COVID is very difficult. It is hard to continue to be a people of hope and joy. Saint Luke’s Institute presents this prayer on hope. Read here.

This Coming Week

  • September 24-25: St. Mary’s University Committee Meeting, virtual
  • September 25: Driving to San Antonio to preside at Perpetual Vows Mass
  • September 28: Various meetings, San Antonio
From Fr. Tim Kenney
Fr. Tim New
Dear Brothers,

A Beautiful Wooden Cremation Urn

Bro. Gary Marcinowski has created a beautiful cremation urn. We now have a couple here in Saint Louis. Thank you, Bro. Gary!
CMSM Justice Homily Resource

Click here for a reflection for this Sunday, September 27.

September 27: Remembering St. Vincent de Paul

We remember this man who did such wonderful ministry with the poor.
Upcoming Calendar

  • September 25: Formation Committee Meeting
  • October 1-4: Directors Meeting (virtual) and Perpetual Vow Profession, San Antonio
From Bro. Jesse O'Neill
Bro. Jesse New
Dear Brothers,

An Impact on Lives

Bro. Kevin Whelan (Marianist Community, Hollywood, Florida) received a letter from a student he taught many decades ago. It is a reminder that our Province is filled with brilliant Marianist educators who have touched the lives of many over the years. Our thanks to each of you for making a significant difference in the lives of so many. Click here to read the letter.
Please pray for our Brothers who are celebrating their birthdays

September 24: Timothy Eden
September 26: Raymond Malley
September 27: Edward Longbottom
September 29: Régulo Hernández García
September 30: James Burkholder, Fred Stovall
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