October 8, 2020
From Fr. Oscar Vasquez
Fr. Oscar new
Dear Brothers,

Marianist Family Encounter

One of the events that was scheduled to occur during the General Administration visit was the Marianist Family Encounter, which would allow the General Councils of the Daughters of Mary, the Lay Family and the Society of Mary to engage on the issue of social justice.

The Dayton Family Council (in collaboration with the Marianist Family Council—North America) has organized a virtual presentation, “Doing Justice Here and Now,” on October 10, 2:00–3:30 p.m. via Zoom. Rev. Pablo Rambaud, Marianist General Assistant, Religious Life will be the Society of Mary representative.  

Utilize the following links for additional information:

General Administration Visit to the Marianist Province

After reviewing the current U.S. & world health situation, and in discussion with the General Council, the visit scheduled for this year has been postponed until the Fall of 2021. We will be working with the General Council to find the appropriate dates in the near future. 

Fr. Rudy Vela

The local San Antonio news group did a human-interest story on Fr. Rudy. Read the story.

Gentle Reminders

Thank you to our very own Bro. Dr. Bob Donovan for his timely reminders. Please remember to get a flu shot. Consult your medical doctor as to when is the appropriate time for the flu shot. Bro. Bob also reminds us all that even though this time of COVID is extending much longer than we’d like, that we still must be vigilant about our behaviors.

  • Follow social distancing practices
  • Wear a mask when in public
  • Avoid confined spaces (like crowded restaurants & bars.)
  • Avoid unnecessary trips
Brothers in Eastern Africa Celebrate Jubilees

Two of our American brothers serving in Eastern Africa celebrated jubilees this year. Bro Tim Phillips – 50 years and Bro. Carmine Annunnziata – 70 years. Bro. Carmine has spent over 50 years in Eastern Africa. This is Bro. Tim’s second tour in Eastern Africa for a total of 23 years. We join with the brothers in Eastern Africa in celebrating the jubilees of our two brothers.
Bro. Carmine Annunziata
Bro. Carmine and Bro. Tim
Bro. Tim Phillips
Fr. Gabriel Kirangah was the third jubilarian in the Region of Eastern Africa. He celebrated 25 years of religious profession and 15 years of priestly ordination.
Papel Document: Fratelli Tutti

Earlier this week, the General Council sent out the Papal document, Fratelli Tutti, which Bro. Michael McAward prepared for IPad and Kindle format. (Thank you, Bro. Mike!) This makes it easier for those who are like to read documents/books in an eReader format. Reminder: The ePUB version is for iPad and iPhone, while the MOBI version is for Kindle.

Bro. Michael also reminds us that the Holy See sent additional resources for understanding the document and for using it pastorally. Included is a short 5-minute movie about the encyclical and its themes. Click here to read Fratelli Tutti.

Surviving in the COVID-19 Era

Following is a helpful resource on surviving in this time of COVID.

  • Gratitude in our World. One of the issues during this time of COVID is that we can easily fall into the trap of only worrying about ourselves. As men of faith, we must keep grounded. Saint Luke's Institute published an article on gratitude in 2018. The article, "Gratitude as a Daily Practice," states that practicing gratitude is strongly correlated with an increased sense of personal happiness, decreased anxiety and depression, and beneficial changes in brain chemistry. Enjoy!   

This Coming Week

  • October 14-15: UD Board meetings, virtual
From Bro. Bernard Ploeger
Dear Brothers,

Area Coordinator

I am pleased to announce that Bro. Brandon Alana-Maugaotega has accepted appointment as the area coordinator for Hawaii. His term is for three years. The consultation reflected the support of the brothers of the area and their confidence in Bro. Brandon’s leadership.

Directors Meeting Resources
The Resources shared at the Directors meeting last week are now available on the portal. If you need assistance logging into the portal, please e-mail Sandy.
From Fr. Tim Kenney
Fr. Tim New
Dear Brothers,

Summer Retreats

During the summer of 2020, the Province sponsored six retreats with 110 individuals in attendance. Many thanks to everyone who completed an evaluation. I also want to thank the other 53 Province members who shared information with me on their private retreats.

For dates on the retreats that the Province will sponsor next summer, 2021 please click here. More information will come later in the community year. Registration will begin towards the end of January, 2021.

Reception Honoring Bro. Allen Pacquing

I thought you might enjoy watching the beautiful and entertaining reception that we had for Bro. Allen Pacquing for his perpetual vows last weekend. View here.
JPIC Resources

  • Justice Jottings: Lots of information is published in this newsletter created by MSJC. We want to work together and not duplicate our efforts. I will be signing you up for Justice Jottings by email. If you do not wish to receive this newsletter, please email Terry Eversole, my assistant.

  • Marianist Magnificat:  Some wonderful justice stories are shared in this newsletter produced by the World Council of the Marianist Family. Many of you are most likely signed up for this newsletter.

  • CMSM JPIC Promoters Gathering on Wednesday, October 21, 4:00 p.m. (ET). Join JPIC promoters from across male religious institutes, monastic communities and societies of apostolic life for a monthly gathering to pray, share effective practices, network and encourage justice and peace efforts. Plan on one hour together over Zoom. Please register by October 19. For CMSM JPIC promoters: Email Bethany Welch to register.

  • Book Discussion: Racial Justice and the Catholic Church on Thursday, Oct. 22, 2:00 p.m. (ET). Read (or revisit) this formative work by Fr. Bryan Massingale and then join a discussion session with CMSM members and JPIC promoters. The book is available from Orbis Publishing. Register by Oct. 20 to receive a set of guiding reflection questions prior to our session. For CMSM members and JPIC promoters: Email Bethany Welch to register.
Reflection/Quote in Remembrance of St. John XXIII

  • October 11: “Consult not your fears but your hopes and your dreams. Think not about your frustrations, but about your unfulfilled potential. Concern yourself not with what you tried and failed in, but with what it is still possible for you to do."
Upcoming Calendar
October 11
Marianist World Day of Prayer
Shrine Our Lady of El Salto
Latacunga, Ecuador
October 12
Our Lady of the Pillar
From Bro. Jesse O'Neill
Bro. Jesse New
Dear Brothers,

Updates from the Marianist LIFE Office
Erica Duarte, Marianist LIFE Coordinator

The new LIFE Office is up and running at Central Catholic High School in San Antonio in what was formerly Fr. Don Cowie’s room. What a blessing to work in a space where his presence surely remains! We’ve hung a picture of Fr. Cowie just outside the office door. The picture shows him celebrating Mass at the water chapel at Tecaboca and serves as a beautiful reminder of those who laid such a firm foundation for Marianist LIFE.

The summer LIFE program carried on this year, despite the challenges of the pandemic. LIFE Moderators utilized a virtual program in the format that was the safest and most effective for their school. Some schools implemented the program in person, some paired up at retreat centers and some implemented an entirely virtual program. Chaminade College Preparatory School in St. Louis conducted a four-day overnight retreat which included their returning LIFErs helping with opening activities and final commissioning. Fr. Oscar Vasquez presided at Mass. As you can see, our students continued to receive meaningful leadership skills and formation that make LIFE such a transformational experience. The 50th year of LIFE was truly historic, indeed!

Additionally, I’m using the “new normal” of Zoom to connect with each of our LIFE moderators,. To date, I’ve met with almost all of them to conduct introductions, assess the summer program and learn of their strengths, challenges and goals. These calls provided wonderful insight into the structures, blessings and challenges each team experiences. They have helped me establish relationships with the people who help our LIFErs carry out our mission during the school year – to build a Christian community rooted in our Marianist charism.

Finally, it has been a true gift to participate in a meaningful formation program as part of my orientation. Working with George Lisjak and Patti Gehred from NACMS, Fr. Bill Meyer, and Pat Wheadon has deepened my own faith and affirmed what a joy and privilege it is for me to serve the Marianists.

Global Compact on Education

Attached is a letter from Bro. Max Magnan, Assistant General for Education, providing information inviting all brothers to participate in a virtual meeting sponsored by the Congregation for Catholic Education. Please click here to read the letter.
Please pray for our Brothers who are celebrating their birthdays

October 9: Gerald Chinchar, Edwin Shiras
October 12: Raymundo Domínguez González
October 13: Edward Loch
October 14: Charles Gausling
On the Calendar
October 11: Marianist World Day of Prayer
October 12: Our Lady of the Pillar
To view past, reoccurring and future livestreamed events visit www.marianist.com/livestream.
This publication is for members of the Society of Mary. Please do not forward it. Also, please provide a printed copy for brothers who do not use email.