September 30, 2021
From Fr. Oscar Vasquez
Fr. Oscar new
Dear Brothers,

United in Prayer

I call on communities in the province to remember in prayer the District of India Chapter that begins tomorrow, October 1. We unite with our brothers across the miles as they gather in Chapter.

Brothers on Mission

In May 2021, Fr. Varghese Manooparampil, District of India, completed a Master's at the University of Dayton. Because of the Covid situation, Fr. Varghese was not able to return to India, so he asked if we had a particular need. I asked him to assist pastorally at the Marianist Residence. Thank you to Fr. Varghese and the District Council in India for allowing for this excellent service. We are also thankful to Bro. Tom Giardino, and the U.D. International student program for working to obtain the necessary VISA. Fr. Varghese will return to India on September 29. Bro. Giancarlo Bonutti, director at the Marianist Residence, arranged for a blessing for Fr. Varghese as he returns home. Click here for the blessing. Click here for pictures.

This Coming Week

  • September 30: UD Board Committee, virtual
  • October 1: Staff meetings, virtual; Directors Meeting, virtual
  • October 2: Preside, Perpetual Vows Mass, Dayton, Ohio
  • October 4-5: Provincial Council Meetings, Dayton, Ohio, virtual
From Fr. Tim Kenney
Fr. Tim New
Dear Brothers,

Congratulations to Bro. Justin Quiroz

This Saturday, October 2, Bro. Justin will profess his perpetual vows in the Society of Mary. We invite Province members who are not able to attend to watch the livestream. The Mass begins at 4:00 pm (ET).

Marianist World Day of Prayer

This year our World Day of Prayer will take place on Sunday, October 10. I encourage you to acknowledge this day as we are in solidarity with the whole Marianist Family worldwide. As you know the General Administration Office of Religious Life acknowledges a special Marian shrine to ask Our Lady to intercede for us. This year we remember Our Lady of Subukia in Kenya (Eastern Africa). For more info, click here for English and here for Spanish.

St. Louis Jubilee

We had a great jubilee celebration in St. Louis on September 25.
Congratulations to Fr. Tim Kenney (50 years profession), Bro. Ken Straubinger (60 years of profession) and Bro. Louis Fournier (50 years of profession).

From time to time, I share these excellent newsletters/resources from CMSM and from JPIC Roma.

Upcoming Calendar

  • September 29-30: Chaminade College Prep Board, West Hills, California
  • October 1-6: Directors Meeting, Perpetual Vows, Council Meetings, Dayton, Ohio
  • October 8: Formation Weekend Committee
  • October 9-10: Various Masses, St. Louis
  • October 11: Our Lady of the Pillar Parish, St. Louis
From Bro. Jesse O'Neill
Dear Brothers,

Racial Justice Workshop

The Offices of Education for the Marianist Sisters and Brothers hosted a workshop entitled “The Balm in Gilead” at our Bergamo Center for Lifelong Learning, in Dayton, for our high school and retreat center educators. The weekend was facilitated by Danielle Harrison, co-Director of the Slavery, History, Memory and Reconciliation Project for the Jesuits. Our liturgist was David Brinker, assistant director of the Museum of Contemporary Religious Art at Saint Louis University. Our chaplain was Fr. Bob Jones.

The workshop challenged participants to move from being an ally in the cause for racial equality to becoming an accomplice; namely to interrupt the acts of racial injustice when we see it. Participants included representatives from Moeller, Central Catholic, Purcell Marian, Chaminade Julienne, Saint Louis School, Villa Angela-Saint Joseph, Chaminade West Hills, Mother Seton Academy, Chaminade St. Louis, St. John Vianney, Gross Catholic, St. Mary’s, Bergamo Center for Lifelong Learning, MR&CC, Tecaboca, Governor’s Island and PULSE.
Participants at The Balm in Gilead Workshop
September 23-26, 2021
Autumn Formation

This fall, the Office of Sponsorship is offering a number of formation programs, the first beginning next week. Please keep this gathering of Marianist educators in your prayers.

Teaching as Ministry Workshop (TAM)
October 5 – 7, 2021, Marianist Retreat & Conference Center – Eureka, MO

TAM provides an understanding of Marianist education as a ministry. It is for participants who want to strengthen the Marianist character of their school. This program is designed for teams of two or three teachers, administrators or staff members who have not previously participated in the TAM experience and have at least one year’s experience in Marianist education.
Office of Vocation Ministry - Bro. Mark Motz
Dear Brothers,

Vocation Refresher

“If you have sometimes entered into the heart of our tender Mother, you have found there no other interests than those of the Sacred Heart of Jesus Christ, her adorable Son, her firstborn, our elder Brother. The fact is, that the ardent love which Mary has for us is all relative to our conformity with this her firstborn.” Fostering New Vocations, page 55.

A question for reflection

  • Conformity to Christ is essential to our lives as Marianists. How can we invite others to join a Society dedicated to the tender heart of Mary?
Please pray for our Brothers who are celebrating their birthdays

September 30: James Burkholder, Fred Stovall
October 1: Allen Pacquing
October 2: M. Gary Marcinowski
October 3: John Lemker, Gerard Sullivan
October 6: Delmar Jorn, Gary Morris
On the Calendar
October 1: Directors and Area Coordinators Meeting (virtual)
October 2: Feast of the Holy Guardian Angels
October 2: Perpetual Profession of Bro. Justin Quiroz
October 5-6: Provincial Council Meetings, Dayton
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